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Regional countries should follow Turkey’s model towards Iran’s N-case

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I think Iran and Turkey are doomed to be rivals. If Turkey focuses on ties with the EU/west and maintaining Nato ties, Iran will be suspicious. If Turkey plays the ME (sunni Islam or 'Ottoman') card, Iran won't like it. If Turkey goes for more pro-Turkic policies, Iran again won't like it for obvious reasons. That's why I think it will be hard for our countries to build up a truly trustworthy relationship. if Iran and Turkey could come to terms and diplomatically divide influence instead of pursuing goals that might increase the chance of bigger conflicts, it would be better, but knowing each other's rivalry and mistrust, the former won't work out.

Same counts for Russia. this Iran-Russia-Turkey triangle will only work if Turkey's influence in the ME, Caucasus and CA is going to be respected and tolerated to a degree by Iran and Russia, otherwise i don't get why Turkey should appease these countries by standing by them when they are in a pinch without any serious return of favor
Russia has a say in central Asia and Caucasus. Iran doesn't have a say anywhere than Assadistan. I think if we have Russia on our side it is enough for our goals.
lol again with the race. Clearly someone does not understand the concept of a nation state.
Iran is more stable than Turkey (with its lovely PKK roaming about) even under sanctions.
Especially with Turkey's support of salafists in bordering Syria.

Anatolis think that they own whole of Asia exclude Iran and China. :rofl:

Maybe not just whole of Asia but South eastern of Europe too !

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I don't understand why my comments keep getting deleted?

Ghaddafi? Oh dear...
A leader of a country of what, 6-7 million people?
Iran is a country of 80 million people, with a well educated population.
Gaddafi had a artificial nuclear "kit", which was of no value.

We have an industrial infrastructure and a large scientific base. To compare that to Libya is a joke. We have strategic nuclear deterrence, Libya had nothing of the sort. Not even close to it.
You can not be serious. :lol:

Yea yea, Iran is great and all but since when playing with uranium in basements gives one a "strategic nuclear deterrence". Apparently you guys are into the exaggerations of US and Israel about Iran's nuclear program.
Russia has a say in central Asia and Caucasus. Iran doesn't have a say anywhere than Assadistan. I think if we have Russia on our side it is enough for our goals.
Agreed, but trusting Russia and vice versa will take a lot time. And in geopolitics you almost never concede influence when you are strong, so Russia should be weakened and/or Turkey and other Turkic countries should relatively get stronger in order to make compromises.

PS: can someone stop this @IRAN 1802 guy? he uses too much exclamation marks and also writes stupid one-liners and baseless accusations. Not forum material. Also, just found out there is @IRAN 1801 account too. Seems like the same person, same multiple account user.
Yea yea, Iran is great and all but since when playing with uranium in basements gives one a "strategic nuclear deterrence". Apparently you guys are into the exaggerations of US and Israel about Iran's nuclear program.
you see what did i say . you guy have zero knowledge of Iran nuclear program a big zero and you just want to come here and talk down on iran and talk nonsense . just that nothing more . I ask very simple question but you could even answer it .

just wait there's not much left only few months then we will settle this with you .

I am believer of Netandong . I believe what him because he got Mossad report to him and see there reports + He see satellite imagery of Iran every day + he got listen post and listen to every transmission in my country + ++++++

Hear it from him self
watch it from 2: 30

US accepts Shahab-3s in Iran’s missile arsenal, but not long-range ICBMs. Deep resentment in Jerusalem

DEBKAfile Special Report May 18, 2014, 9:16 AM (IDT)
Two high-ranking US visitors to Israel, National Security Adviser Susan Rice and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, publicly assured Israel this month that the Obama administration “would do what it must” to prevent Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon. Yet at the same time, the same administration informed Tehran that the demand to restrict Iran’s missile arsenal did not apply to the Shahab-3 ballistic missile, whose range of 2,100km covers any point in the Middle East, including Israel. This missile carries warheads weighing 760 kg, to 1.1 tons, which may also be nuclear.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon challenged both Rice and Hagel on this omission. It came to light from Washington’s demand, in its direct dialogue with Tehran outside the framework of the six-power talks in Vienna, to place restrictions on Iran’s arsenal of ICBMs whose 4,000 km range places Europe and the United States at risk.

