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Red “X-37B"

let us wait for anything from your ex-bosses at the pentagon
it is a good pc of news to cover by Bill Gertz if he doesnt miss it at all
take your pills promptly if you feel the ache
I have plenty of Chinese herbal recipes for you, just yell! :cheesy::coffee:
Actually...It looks like YOU and your friends who will need those herbal (quack) meds since you guys are so anxious to find out if we detected this thing or not. But those who know better, which includes me but not you guys, have no doubts as to when and how we detected it. Funny that NORAD can track satellite debris produced by a destroyed Chinese satellite but cannot detect this vehicle. There goes that 'Chinese physics' again.
Actually...It looks like YOU and your friends who will need those herbal (quack) meds since you guys are so anxious to find out if we detected this thing or not. But those who know better, which includes me but not you guys, have no doubts as to when and how we detected it. Funny that NORAD can track satellite debris produced by a destroyed Chinese satellite but cannot detect this vehicle. There goes that 'Chinese physics' again.

It was YOU who need a fix through Chinese Herbal Medicine when your western medication does not appear to work on your jumpy post #9 !

The system of your adopted country which captures spatial debris is pointing the camera(s) at a different direction The spatial objects orbit the earth on routine/calculable paths due to the earth's gravitation force and you can take your time to locate, count and monitor them
Our vehicle is different! It was travelling at high speed on a designed course unknown to any hostile countries spying on us! Get it? :cheesy::china:
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It was YOU who need a fix through Chinese Herbal Medicine when your western medication does not appear to work on your jumpy post #9 !

The system of your adopted country which captures spatial debris is pointing the camera(s) at a different direction The spatial objects orbit the earth on routine/calculable paths due to the earth's gravitation force and you can take your time to locate, count and monitor them
Our vehicle is different! It was travelling at high speed on a designed course unknown to any hostile countries spying on us! Get it? :cheesy::china:
You are absolutely correct...!!!

The US have at least double the number of China in satellites. We have been in space since the Cold War. Our orbit monitoring system composes only of cameras, not radars. We have never been above low Earth orbit altitude. Our satellites only look down, never sideways. We have no idea where this Chinese vehicle were. Not at all. No sir.
I wish I had! I selected French instead, during school. Because in those days China wasn't known much! :cool:

You mean to tell me Indian schools didn't brainwash Indians about 1962 war against 'evil chinis'?

You are absolutely correct...!!!

The US have at least double the number of China in satellites. We have been in space since the Cold War. Our orbit monitoring system composes only of cameras, not radars. We have never been above low Earth orbit altitude. Our satellites only look down, never sideways. We have no idea where this Chinese vehicle were. Not at all. No sir.

I didn't know Vietnam was in space since Cold War.
So let me get this straight...

According to your 'logic', if we do not say anything, that mean we did not detect it.
By forum rules, he has to post a link to identify his source.
If the source happens to be in Chinese, ...

Well, for this thread link, we still can use Google Chrome to translate them for us. It is not perfect, but at least we can still understand some of it's writing.
X-37B is an important for the USAF if it want's to have an edge in space-warfare capabilities. Imagine an Unmanned Space Vehicle screwing up any sats it want :cheesy:

CASC successfully accomplishes high speed autonomous approach and landing flight test for a new type of spacecraft:



I got this when I clicked on the link......

Not Found
The requested URL /news/system/2014/01/22/010230573.shtml was not found on this server.

Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) Server at 漳州新闻网--中共漳州市委主办--漳州市最有影响的新闻门户网站 Port 80

why can't you guys post the news with all photos??how hard it is really???plus,why Chinese??post it in English so that everybody can read.how many times news gets posted in another language here???its always Chinese Section which gives us trouble to find the source or read the news cause many times you guys post a "Photo",not a plaintext.and thats the case here too...


I read on this project in another thread.quite interesting though.Launching an "Unmanned Spaceship from H-6 bomber"..

Well, what else you can do? We are in Chinese Defense section. We are at their mercy. Only if they have good mood and willing to translate them for us, then we can read it in English. Or else, you always have options to go to India defense section in this forum, and I'm sure you will be a happy Indian there.

and you just justified your username..welcome kid..its an International Forum,where it is preferred to post the news,be it English or Chinese.and also,it is highly preferable that they post it in English,cause you're not in China,you're communicating with hundreds of members from around the world who didn't study Chinese as their Second Language.entire meaning of a thread gets lost if a Non-Chinese Member couldn't understand whats it about.
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