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Recent Sino-Indian border conflict

Guys I just merged the several different threads all on the same topic and renamed it as "Recent Sino-Indian border conflict".

PLEASE, no insults, no trolling, not again as in the already deleted threads images of violence, dead bodies and so on. Also please avoid to open a new thread for each and every news report You find like waving kids along the streets, strong warnings from China or the replies from India ... !

One thread for that topic is enough and try also to concentrate on military matters ... otherwise if it becomes too political it will be closed and moved to the political section. I'm sure there also more than enough on this topic.

India Army Moves Troops of Sukna-Based 33 Corps to India-China Border

Chandan Nandy

Updated: 9 August, 2017 1:10 PM IST

A bulk of the troops of the Sukna-based 33 Corps have been or are in the process of being moved to the Indo-China frontier in Sikkim even as the controversy over the Doklam plateau at the India-Bhutan-China tri-junction continues to surface from time to time.

Eastern Command army sources revealed that all three divisions under the 33 Corps, which is stationed in Sukna, near Siliguri in West Bengal, have been deployed on the Sino-Indian border.

The troop movement from Sukna began about 20-25 days ago. The most important and vital elements of the corps have moved up and taken position in designated "Op Areas".

The Movement “Has More to Do With Posturing”

The troops are at varying depths of 20 kms to 500 metres from the India-China border in north and east Sikkim. Some units were given four days' written notice to move to the upper reaches while others have been handed out as little as six hours' notice to move up.

The deployment, according to sources, is taking place stealthily so as not to attract attention, either at the national or international level. This is being described as a “trickle up” method.

A corps is made up of three divisions. The number of troops, including combat and noncombat soldiers, is between 30-40,000. The 17th mountain division is stationed in Gangtok anyway.

While the troop movement began a few days ago, the official information for the deployment was shared with mid-ranking officers on 7 August. The sources said that 60 percent of the corps has moved up to Sikkim as of today, but the movement “has more to do with posturing”.

Army sources admitted that the deployment is unusual as “it has begun barely two months before the onset of winter in the upper reaches of the Himalayan range bordering China and Bhutan”.

It is said that the heavy deployment, which comes in the wake of substantial Indian troop (non-threatening in nature) build-up immediately after the Doklam issue burst on the international scene, is in response to heightened and quick construction of bunkers and other military fortifications by the PLA in Tibet over the past few weeks.

When contacted, an army spokesperson said,

I am not authorised to speak on such highly classified matters. Besides, I am not aware of such deployment.

One of the Longest Standoffs in Indo-China History

Sources, however, disclosed that nearly three months after Indian troops prevented a contingent of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) from restarting work on constructing a road in Doklam or Doka La or Donglang as the Chinese prefer to call the area near the trijunction, about 150-200 soldiers of both armies remain at the flashpoint zone.

Since the controversy erupted in June, India has claimed that Doklam is an integral part of Bhutan. However, China has said that the plateau region, which is located barely 7 kms east of Kuppup in east Sikkim, belongs to it.

Beijing has repeatedly sought the “immediate and unconditional” withdrawal of the Indian troops from Doklam before any meaningful talks could begin to resolve the thorny issue.

The standoff, one of the longest in the history of confrontations between the Indian Army and the PLA, is nowhere close to being resolved even after National Security Adviser Ajit Doval’s visit to Beijing last month, where he met his counterpart State Councilor Yang Jiechi on the sidelines of a BRICS nations’ meeting.

Soon after the Doval-Jiechi meeting, Beijing issued a statement saying that troops’ presence had been drastically reduced in Doklam, claiming, however, that India had been “notified in advance (of the PLA’s) plans to build a road in Doklam”.

In a subsequent lengthy statement, Beijing said that “as a third party, India has no right to interfere in or impede the boundary talks between China and Bhutan, still less the right make territorial claims on Bhutan’s behalf.”

The statement added, “India’s intrusion into the Chinese territory under the pretext of Bhutan has not only violated China’s territorial sovereignty, but also challenged Bhutan’s sovereignty and independence.”

