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Red Cross stops work in Pakistani cities


Jan 3, 2010
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Red Cross stops work in Pakistani cities | DAWN.COM

ISLAMABAD: The Red Cross says it has suspended operations in two of Pakistan’s largest cities following the killing of a British nurse working for the group in the country.

The body of Khalil Rasjed Dale, 60, was dumped close to the southwestern city of Quetta on April 29. He was kidnapped in the city in January.

In a statement Thursday, the International Committee of the Red Cross said it was suspending humanitarian activities in the northwestern city of Peshawar and port city of Karachi.

The organisation has already stopped work in Quetta and surrounding Balochistan province.

The ICRC has been performing humanitarian work in Pakistan since 1947.
good riddance....they were a burden on security forces

Well as some pakistani member said "Pakistani Expats are still living in their 80's"...
Very bad of u, of not condemning the killing the terrorist, but thats like expecting more from somebody !!
Yeah you'd know that living in the UK?

Read this to enlighten yourself: The ICRC in Pakistan
There are enough local medical professionals in Pakistan and same goes for local charity organizations..
why would Pakistan need a foreign organization which is vulnerable to all sorts of attacks and wont listen to security advisory from GOP.

I am not in favor of these organizations from the time i was living in PK..
ICRC were a product of cold war,and were in Pakistan specifically for the treatment of Afghan "Mujahideen"
good riddance....they were a burden on security forces

Your a dumb @$$. Full Insult implied.

The Red Cross does humanitarian work it is unrelated to ANY Government. This man was helping the poor and here you are saying good riddance. The mission of the Red Cross is to go where help is most needed.

These infidels who killed this innocent man will burn in hell.
Thəorətic Muslim;2920691 said:
Your a dumb @$$. Full Insult implied.

The Red Cross does humanitarian work it is unrelated to ANY Government. This man was helping the poor and here you are saying good riddance. The mission of the Red Cross is to go where help is most needed.

These infidels who killed this innocent man will burn in hell.

I will ignore your first line...shows your back ground and upbringing..

For the rest of your comment...Red Cross came to Pakistan with an Agenda..may be good may be bad .. during Soviet-Afghan war..They did help the injured "Mujahideen" coming from Afghanistan,so that they can go back and fight again and at the same time have sympathy with the west.

Every country has the right to stop or restrict vulnerable individuals from their country in general or from specific turbulent areas...and GOP had been issuing warnings to foreign charity workers in this regard..
It is not possible for any country to assign personalized security to each and every individual entering their borders...and Red cross has the habit of straying away from assigned path...
Then they get killed and kidnapped and too much bad publicity for Pakistan....
They can be easily replaced by Pakistan's own medical professionals and we got too many...
Red Cross stops work in Pakistani cities | DAWN.COM

ISLAMABAD: The Red Cross says it has suspended operations in two of Pakistan’s largest cities following the killing of a British nurse working for the group in the country.

The body of Khalil Rasjed Dale, 60, was dumped close to the southwestern city of Quetta on April 29. He was kidnapped in the city in January.

In a statement Thursday, the International Committee of the Red Cross said it was suspending humanitarian activities in the northwestern city of Peshawar and port city of Karachi.

The organisation has already stopped work in Quetta and surrounding Balochistan province.

The ICRC has been performing humanitarian work in Pakistan since 1947.

this is strange really

the normal SOP in areas where there is violence is that such people dont make unnecessary journeys and inform the authorities and have armed escorts. by pulling off they have actually helped the culprits achieve their objectives by abandoning the victims.

such organisations by their very nature go to the conflict zones and put themselves in harms way. they have worked in Africa which is torn with civil and ethnic wars. for the victims they are sometimes the last hope when there is no other help available

I am sure Edhi foundation and Ansar Barni will cover any gapes left by the red cross. you will always notice the Edhi aid workers rushing to the scenes of blasts and any natural disaster despite all the dangers and threats to their lives.
this comes with the job description.
Well .....
All these NGO's are easy network for USA spy's. they easily get their jobs in Red cross and other NGO's.
and no one stops them where they want to go. so it is good for Pakistan if they stop there activities in pakistan.

an year ago i came to know personally that a pashto speaking man (was American spy) and was working from 16 years in Tribal areas under Red cross. so it is good thing.....
you dont have to be a foreign NGO worker to be a spy for UK or USA

Dr Afridi was a local employee of KP Province but still that didnt stop him to sell his services to CIA
where i said that ???
i said it is very easy for them to stay under NGO's.
it is one way but a huge one. they have other ways for sure. but under NGO's they feel free to go any where in the country.
There are enough local medical professionals in Pakistan and same goes for local charity organizations..