The Obama administration said it was not demanding restrictions on the medium-range missiles capable “only” of striking Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf. But the comprehensive nuclear accord when it is finally negotiated must apply restrictions on the Sajjil1, Safir, Simorg (satellite launcher), Ashura1 and Ashura2 (other versions of the Sajjil class).
But this US “concession” did not placate Tehran. Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei burst out on May 11: “They expect us to limit our missile program while they constantly threaten Iran with military action. So this is a stupid idiotic expectation.” He thereupon ordered missile plants to shift to mass production.
Hagel was not just queried in Israel on this point, but also by Saudi Arabia and the Persian Persian Persian Persian Persian Persian Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (An incomplete reference was completed) when he attended their defense ministers’ meeting in Jeddah Wednesday, May 14. Saudi Crown Prince Salman was in the chair.

When Hagel assured those present that their countries had nothing to fear from the rapprochement between Washington and Tehran, he was asked to fully explain President Obama’s policy on Iran’s missile arsenal. He replied that the plan was to establish a common anti-missile defense network for the region.

In Jerusalem, the defense secretary assured Netanyahu and Ya’alon that the close US-Israeli collaboration in maintaining one of the most sophisticated anti-missile shields in the world was sufficient security against Iranian Shahab-3 ballistic missiles.

A joint US-Israeli exercise against missile attack, Cobra Juniper, which takes place every two years, began Sunday, May 18, with the participation of 1,000 US servicemen.
However, neither Jerusalem nor the Gulf leaders accepted Washington’s explanations. Their disquiet was further exacerbated by the failure of latest round of nuclear negotiations with the six powers, which took place in Vienna Thursday, May 15, to bridge gaps between the sides and so prevented a start on the drafting of a final accord.

These widening gaps reflect the growing controversy over nuclear diplomacy in Tehran.

Saturday night, May 17, President Hassan Rouhani speaking to associates at a private meeting voiced his frustration with Khamenei: “That person thinks he knows everything and lays down policy without considering all the facts,” he complained.

Rouhani understands that tactical compromises will not bring about substantial relief from economic sanctions that at preying on his country. He is urging substantial concessions of Iran’s nuclear aspirations, enough to convince the world that his country is not after a nuclear weapon.

Khamenei and the Revolutionary Guards have rejected this approach. They are not open to real concessions either on their nuclear program or missile arsenal. This intransigence shows no sign of softening under the Obama administration’s willingness for compromise at the expense of Iran’s potential targets

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Netandog is barking and he does not have any teeth and he know he can not do anything and his bluff does not scare anybody .
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Agreed. It all started more or less after the Syria issue. I think above comments from Mr. Zarif is showing that Iran is also changing its approach. By the way, this is Mr. Erdogan's 2nd visit to Tehran in a very short period showing two countries have decided to have closer ties.

True. Even allies spy on each other. USA and Europe is a good example.
Actually it is not only Turkey who has decided to have closer ties with Iran, every major European country has send trade delegations more than once in recent months. Turkey will try to get its Iranian market share too. Something must be cooking to see all the these European high ranking delegations visiting Iran so often.
If one follows Iranian news, he will find a visiting foreign delegation on a daily basis, they come from all over the world, indicating that Iran is a big and strategic player on the world stage.
Turkish people, can one of you explain to me what this article is saying? Is the author saying that people were interrogated and questioned "about hostility towards Iran"?

Who to blame for animosity against Iran: Gülenists or the government? - CONTRIBUTOR

A year ago, when Gulenists leaked tapes of the government... there were a series of videos about Iran too..

These videos suggested that Turkish foreign policy was shaped by Iran. And Turkey was acting in according to Iran's interests.

But when i watched videos and telephone calls, i acknowledged that truth was entirely different.

- In one of the videos from State's archives. Videos showed that Iranian agents were under surveillance. Turkish intelligence captured the Turkish guy who were cooperating with Iranians. Iranian agents disappeared.
- In an other video. Turkish intelligence were asking for a favor from their Iranian counterparts.
-And in an different video. Iranian agent was complaining to his Turkish counterpart that Turkey initiated peace process with PKK which would endanger other countries in the region.

I explained these issues in detail, some time ago in the Iranian Chill Thread.

Videos are still on the youtube: Acem Uşakları - YouTube
A year ago, when Gulenists leaked tapes of the government... there were a series of videos about Iran too..

These videos suggested that Turkish foreign policy was shaped by Iran. And Turkey was acting in according to Iran's interests.

But when i watched videos and telephone calls, i acknowledged that truth was entirely different.

- In one of the videos from State's archives. Videos showed that Iranian agents were under surveillance. Turkish intelligence captured the Turkish guy who were cooperating with Iranians. Iranian agents disappeared.
- In an other video. Turkish intelligence were asking for a favor from their Iranian counterparts.
-And in an different video. Iranian agent was complaining to his Turkish counterpart that Turkey initiated peace process with PKK which would endanger other countries in the region.

