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Regional countries should follow Turkey’s model towards Iran’s N-case

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you seem to like this picture very much. I suggest you use this instead. This was made up when he had told the press Iranian can't wear jeans and listen to POP music because of the government!

I shared it to show how ridiculous he is when it comes to Iran's nuclear program. Yet some of you guys think that Netanyahu is the only one who understand Iran's capabilities.
I shared it to show how ridiculous he is when it comes to Iran's nuclear program. Yet some of you guys think that Netanyahu is the only one who understand Iran's capabilities.
Thanks for sharing the same opinion about him as mine.

I meant the same. He doesn't even know how we dress, let alone our secret programs.

Anyway, nice pictures to laugh about. Have a good night.
I think it is the other way around. Iran was forced to negotiate many times with the West via the use of sanctions and assassinations. Because as i said, for peaceful purposes or not nuclear energy at the hands of fanatics such as your regime is a bad idea. The world must have taken it serious and it did. That doesn't mean Iran can compel anyone to its will by poking uranium with sticks.

When the US and Israel pumped fear about Iran's nuclear program in order to intensify sanctions you guys went crazy but apparently you also secretly wish that this was true:

Because when i say that they are exaggerating Iran's capabilities you took offence and act like as if Iran is sitting on a nuclear arsenal that could wipe out the world. Dude come on, let's be realistic. You are eating the fruits of the rise of ISIS. It is one of the main reasons why Iran and West got closer lately. That's all.

The sanctions as carrot-stick game are meant to bring Iran to the table, while Iran has never left it. I am not saying they're not effective or painful but have failed to stop Iran's progress in this field.

On fanatics thing, you are right, that's why we've called for "The Middle East nuclear weapon free zone" since 70s. the point is those whom try to prevent Iran from acquiring nuke are #1 fanatics in the world regarding nuclear issue please google these words: Hiroshima and Nagasaki, orange agent, depleted uranium ....

We are realistic, what about you? when you call Iran's NP as "playing with uranium in basements" it makes me feel that you know nothing about Iran NP, vividly Bibi wants to exaggerates Iran's nuclear program to intensify pressures on Iran they've been lying since 80s ...
The sanctions as carrot-stick game are meant to bring Iran to the table, while Iran has never left it. I am not saying they're not effective or painful but have failed to stop Iran's progress in this field.

On fanatics thing, you are right, that's why we've called for "The Middle East nuclear weapon free zone" since 70s. the point is those whom try to prevent Iran from acquiring nuke are #1 fanatics in the world regarding nuclear issue please google these words: Hiroshima and Nagasaki, orange agent, depleted uranium ....

Sanctions were there before Iran's nuclear program and in my opinion unless we see some significant changes and reforms, they will be there even after the problem is solved. Iran's nuclear ambitions brought nothing but misery to ordinary Iranians and it gave US and Israel the perfect excuse to increase the pressure with sanctions.

I looked the call for nuclear weapon free zone up and apparently it was made before the revolution so that's that.

We are realistic, what about you? when you call Iran's NP as "playing with uranium in basements" it makes me feel that you know nothing about Iran NP, vividly Bibi wants to exaggerates Iran's nuclear program to intensify pressures on Iran they've been lying since 80s ..

Well, if it wasn't the case we would see some actual progress by now.
Sanctions were there before Iran's nuclear program and in my opinion unless we see some significant changes and reforms, they will be there even after the problem is solved. Iran's nuclear ambitions brought nothing but misery to ordinary Iranians and it gave US and Israel the perfect excuse to increase the pressure with sanctions.

It is not an ambition. It was and is a necessity. We can't rely on our Petroleum and Gas reserves forever. They will finish one day and then, without nuclear technology, we need to beg western and eastern countries to either sell us energy or nuclear fuel to run our reactors. According to Iran's experience, none of the western or eastern countries have been reliable in the day of need. So it is only rational for Iran to have its own indigenous fuel chain.

Even now we are struggling with air pollution. Answer to this problem is use of electricity for heating the buildings and running the cars. Currently our main source of electricity is Gas powered plants, again another source of pollution. That's why in all of the researches performed by foreign or internal media, majority of Iranian are against giving up on nuclear fuel chain.

I don't know what Turkish government plan for addressing the energy issue is but sooner or later, you will follow the same path. You have plans for two nuclear plants to be built in Turkey for now. The next rational step and if Turkey has Uranium mine, is to set up the fuel chain as well. Which then, depending on the attitude of Turkish government towards Israel, you may end up in the same position that we are today.
What progress do you actually expect?

The question is, what do you expect from the program as an Iranian? Will it worth all the sanctions and misery?

It is not an ambition. It was and is a necessity. We can't rely on our Petroleum and Gas reserves forever. They will finish one day and then, without nuclear technology, we need to beg western and eastern countries to either sell us energy or nuclear fuel to run our reactors. According to Iran's experience, none of the western or eastern countries have been reliable in the day of need. So it is only rational for Iran to have its own indigenous fuel chain.

