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Recent Sino-Indian border conflict

You bowed to us for centuries and then you bowed to the British for a century. What are you talking about?

Bowed to who ... you who r u ... the part of earstwhile India which was raped looted generations of slaves ... converted by sword not a single resistance ever to foreign barbarians who r us?
You were the most raped and looted part of earstwhile India who were not even given rights to bow but ur anceststors were all raped and converted ... regarding britishers they were adding princly states they were not making slaves unlike turks mongols and 100s of other barbarians made in the so called modern pakistan region only time ur ancestors were free was when an Indian empire were ruling like mauryas and gupta the janpadas rest u were nothing more that cowards ...
No those people migrated back to what is now called India. We are the Muslims who came, we conquered and we still remain to poke you in your ***. :pakistan:
No those people migrated back to what is now called India. We are the Muslims who came, we conquered and we still remain to poke you in your ***. :pakistan:
Pakistanis conquered what? :crazy: History isn't your strong point isn't it?
No those people migrated back to what is now called India. We are the Muslims who came, we conquered and we still remain to poke you in your ***. :pakistan:

U conquered nothing, even a small empire like Sikhs made ur region thr slaves and ruled till afganistan .. despite more in numbers sikhs just 150 years back made u thr bitches.. and same history was repeated 100s of times thr is not a single empire from ur part of India nothing u ppl r accustomed to b ruled until now usa and currently china..
Like I said we still like to poke you in the *** and that's exactly what just happened.
BEIJING (Reuters) - China laid the blame at India's door on Monday for an altercation along their border in the western Himalayas involving soldiers from both of the Asian giants.

Both countries' troops have been embroiled in an eight-week-long standoff on the Doklam plateau in another part of the remote Himalayan region near their disputed frontier.

Last week, a source in New Delhi, who had been briefed on the military situation on the border, said soldiers foiled a bid by a group of Chinese troops to enter Indian territory in Ladakh, near Pangong lake.

Some of the Chinese soldiers carried iron rods and stones, and troops on both sides suffered minor injuries in the melee, the source said.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said that last Tuesday, Chinese border forces were carrying out "normal" patrols on the Chinese side of the actual line of control in the Pangong lake are.

"During this time they were obstructed by Indian border forces and the Indian side took fierce actions, colliding with the Chinese personnel and having contact with their bodies, injuring the Chinese border personnel :enjoy:," Hua told a daily news briefing.

What India did went against the two countries' consensus to keep the peace on the border and it endangered the situation there, she added.

"China is extremely dissatisfied with this" and had lodged solemn representations, Hua said.

India's Foreign Ministry has confirmed the incident in Ladakh took place but has not given any details.

Indian media have shown footage taken on a mobile phone purportedly of the scuffle, originally posted by a retired army officer, with stone throwing and shoving by soldiers of both countries.

The heighten tension on both ends of the border come ahead of a summit of the BRICS group of nations in the Chinese city of Xiamen in early September, with leaders from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa due to attend.

China has repeatedly asked India to unilaterally withdraw from the Doklam area, or face the prospect of an escalation. Chinese state media have warned India of a fate worse than its crushing defeat in a brief border war in 1962.

"3D Printing" :D:D


Guy who took the above picture while driving across the Qinghai-Tibet Railway line saw 4 trainloads of groundforce equipments heading for Lhasa

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BEIJING (Reuters) - China laid the blame at India's door on Monday for an altercation along their border in the western Himalayas involving soldiers from both of the Asian giants.

Both countries' troops have been embroiled in an eight-week-long standoff on the Doklam plateau in another part of the remote Himalayan region near their disputed frontier.

Last week, a source in New Delhi, who had been briefed on the military situation on the border, said soldiers foiled a bid by a group of Chinese troops to enter Indian territory in Ladakh, near Pangong lake.

Some of the Chinese soldiers carried iron rods and stones, and troops on both sides suffered minor injuries in the melee, the source said.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said that last Tuesday, Chinese border forces were carrying out "normal" patrols on the Chinese side of the actual line of control in the Pangong lake are.

"During this time they were obstructed by Indian border forces and the Indian side took fierce actions, colliding with the Chinese personnel and having contact with their bodies, injuring the Chinese border personnel :enjoy:," Hua told a daily news briefing.

What India did went against the two countries' consensus to keep the peace on the border and it endangered the situation there, she added.

"China is extremely dissatisfied with this" and had lodged solemn representations, Hua said.

India's Foreign Ministry has confirmed the incident in Ladakh took place but has not given any details.

Indian media have shown footage taken on a mobile phone purportedly of the scuffle, originally posted by a retired army officer, with stone throwing and shoving by soldiers of both countries.

The heighten tension on both ends of the border come ahead of a summit of the BRICS group of nations in the Chinese city of Xiamen in early September, with leaders from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa due to attend.

China has repeatedly asked India to unilaterally withdraw from the Doklam area, or face the prospect of an escalation. Chinese state media have warned India of a fate worse than its crushing defeat in a brief border war in 1962.

You didn't see the Chinese also beating up your guys LOL
You didn't see the Chinese also beating up your guys LOL

There were some injuries on Indian side also but Chinese got pounded and retreated just like in 1967 and 1987 and again 2017.
There were some injuries on Indian side also but Chinese got pounded and retreated just like in 1967 and 1987 and again 2017.
Ok ...? Probably just more Indian propaganda. I remember that the Indians claimed that they killed 1300 Chinese at Rezang La ?!?!? in 1962 even though Chinese casualties only numbered 722 killed (and the skirmish was a decisive 5 minute engagement). You guys really have a knack for turning any minor event into a rallying point ... good for you :smitten:
Ok ...? Probably just more Indian propaganda. I remember that the Indians claimed that they killed 1300 Chinese at Rezang La ?!?!? in 1962 even though Chinese casualties only numbered 722 killed (and the skirmish was a decisive 5 minute engagement). You guys really have a knack for turning any minor event into a rallying point ... good for you :smitten:

The events lead into culmination of the skirmish were the result of years of Chinese intrusion illegally in Indian territory. Seriously it was 5 minutes seriously? @Joe Shearer in 5 minutes we killed 722 Chinese as per this Chinese man?
The events lead into culmination of the skirmish were the result of years of Chinese intrusion illegally in Indian territory. Seriously it was 5 minutes seriously? @Joe Shearer in 5 minutes we killed 722 Chinese as per this Chinese man?
Uhm yeah ... the skirmish lasted 5 minutes. Unless the Indians used nuclear weapons or the Chinese banzai charged, it seems rather unlikely. The Indian side even claims it was five minutes ... You misunderstood my point; 722 Chinese soldiers died during the entire Sino-Indian War but the Indians claim that they killed 1300 Chinese at Rezang La in just 5 minutes (the skirmish lasted 5 minutes). See the contradiction? FYI, I'm not Chinese also :usflag:
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