The 15-page statement and “factsheet” accused India of “illegal trespass” in Doklam.

“Both Indian and Chinese soldiers are using umbrellas to shield themselves from the rain even as they have formed a chain holding hands to continue to make their presence felt in Doklam,” an army source said, refusing to disclose the names of the specific regimental units while revealing that artillery and infantry battalions are part of the massive deployment across east and north Sikkim.

(We all love to express ourselves, but how often do we do it in our mother tongue? Here's your chance! This Independence Day, khul ke bol with BOL – Love your Bhasha. Sing, write, perform, spew poetry – whatever you like – in your mother tongue. Send us your BOL at bol@thequint.com or WhatsApp it to 9910181818.)
Army trains on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway



How I wish the BRICS meeting to be held in China in early September was over today!! :D:D
I just know the shortest distance between our border to New Delhi is less than 400 kilometers, just in the range of enhanced version of WS-2. Theoretically we can use those cheaper weapon to destory your plant, road, ariport etc. We have more than sufficient stock to do that .
Why should we limit it only in Doklam?


Please translate it by google for youself. 100 kilometer, in the precise of meters. it will destory the right target.
I think you India don't understand the horriable Chinese weapon.


Not sure about the weapons you harp on about, but you're sentence structuring is destined to fail. You think targeting our capital is like a walk in the park. Rest assured retaliation will be limitless to the consequences. China will be going back to Stone Age - and I am not even talking about reactions when our allies respond to your agreesions. Please stop assuming you're dealing with a small country like the Philippines.
Tilt your head, re read. You will get the answer.
Nobody gets what nonsense you post.
Maybe only the vulgar minded will understand.
Why don't you explain in detail.

China should give more warnings and up the tensions.
Lets see if investment into India drops and capital will flee.
China should drag it as long as possible,
but not until support of Chinese and morale of soldiers to attack is affected.
Its ok mate, we will stand right here, if you want you're free to leave!
occupied in a land not belong to you.....shame on India!

PRC should be thoroughly ashamed of this incident.
I kind of agree! since they let India invaded their land, but this is not "The End" yet! so wish both side best of luck!
PRC should be thoroughly ashamed of this incident.
I kind of agree! since they let India invaded their land, but this is not "The End" yet! so wish both side best of luck!
I agree as well.
That India dared to act so brazenly is embarrassing for China.
It was embarrassing when India executed 'Forward Policy' and was laughing when China did not respond until 6 months later.
This is ongoing and still long way to go as it took 6 months to respond in 1962.
China must introspect why the last war did not end Indian intransigence and propensity for greedy land expansionism.
In the meantime, China should keep issuing warnings and keep tensions up to disrupt investment sentiment in India.

Dismemberment of India could be the only solution.
China should consult and cooperate with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal to chop up India.
Not many on the east will act against China unless they start the war.

Japan will not initiate a war even under Abe, until US gives them the go-ahead. Also, their prime target will be North Korea.

US-ROK-Japan are just looking at an opportunity for China to start the Doklam conflict. As PLA gets busy here, a ROK-US allied force will invade North Korea with Japan providing maritime support.

If it comes to this, then US bases will be sitting right at China's borders.

While these two are 'frenemies', they won't hesitate to put each other down.

I wonder if CCP has even considered these scenarios before sabre rattling on a peaceful Sino-Bhutan-India border.

DPRK will be overrun very quickly as most of their soldiers are not sufficiently armed. Their vintage artillery may try to strike and cause as much damage to Seoul but that is the only bargaining chip they have.

The sea-based AEGIS system of Japanese navy can easily take care of any missile threats.

Technically, a full-blown conflict in the Korean peninsula will reunite Korea into a single entity under the democratic regime of Seoul; though at a heavy price.

Personally, I do hope to see a decisive conflict between ROK and DPRK where ROK finally gets their rightful country's part back. For too long, their country has been needlessly divided by a madcap family.
We can easily raise up a army with 5 millions youngs, don't worry. Means we can handle you easily when handle Yankees in the Korean Peninsula.

