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Rebuilding the army of Genghis Khan

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Indeed I do,
Here are a few good ones:
"Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World| by Jack Weatherford,
"Ghenghis Khan Life, Death and Resurrection" by John Man,
and none other than the Secret History of the Mongols by the Mongols themselves. It's less of a book and more of a log on important events.

There's one more, by a Frenchman. By far the best book i've read about the Mongols. I forgot his name though. Will update as soon as I find him

Thanks, much appreciated. :enjoy:
When I travelled around main land China in 2007, I visited the kunmin region and I was told by several that I looked like the turkic from the xinjiang area. Which is not that far from current Mongolia, so it's not wrong to say that our ancestors came all the way from Mongolia :P
Nobody is talking about genetics besides you. Can you stop your racist talks about Turks and Mongols in this military thread?
Genghis Khan united Mongol and Turkic people. Obviously some people have problems with this or are just ignorant. Either way you will learn to live with it.

Pakistani dare to talk shit about Central-Asian people. Compare Central Asian people to Pakistan and then come and talk to me. Central Asian people are the most advanced people in the Muslim world.

Kazakhstan: 25k per capita

Pakistan: 5k per capita

How can you say Pakistan is doing better economically? You are lightyears behind them in every aspect. Only thing you have is nukes but guess what? Kazakhstan also has nukes.

Excuse me but it's hilarious that non-Turks talking about the Turkishness of Turkish.....:D

Guess we what ? We don't give a flying fvck about non-Turks opinion on this issue.

Turkic language tree and Turkic race is not a theory but a fact. Today's Turks from Turkey have direct ancestory from Central-Asian Turkic people. History and genetics also prove this. There might be some foreign admixture but this doesn't matter since we are not racist people. Mongols aren't Turkic but they are our distant cousins with shared history and shared genetics because we lived so long together.

More like the perfect terrorist race.

Don't tell Mongols and Turk(ics)s what they are and what they are not. We certainly don't want to be told what we are by a PakiNigger who has Genghis Khan as his avatar while you have no connection with them whatsoever.
More information about the joint Mongolian-Turkish exercise:

Mongolian and Turkish joint military exercise "Nomadic Warrior 2015" : InfoMongolia.com : News and information about Mongolia, Mongolian language lessons

Hopefully we will seen joint larger Turco-Mongol exercises in the future featuring other Turkic states like Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, etc. What a sight that would be. :D

It is not so nice to cherry pick my words. All of those answers were to you who were questioning Turco-Mongol history. It doesn't matter, can you please stop talking about genetics and racists theories since it is ruining this military thread?
It is not so nice to pick my words. All of those answers were to you who were questioning Turco-Mongol history. It doesn't matter, can you please stop talking about genetics and racists theories since it is ruining this military thread?
I was finished on page 14.
Apologies to everyone for taking so much of thread space on an offtopic discussion.
I'm out.
I'm trying to stay as relevant as possible now.

It is not so nice to cherry pick my words. All of those answers were to you who were questioning Turco-Mongol history. It doesn't matter, can you please stop talking about genetics and racists theories since it is ruining this military thread?
It mattered then and not now?
More information about the joint Mongolian-Turkish exercise:

Mongolian and Turkish joint military exercise "Nomadic Warrior 2015" : InfoMongolia.com : News and information about Mongolia, Mongolian language lessons

Hopefully we will seen joint larger Turco-Mongol exercises in the future featuring other Turkic states like Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, etc. What a sight that would be. :D

It is not so nice to cherry pick my words. All of those answers were to you who were questioning Turco-Mongol history. It doesn't matter, can you please stop talking about genetics and racists theories since it is ruining this military thread?
Sorry, i went too deep into the history. I will take my leave
Sorry, i went too deep into the history. I will take my leave
No, it is ok to talk about history but it is not nice to fixate on genetics. In the Turkic world we never question our genetics and it is annoying if outsiders come here and (purposelessly or not purposelessly) insult us. There is no room for racism here.

What ? You thanking a racist ?

No, it is ok to talk about history but it is not nice to fixate on genetics. In the Turkic world we never question our genetics and it is annoying if outsiders come here and (purposelessly or not purposelessly) insult it.

Who questioned your genetics ? Lmao.. Can you post a "post" where somebody is questioning your genetics?
Man you ix racist .. @atatwolf I feel you man... Yazp is so racist... But can you do me a favour ? A big one.. Stop being a fag.
Lol, I think all men were created Equal. Mongols aren't superior to anyone genetically. It's only when other people try to steal our history, and call me a "PakiNigger" that got me pissed.
[I know you're being sarcastic. Just for those special snowflakes who might not get it at a glance :) ]

I thought turks liked us but we seem to be losing friends fast. Which is why it is of utter importance that we fix the problems our country faces so regularly. Particularly the economy.
The economy will take it's time, and will go up as the Public order goes up. If the Military finally finishes extremists for good, Pakistan's economy might be better than India's, Population wise.
Lets get back to the main topic.
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I thought turks liked us but we seem to be losing friends fast. Which is why it is of utter importance that we fix the problems our country faces so regularly. Particularly the economy.
Some Turks here disagreed with Yazlp view of certain things. I don't get why you think Pakistani is not a friend of Turkey unless Yazlp is the president of Pakistani on this forum which would be Unfortunate.
Lol, I think all men were created Equal. Mongols aren't superior to anyone genetically. It's only when other people try to steal our history, and call me a "PakiNigger" that got me pissed.
[I know you're being sarcastic. Just for those special snowflakes who might not get it at a glance :) ]
If you come here and share your uninformed opinion about Turco-Mongol history then obviously you will see some backlash from certain Turks. That is why it is important to think twice before you say something.
No, it is ok to talk about history but it is not nice to fixate on genetics. In the Turkic world we never question our genetics and it is annoying if outsiders come here and (purposelessly or not purposelessly) insult us. There is no room for racism here.
Hey,I am unaware that why do Turkish people don't like to discuss genetics,might be some people have discussed in abusive way.However,what is the big deal if someone claims that they resemble with Arab?
Besides,Genetic studies will benefit Turkish people to study of their descendance?

Genetic history of the Turkish people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some Turks here disagreed with Yazlp view of certain things. I don't get why you think Pakistani is not a friend of Turkey unless Yazlp is the president of Pakistani on this forum which would be Unfortunate.

If you come here and share your uninformed opinion about Turco-Mongol history then obviously you will see some backlash from certain Turks. That is why it is important to think twice before you say something.

You don't have a very long memory span, do you?
It was you who started the anti-Pakistani "Turks are superior in every aspect" thing long before I had even joined the conversation, thus I gave you a proper response.
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