Enough local medical professionals?

Got stats to back that?

Dont pass such blanket statements without having an idea as to what the situation on ground is.

ICRC were a product of cold war,and were in Pakistan specifically for the treatment of Afghan "Mujahideen"

Pls do read the link to know what exactly ICRC is a product of. You really need to come out of your conspiracy theories.

They are like the European supremacists, who think every brown man in Europe is out to destroy their culture and bring radicalism, especially Muslim males. That's not the case I am sure.
I will ignore your first line...shows your back ground and upbringing..

Its a pity your ignoring it. What it shows about my character is life is valuable and anyone who says otherwise needs to be confronted.

The Red Cross, Red Crescent has 97 million volunteers with a history dating back to the1863. Sponsorships totaling billions.

You think Edhi, God Bless him, can gather that much support? You think Edhi isnt already stretched? You think Edhi can get doctors educated by the finest, doctors with experience in backworld environments?

If it was so easy for a doctor to go to Peshawar or Quetta why aren't Pakistani doctors taking a few weeks off and going to these regions? Why are medical students not going? Where were these numerous professionals when there was the Kashmir Earthquake? Where were they with the Floods?

You know how many children died because of basic treatable diseases? Where were the Pakistan pharmaceutical companies during these crises? Why were medicines IMPORTED from foreign nations? Why were DOCTORS brought in to the refugee camps? You think American doctors have so much time on their hands?

While you live peacefully in your UK apartment, I suggest you stop talking sh!t.
Thəorətic Muslim;2921091 said:
Its a pity your ignoring it. What it shows about my character is life is valuable and anyone who says otherwise needs to be confronted.

The Red Cross, Red Crescent has 97 million volunteers with a history dating back to the1863. Sponsorships totaling billions.

You think Edhi, God Bless him, can gather that much support? You think Edhi isnt already stretched? You think Edhi can get doctors educated by the finest, doctors with experience in backworld environments?

If it was so easy for a doctor to go to Peshawar or Quetta why aren't Pakistani doctors taking a few weeks off and going to these regions? Why are medical students not going? Where were these numerous professionals when there was the Kashmir Earthquake? Where were they with the Floods?

You know how many children died because of basic treatable diseases? Where were the Pakistan pharmaceutical companies during these crises? Why were medicines IMPORTED from foreign nations? Why were DOCTORS brought in to the refugee camps? You think American doctors have so much time on their hands?

While you live peacefully in your UK apartment, I suggest you stop talking sh!t

actually i am much better than this..I live in a much larger house than a measly apartment...and drive a car you can only dream of......Just mentioned because you are hell bent on making personal comments..

First thing Pakistan is not Africa.....Even in UK their NHS is full of Pakistani doctors and medical professionals and we do have a large number of Doctors at home who can be employed by Foreign Charity organization instead of Bringing in Mr.John who will be a target for criminals who will want to abduct him for ransom....If Red Cross want to promote Christian stance and image in Pakistan,they can employ Pakistani christian Doctors.plenty available...Or bringing non Caucasian Christians from abroad..But thats not their point..never has been..Their donors have demands and that demand is that they have to work to improve the "West's image" on Pakistanis..that's why they bring in "show pieces"..
Second thin

Enough local medical professionals?

Got stats to back that?

Dont pass such blanket statements without having an idea as to what the situation on ground is.

Pls do read the link to know what exactly ICRC is a product of. You really need to come out of your conspiracy theories.

They are like the European supremacists, who think every brown man in Europe is out to destroy their culture and bring radicalism, especially Muslim males. That's not the case I am sure.

Come on lady , that's a sexist statement ;)

On topic..i am from the city of Ayyub Medical college and dont we have thousands of unemployed doctors in Pakistan..Looking at current security situation,these charities should employ locals than bringing in Foreigners.

And its unfair to kep pushing Pakistani security forces for something they have limited capacity to do...
They cant provide security to just about every Charity entering Pakistan....

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