No one can defeat China on land.
I actually don't think Dolam/Doklam is such a big deal. The three pressing issues to China is (1) South China Sea, this looks it has been handled (2) NK/Thaad, this is the most urgent issue right now. (3) the 19th NCCPC

So I think Doklam will get some attention soon but not in the next two weeks.
I actually don't think Dolam/Doklam is such a big deal. The three pressing issues to China is (1) South China Sea, this looks it has been handled (2) NK/Thaad, this is the most urgent issue right now. (3) the 19th NCCPC

So I think Doklam will get some attention soon but not in the next two weeks.
I agree that there is no urgency to resolve Donglang issue.
The pressure is on India.
Indian army is tense and jittery, worrying to death over when and what action China will take.
Indians here are jumping up and down on reassuring themselves that nothing is going to happen.
China should continue to keep India in suspense, hurting investment sentiments in India.

Problem is can Chinese people wait any longer for their leaders to act on it ?
China should at least wait until after Bhutan unmask that Indian lie about Bhutan asking for Indian help.
That will garner more international support for China when war begin.
Not many on the east will act against China unless they start the war.

Japan will not initiate a war even under Abe, until US gives them the go-ahead. Also, their prime target will be North Korea.

US-ROK-Japan are just looking at an opportunity for China to start the Doklam conflict. As PLA gets busy here, a ROK-US allied force will invade North Korea with Japan providing maritime support.

If it comes to this, then US bases will be sitting right at China's borders.

While these two are 'frenemies', they won't hesitate to put each other down.

I wonder if CCP has even considered these scenarios before sabre rattling on a peaceful Sino-Bhutan-India border.

DPRK will be overrun very quickly as most of their soldiers are not sufficiently armed. Their vintage artillery may try to strike and cause as much damage to Seoul but that is the only bargaining chip they have.

The sea-based AEGIS system of Japanese navy can easily take care of any missile threats.

Technically, a full-blown conflict in the Korean peninsula will reunite Korea into a single entity under the democratic regime of Seoul; though at a heavy price.

Personally, I do hope to see a decisive conflict between ROK and DPRK where ROK finally gets their rightful country's part back. For too long, their country has been needlessly divided by a madcap family.
China has been very stupid while choosing its enemies and friends.
During a war US and Japan will surely help India with logistics making China angry. They will be issuing multiple warnings to US and Japan as well or maybe even attack their support ships. We can all guess what happens afterwards.
A free Tibet, democratic China and a united Korea.

Not many on the east will act against China unless they start the war.

Japan will not initiate a war even under Abe, until US gives them the go-ahead. Also, their prime target will be North Korea.

US-ROK-Japan are just looking at an opportunity for China to start the Doklam conflict. As PLA gets busy here, a ROK-US allied force will invade North Korea with Japan providing maritime support.

If it comes to this, then US bases will be sitting right at China's borders.

While these two are 'frenemies', they won't hesitate to put each other down.

I wonder if CCP has even considered these scenarios before sabre rattling on a peaceful Sino-Bhutan-India border.

DPRK will be overrun very quickly as most of their soldiers are not sufficiently armed. Their vintage artillery may try to strike and cause as much damage to Seoul but that is the only bargaining chip they have.

The sea-based AEGIS system of Japanese navy can easily take care of any missile threats.

Technically, a full-blown conflict in the Korean peninsula will reunite Korea into a single entity under the democratic regime of Seoul; though at a heavy price.

Personally, I do hope to see a decisive conflict between ROK and DPRK where ROK finally gets their rightful country's part back. For too long, their country has been needlessly divided by a madcap family.
China has been very stupid while choosing its enemies and friends.
During a war US and Japan will surely help India with logistics making China angry. They will be issuing multiple warnings to US and Japan as well or maybe even attack their support ships. We can all guess what happens afterwards.
A free Tibet, democratic China and a united Korea.
We can easily raise up a army with 5 millions youngs, don't worry. Means we can handle you easily when handle Yankees in the Korean Peninsula.

No one can defeat China on land.
Don't be so confident. What makes you think that. Trust me you are not that what you think. I know India is the only country who can smash and damage you completely. Just wait and see time will tell.
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