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Regional power confronts China over East Sea

I am against US involvement in SCS. The people of Asia need to work out their own problems. US had fought enough war and die enough for other people. Its time for Americans to build up the American economy instead fighting other people's war.

The US has never fought for others, it has caused many the wars to protect solely its interests.
It is present everywhere, not just in the SCS.
Remember that SCS is the route that $1.2 trillion of U.S goods through every year.
does China ever claim the she will block Malacca?which country can be this stupid to make such a claim?then that country must be so retarded.

i never said that China claimed.i just posted even smaller nations can block Malacca Strait in response of your post. :tup:
pakistan will always support china on every issue and no one can change that

Relax. No one is questioning your loyalty to your new paymaster.

Its ironic that there are some like you who ridicule the indian caste system and pity the lower castes (and by all means, the caste system is an evil institution and causes unjust disparities), but don't mind playing the DALIT for whoever pays you more.
pakistan will always support china on every issue and no one can change that

supporting China on every issue, really?
is Pakistan a slave of China?
Will it support China, in case China attacks Vietnam and Japan?
supporting China on every issue, really?
is Pakistan a slave of China?
Will it support China, in case China attacks Vietnam and Japan?
No, not every issue. No, not a slave. No, we will probably support them morally, nothing else
The US has never fought for others, it has caused many the wars to protect solely its interests.
It is present everywhere, not just in the SCS.
Remember that SCS is the route that $1.2 trillion of U.S goods through every year.
And none at all for South Korea, Japan and Singapore, major regional economic powers? None at all for Viet Nam?
I m not asking that,I dont think India can be that insane by threatening to block the Malacca strait.

India won't threaten to block the Malacca strait

Simply to put it this way.

There is great possibility of naval conflict/battle happening Malacca strait.

Indian navy will only attack after PLAN throws the first hit.

And if PLAN and IN get in conflict at Malacca strait , it automatically stops trade/merchant ship from risking to use the strait.
I'm done with the neocons talking about all these perceived threats all over the world. America need to take care itself first before worry about others. If other countries have territorial dispute, let them work it out. If China block sea lanes, than we will deal with it. But lets not make up all these imaginary offenses from other and shape our policies base on these imaginations. The first thing we need to do is to cut spending. We cannot cut spending if we are constantly fighting other people's wars and neglect our own fiscal responsibility. America desperately need someone like Dr Ron Paul.
This is where you and Paul are wrong and shortsighted. The world is no longer flat where every country can discover new territories to claim, conquer and exploit for self. In an increasingly interdependent world, especially on the economic front, mutual interests have crossed the %50 threshold to become self interests whenever those mutual interests occurred. More so when they are fully exploited for everyone's prosperity inside their borders.
India won't threaten to block the Malacca strait

Simply to put it this way.

There is great possibility of naval conflict/battle happening Malacca strait.

Indian navy will only attack after PLAN throws the first hit.

And if PLAN and IN get in conflict at Malacca strait , it automatically stops trade/merchant ship from risking to use the strait.

PLAN of course will never do that,only Vietnamese claim that they can and will block Malacca strait,doesnt it sound insane to you?if they really do,which I don't think they have the ability,other countries will surely intervene,we just need to sit and watch.
switching focus in the Pacific region doesnt mean having a war,and China solemnly guarranteed free navigation routes of SCS,that's China's core interest and US won't take risks of having a full scale war with China,not in the past,no at present,and very less likely in the future after China overtake US and becomes the top gun in the world.
Guarantees are worthless unless there is a force of enforcement and punishment in the event of violation of said guarantee. Unfortunately, God is not here to be that enforcer so the best guarantor of freedom of access is to deny China territorial claim upon the SCS. If the US will not risk a war with China, then neither will China risk the same with US.
PLAN of course will never do that,only Vietnamese claim that they can and will block Malacca strait,doesnt it sound insane to you?if they really do,which I don't think they have the ability,other countries will surely intervene,we just need to sit and watch.

No Govt even the USA, will dare to block Malacca strait in peace time
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