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Reasons why J-20 isn't PAF's requirement

J-20 is very much a PAF requirement considering indians may be getting PAK FA. i dont care when indians get it, but if PAF can, the PAF must induct a sophisticated 5th generation platform at all costs.
J-20 is very much a PAF requirement considering indians may be getting PAK FA. i dont care when indians get it, but if PAF can, the PAF must induct a sophisticated 5th generation platform at all costs.
PAK-FA will outmatch J-20 so j20 would he a sitting duck in that scenerio...j20 is more of a long range heavy bomber fighter but with good a2a capabilities....i would recommend an F16 type stealtg fighter in that scenerio to at least match with that level....pakfa wont come tho
PAK-FA will outmatch J-20 so j20 would he a sitting duck in that scenerio...j20 is more of a long range heavy bomber fighter but with good a2a capabilities....i would recommend an F16 type stealtg fighter in that scenerio to at least match with that level....pakfa wont come tho
no bro J-20 is not a fighter bomber but a air superiority jet with secondary air to surface capabilities
no bro J-20 is not a fighter bomber but a air superiority jet with secondary air to surface capabilities
off course bro i know its an air superiority fighter but likes of j20 can lose to pakfa easily....small jet needed to counter that pakfa.....but j20 is a very heavy jet
off course bro i know its an air superiority fighter but likes of j20 can lose to pakfa easily....small jet needed to counter that pakfa.....but j20 is a very heavy jet
so why are you stated that in your previous post that its a fighter bomber? and how do you know that PAK-FA can defeat J-20?, do know all pros and cons of both jets?, J-20 is much stealthier than PAK-FA
There are long list of planes available with pakistan. Saab Gripen, Sukhois, F16s, Eurofighters etc. Better spend the money on good planes.
so why are you stated that in your previous post that its a fighter bomber? and how do you know that PAK-FA can defeat J-20?, do know all pros and cons of both jets?, J-20 is much stealthier than PAK-FA
off course i know the details...now lets get into detailed discussion with technical point of views...its very rare that 2 5th gen jets will have successfull bvr kills so the matter will come to dogfights...during dogfights , the stealth doesn't come handy much, provided that J-20 is too large jet butlets forget this point for some time....think about hmd and irst scenerio here....J-20 uses EOTS for aerial targets instead of irst but the details of its angle are confedential....meanwhile the irst on pakfa may provide 135°+- scanning view.......here it might have upper hand....2nd point is that we all know currently J-20 isnt that much maneuverable but later also even it wont be as much maneuverable as much as pak fa coz of design
ahhhh .... I think he is actually trying to acces the support of idea of inducting J-20 in PAF and that's why inviting seniors .... so he is actually going round to catch his ear ...:-)
What if you want to attack a country far from you! you need a stealth long range suppository fighter like J-20.
Otherwise most likely another aircraft will be intercepted in the middle of the mission.
Normally, I do not point out English language errors as English is not my first language.

However, please be careful with words, as the highlighted.

Definition of 'suppostitory':

a solid medical preparation in a roughly conical or cylindrical shape, designed to be inserted into the rectum or vagina to dissolve.

Other than that -- carry on.
ahhhh .... I think he is actually trying to acces the support of idea of inducting J-20 in PAF and that's why inviting seniors .... so he is actually going round to catch his ear ...:-)
nope...i have seen soooo many stupid people saying get j20 nowwwwww
off course i know the details...now lets get into detailed discussion with technical point of views...its very rare that 2 5th gen jets will have successfull bvr kills so the matter will come to dogfights...during dogfights , the stealth doesn't come handy much, provided that J-20 is too large jet butlets forget this point for some time....think about hmd and irst scenerio here....J-20 uses EOTS for aerial targets instead of irst but the details of its angle are confedential....meanwhile the irst on pakfa may provide 135°+- scanning view.......here it might have upper hand....2nd point is that we all know currently J-20 isnt that much maneuverable but later also even it wont be as much maneuverable as much as pak fa coz of design

Another good post Sir.

The only issue for me is the order of LO (Low Observability) / Stealth involved between PAKFA and J-20.

The PAKFA has been derogated in terms of its stealth. It's not very stealthy. You won't find a single article that would say it's reasonably stealthy, leave alone comparable to the F-22 or F-35. In some forums and articles the frontal clean RCS has been stated to be 0.5 msq. That would make it less stealthier than the Rafale which has an RCS between 0.2 - 0.5 msq.

The J-20 on the other hand has not suffered any such derogation by the experts. In fact it has been identified as a potential threat if available / deployed in numbers. But still it too lags behind in stealthy-ness to the F-22 and F-35.

In the BVR arena, in my humble opinion, J-20 and PAKFA are not equal. The J-20 would have a clear advantage over the PAKFA. But you're right that it would be eaten alive in WVR by the PAKFA with or without HOBS missiles. But the same thing would happen to the J-31, albeit to a lesser degree.

All has not gone well with the PAKFA program. The T-50 flew almost a year before the J-20. The latter has gone into SBP and is going to mass production soon (if not already). Not so with the PAKFA. It is scheduled for SBP in 2017 provided all trials succeed.

Just my 2 cents.
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