Even now we are struggling with air pollution. Answer to this problem is use of electricity for heating the buildings and running the cars. Currently our main source of electricity is Gas powered plants, again another source of pollution. That's why in all of the researches performed by foreign or internal media, majority of Iranian are against giving up on nuclear fuel chain.

I don't know what Turkish government plan for addressing the energy issue is but sooner or later, you will follow the same path. You have plans for two nuclear plants to be built in Turkey for now. The next rational step and if Turkey has Uranium mine, is to set up the fuel chain as well. Which then, depending on the attitude of Turkish government towards Israel, you may end up in the same position that we are today.

As an Iranian are you seriously telling how unfortunate you are in terms of energy to a guy from Turkey? Please... You have the fourth largest oil reserve and the world's largest natural gas reserve in the world so don't be ridiculous.
The question is, what do you expect from the program as an Iranian? Will it worth all the sanctions and misery?
What I expect? What every other nation in the world can have, a fully independent and indigenous nuclear program under NPT regulations without any handpicked hypocrisies and selective measures, that's what the warmongers and nutjobs in U.S and Israel have been opposing from day one.
As an Iranian are you seriously telling how unfortunate you are in terms of energy to a guy from Turkey? Please... You have the fourth largest oil reserve and the world's largest natural gas reserve in the world so don't be ridiculous.

Come on man! And are these reserves going to last forever? Or in your logic we should wait first for them to finish and then think of a solution? Nuclear know how and infrastructure is not something that you can master and build overnight. By the way, Russia, USA and Canada all three have comparable energy sources. Why do you think they have nuclear plants too? Don't tell me that they developed it because of their nuclear arsenal because Canada doesn't have one.
What I expect? What every other nation in the world can have, a fully independent and indigenous nuclear program under NPT regulations without any handpicked hypocrisies and selective measures, that's what the warmongers and nutjobs in U.S and Israel have been opposing from day one.

Mullahs don't seem to care about any regulations nor their obligations. Yeah, let's blame US and Israel and all but there are lots of unknowns about Iran's NP.
Mullahs don't seem to care about any regulations nor their obligations. Yeah, let's blame US and Israel and all but there are lots of unknowns about Iran's NP.
You contradict yourself!

You just said a few posts ago that we are "playing with Uranium in our basements". Now there are lots of unknowns? Come on! Make up your mind body!
Mullahs don't seem to care about any regulations nor their obligations. Yeah, let's blame US and Israel and all but there are lots of unknowns about Iran's NP.

You are so out of touch with reality my friend, I'm too exhausted to explain it all again.

Just the regular 'secret Iranian nuclear weapons, secret activities and blah blah' we hear in usual mainstream media. S

Since 90s, they say Iran will have a bomb in one year, 25 years passed and nothing happened. Iran nuclear program was a big hoax that fooled a lot of people around the world, for good.
Come on man! And are these reserves going to last forever? Or in your logic we should wait first for them to finish and then think of a solution? Nuclear know how and infrastructure is not something that you can master and build overnight. By the way, Russia, USA and Canada all three have comparable energy sources. Why do you think they have nuclear plants too? Don't tell me that they developed it because of their nuclear arsenal because Canada doesn't have one.

Many countries like Japan and Germany are replacing nuclear energy with renewable energies. It is absurd to say that with its nuclear program Iran is preparing for depletion which could take centuries. Mullahs don't strike me as visionaries as you might want to think. If they were, they'd go with renewable energies don't you think?

As for my country, you see, unlike Iran, we are in desperate need for nuclear energy, that is the reason why we are gonna build nuclear plants.

Since 90s, they say Iran will have a bomb in one year, 25 years passed and nothing happened. Iran nuclear program was a big hoax that fooled a lot of people around the world, for good.

Can't agree more, most importantly it fooled the Iranians themselves. I mean if they had come up with a nuclear bomb you guys could say its worth it but there is nothing yet. But that doesn't mean the world should let it go. Intentions matter, although Iran lack the capabilities to build a bomb, it seems to have some of the instruments.
Many countries like Japan and Germany are replacing nuclear energy with renewable energies. It is absurd to say that with its nuclear program Iran is preparing for depletion which could take centuries. Mullahs don't strike me as visionaries as you might want to think. If they were, they'd go with renewable energies don't you think?

As for my country, you see, unlike Iran, we are in desperate need for nuclear energy, that is the reason why we are gonna build nuclear plants.
The nuclear energy development has been part of Iran's strategic path for over the life of the revolution. It actually started before the revolution. The renewable energy is still nowhere close to being able to substitute fossil or nuclear energy.

And according to your logic, and if you really think that renewable energy is the answer, then Turkey also should give up on the nuclear plants and go after renewable ones as they are easier to acquire and operate.

The fact is neither Iran's nor Turkey's government agree with the point that you are trying to make here.
@Arminkh, is it true that some Iranian nuclear scientists were murdered by Mossad ?
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