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Regional power confronts China over East Sea

stupid is what stupid does,lol..what happened in 1992? why 1992 was such a great year to you and you mentioned so many times??

I think 1992 is the year he was born. that is why its a memorable year. This guy has too much free times because of summer break.

This is where you and Paul are wrong and shortsighted. The world is no longer flat where every country can discover new territories to claim, conquer and exploit for self. In an increasingly interdependent world, especially on the economic front, mutual interests have crossed the %50 threshold to become self interests whenever those mutual interests occurred. More so when they are fully exploited for everyone's prosperity inside their borders.

Mutual interest can be in different forms. US has no need to fighting other people's war. Would others contribute to reduce the budget deficit? The US has fought too many wars for others out while benefited the military industrial complex. Its time for Americans to take care of America. Other countries should handle their own issues. America is fighting a new war practically every 18 months and Obama Hussein just plunging us into another war in Africa last year. We need someone like Ron Paul who would respect the territory of other nations and seek to trade with others instead of waging war.
He he Typing mistake bro.
On 1 July 1997 the transfer of sovereignty from United Kingdom to the PRC occurred, officially ending 156 years of British colonial rule. Hong Kong became China's first special administrative region, and Tung Chee Hwa took office as the first Chief Executive of Hong Kong.
Ya, mainland china is just full independence area from foreigners from 1997, more later than 1992, ha ha.
He he Typing mistake bro.
On 1 July 1997 the transfer of sovereignty from United Kingdom to the PRC occurred, officially ending 156 years of British colonial rule. Hong Kong became China's first special administrative region, and Tung Chee Hwa took office as the first Chief Executive of Hong Kong.
Ya, mainland china is just full independence area from foreigners from 1997, more later than 1992, ha ha.

Your last sentence was totally pathetic. By the same token, then because Taiwan, China and Philippine control territories claimed by Vietnam, so is Vietnam still under joint control by Taiwan, China and Philippine? Just like how Germany was divided between the allies? Grow up.
He he Typing mistake bro.
On 1 July 1997 the transfer of sovereignty from United Kingdom to the PRC occurred, officially ending 156 years of British colonial rule. Hong Kong became China's first special administrative region, and Tung Chee Hwa took office as the first Chief Executive of Hong Kong.
Ya, mainland china is just full independence area from foreigners from 1997, more later than 1992, ha ha.

that's so funny,Hongkong is just a city ,but Vietnamese think Hongkong is China.Hongkong ranks the first of global city rankings,China is Hongkong so China is the first in the world?Dengxiaoping was very smart,his strategy was not to kill the goose that lays golden eggs.
Mutual interest can be in different forms. US has no need to fighting other people's war. Would others contribute to reduce the budget deficit? The US has fought too many wars for others out while benefited the military industrial complex. Its time for Americans to take care of America. Other countries should handle their own issues. America is fighting a new war practically every 18 months and Obama Hussein just plunging us into another war in Africa last year. We need someone like Ron Paul who would respect the territory of other nations and seek to trade with others instead of waging war.
Spare me the stale 'military industrial complex' cop out. If you want to see a genuine example of MIC, then look at your China.

The reason why Paul is perpetually a (political) circus sideshow is precisely because of his ideas, which are long on ideologies but short on practicalities.

War? Look at why the other countries wages their own wars. You talk as if we go to wars for no reasons. You talk as if internal conflicts do not, never have and never will trespass borders.
Spare me the stale 'military industrial complex' cop out. If you want to see a genuine example of MIC, then look at your China.

The reason why Paul is perpetually a (political) circus sideshow is precisely because of his ideas, which are long on ideologies but short on practicalities.

War? Look at why the other countries wages their own wars. You talk as if we go to wars for no reasons. You talk as if internal conflicts do not, never have and never will trespass borders.

When did you become a wannabe neocon? US will need to keep on borrowing money to wage war. Borrowing money that our kids need to pay off. If we have a major budget surplus, then we can use the money to fight charity wars. But we have major budget deficits and the first thing we need to cut in fighting other people's wars.

Everyone agree that our economy is going down the drain. The two solutions out there are either double down (the Obama\liberal solution) or rearrange the deck chair (republican neocon solution as presented by Paul Ryan) Its time to drastically cut spending. Only Dr Ron Paul has the the integrity to stop the spending as how Ronald Reagan envisioned. All others are just empty talks.

I agree that for the detriment of America, Paul is relegated to a circus side show. That is because once people are addicted to entitlement, they have trouble giving up. And the entitlement are not just for the poor, but even more so for the corporations, especially the military industrial complex. China is what it is. But America under Bush\Obama is creating a statist America that is becoming no different from communist China.
Your last sentence was totally pathetic. By the same token, then because Taiwan, China and Philippine control territories claimed by Vietnam, so is Vietnam still under joint control by Taiwan, China and Philippine? Just like how Germany was divided between the allies? Grow up.

Hey, you idiot.
It's difference thing, Islands and sea are dispute area. Hongkong is part of China from old time, but controlled by foreigner until 1997. He he part of chinese was slaves of Britain until 1997.

that's so funny,Hongkong is just a city ,but Vietnamese think Hongkong is China.Hongkong ranks the first of global city rankings,China is Hongkong so China is the first in the world?Dengxiaoping was very smart,his strategy was not to kill the goose that lays golden eggs.

But Deng accepted Hongkong people suffered slaves life until 1997.:P
One more idiot idea. can Chinese be slaves if they think they are rich ? Slaves are slaves, no normal human bro. I womder about mentality of Chinese. :P

HongKong was leased to UK,but people there were not slaves.if they were slaves,I have to say most of you Vietnamese would rather to be a slave in Hongkong than being a citizen in Vietnam.

One more idiot idea. can Chinese be slaves if they think they are rich ? Slaves are slaves, no normal human bro. I womder about mentality of Chinese. :P

your so called "slave"city Hongkong,I would rather be a slave there than being a king in Vietnam.




HongKong was leased to UK,but people there were not slaves.if they were slaves,I have to say most of you Vietnamese would rather to be a slave in Hongkong than being a citizen in Vietnam.

your so called "slave"city Hongkong,I would rather be a slave there than being a king in Vietnam.

Your post is demonstrated correctly the truth, that mentality of chinese is mentality of slave. I can understand now that why Chinese was slave of Huno, Mongolia, Man, Japan and Britain so long time. :bunny:
Your post is demonstrated correctly the truth, that mentality of chinese is mentality of slave. I can understand now that why Chinese was slave of Huno, Mongolia, Man, Japan and Britain so long time. :bunny:

you can ask anyone about a choice bw living in Hongkong and living in Vietnam,and see what answer you can get.hah
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