I explained these issues in detail, some time ago in the Iranian Chill Thread.

Videos are still on the youtube: Acem Uşakları - YouTube

That's an interesting development. Does that mean we are having intelligence cooperation besides spying on each other? :D
That's an interesting development. Does that mean we are having intelligence cooperation besides spying on each other? :D
Yeap. :)

When our Energy minister wanted to fly to Erbil in KRG. Maliki denied passage for the minister's plane. Our agents called their Iranian counter parts. And wanted them to convince Maliki. Also our guys assured both Iran and Iraq that there won't be an oil agreement with KRG without the consent of the central government.

Iran, convinced Maliki and our energy minister flew to Erbil... I think that Turkey and Iran are cooperating on regional issues under the table while Iranian and Turkish users bash each other in PDF. :lol:
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This is false because Iran determines most of turkish policy. Turky is trapped surrouned by all enemy states they can only do stuff if Iran allows it.

Weren't you guys saying the same stuff for US ??? :undecided: Now Iran happens to be determining our policies too ??? :woot:

Maybe you are also determining the US policies ??? o_O

Anyways: I have seen your other posts, seems like PDF just gained another lunatic. I will just ignore.
Yea yea, Iran is great and all but since when playing with uranium in basements gives one a "strategic nuclear deterrence". Apparently you guys are into the exaggerations of US and Israel about Iran's nuclear program.

Bingo!!! Yahtzee !!! I didn't know plying with uranium in basements could compel the world superpowers to come to the negotiation table,
Bingo!!! Yahtzee !!! I didn't know plying with uranium in basements could compel the world superpowers to come to the negotiation table,

I think it is the other way around. Iran was forced to negotiate many times with the West via the use of sanctions and assassinations. Because as i said, for peaceful purposes or not nuclear energy at the hands of fanatics such as your regime is a bad idea. The world must have taken it serious and it did. That doesn't mean Iran can compel anyone to its will by poking uranium with sticks.

When the US and Israel pumped fear about Iran's nuclear program in order to intensify sanctions you guys went crazy but apparently you also secretly wish that this was true:

Because when i say that they are exaggerating Iran's capabilities you took offence and act like as if Iran is sitting on a nuclear arsenal that could wipe out the world. Dude come on, let's be realistic. You are eating the fruits of the rise of ISIS. It is one of the main reasons why Iran and West got closer lately. That's all.
A year ago, when Gulenists leaked tapes of the government... there were a series of videos about Iran too..

These videos suggested that Turkish foreign policy was shaped by Iran. And Turkey was acting in according to Iran's interests.

But when i watched videos and telephone calls, i acknowledged that truth was entirely different.

- In one of the videos from State's archives. Videos showed that Iranian agents were under surveillance. Turkish intelligence captured the Turkish guy who were cooperating with Iranians. Iranian agents disappeared.
- In an other video. Turkish intelligence were asking for a favor from their Iranian counterparts.
-And in an different video. Iranian agent was complaining to his Turkish counterpart that Turkey initiated peace process with PKK which would endanger other countries in the region.

I explained these issues in detail, some time ago in the Iranian Chill Thread.

Videos are still on the youtube: Acem Uşakları - YouTube
Thanks for clarification.

I think it is the other way around. Iran was forced to negotiate many times with the West via the use of sanctions and assassinations. Because as i said, for peaceful purposes or not nuclear energy at the hands of fanatics such as your regime is a bad idea. The world must have taken it serious and it did. That doesn't mean Iran can compel anyone to its will by poking uranium with sticks.

When the US and Israel pumped fear about Iran's nuclear program in order to intensify sanctions you guys went crazy but apparently you also secretly wish that this was true:

Because when i say that they are exaggerating Iran's capabilities you took offence and act like as if Iran is sitting on a nuclear arsenal that could wipe out the world. Dude come on, let's be realistic. You are eating the fruits of the rise of ISIS. It is one of the main reasons why Iran and West got closer lately. That's all.
you seem to like this picture very much. I suggest you use this instead. This was made up when he had told the press Iranian can't wear jeans and listen to POP music because of the government!


Here is another one:

Thanks for clarification.

you seem to like this picture very much. I suggest you use this instead. This was made up when he had told the press Iranian can't wear jeans and listen to POP music because of the government!


Here is another one:

Picture of that trash reminds me killing of thousands of Palestinian children!
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