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Apr 24, 2012
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Philippines Backs Rearming of Japan


The Philippines would strongly support a rearmed Japan shorn of its pacifist constitution as a counterweight to the growing military assertiveness of China, according to the Philippine foreign minister.

"We would welcome that very much," Albert del Rosario told the Financial Times in an interview. "We are looking for balancing factors in the region and Japan could be a significant balancing factor."

The unusual statement, which risks upsetting Beijing, reflects alarm in Manila at what it sees as Chinese provocation over the South China Sea, virtually all of which is claimed by Beijing. It also comes days before an election in Japan that could see the return as prime minister of Shinzo Abe, who is committed to revising Japan's pacifist constitution and to beefing up its military.

A constitutional revision that upgraded Japan's Self-Defence Forces to a fully fledged military would allow it far more freedom to operate and could change the military balance in Asia. In spite of its official pacifism, Japan's armed forces do not lack for hardware. Its navy has about 50 large surface ships, compared with China's 70-odd.

Support from other Asian nations for a rearmed Japan could embolden Mr Abe to change the constitution.

Beijing has long raised the spectre of a return of Japanese militarism. The attitude towards Japanese rearmament in the Philippines, itself colonised by Japan, suggests regional fears of an assertive China may be beginning to trump memories of Japan's aggressive wartime actions.

This month, the Philippines objected strongly to an announcement that maritime police from China's Hainan province would intercept ships entering what it considered its territorial waters.

Beijing has started issuing passports that include a map of its "nine-dash" claim to almost the entire South China Sea, parts of which are also claimed by Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei, Taiwan and Indonesia. The Philippines has refused to stamp the new passports in protest.

"The Philippines has contended all along that the nine-dash claim is an excessive claim that violates international law," Mr del Rosario said.

Southeast Asian countries concerned about what they see as an abrupt change in China's "peaceful-rise" diplomacy have welcomed the renewed commitment to the region by the US in the form of its "pivot". Mr del Rosario said Manila had agreed to more US ship visits and more joint training exercises.

The region is also closely watching Beijing's stand-off with Tokyo over the Japanese-controlled Senkaku islands, known as the Diaoyu in China.

Regional countries have struggled to present a united front against China, which prefers to deal with each capital bilaterally. Last June, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations failed to issue a final communiqu after Cambodia refused to endorse language referring to recent naval stand-offs with China.

In July, Japan and the Philippines signed a five-year agreement to strengthen military co-operation though exchanges of personnel and technology. Japan is providing 12 new patrol ships for the Philippine coast guard, financed with a combination of soft loans and foreign aid grants.

Philippines Backs Rearming of Japan
The re-arming of Japan is nothing more than a political slogan. Take a good look at Japan's national debt and the shape of their government finances.

As far as Philippines support Japan, that's quite funny.

Looks like the Chinese must redo what the Japanese did to the Filipinos:

Colonize the country。

By the way,any aid from Japan and the US in the aftermath of typhoon Bopha?

The aids should be in tens of billions of dollars,not chicken feed millions。
Looks like the Chinese must redo what the Japanese did to the Filipinos:

Colonize the country。

By the way,any aid from Japan and the US in the aftermath of typhoon Bopha?

The aids should be in tens of billions of dollars,not chicken feed millions。
We should not colonize anybody. That's not our way. However, we need to enforce our claims and should not back down from any challenges. If either Japan or Philippines want to play hardball, then they should be prepared to face the consequences.
It is nearly impossible for Japan to re-write their "pacifist constitution".

The Americans who wrote the Japanese constitution after WW2 made it so that it would be nearly impossible to change it.

As a result, there has not been one single amendment of the Japanese constitution since 1945. Not one. It's that hard.

So it is mostly just hot air.
China need not worry. Given the resources and strategic depth of China, an asian alliance if not backed by the west can do little harm to china while inviting much harm to the alliance itself.
We should not colonize anybody. That's not our way. However, we need to enforce our claims and should not back down from any challenges. If either Japan or Philippines want to play hardball, then they should be prepared to face the consequences.

Of course we Chinese are way above the colonizers.

The problem is that the Filipinos seem to have short memory and are welcoming their former colonial masters, firstly the US then Japan, with open arms.

These people must be conquered once before they learn and start being nice to you.
Good move Philippines!
We need Japan to stop constant Chinese provocations.
Japan Army photos. They can defende themself from any attack form enemy and keep peace for a region.:tup:





isn't it embarrassing asking Japan to defend you?
Philippines and Vietnam need to fix their society, get rid of corruption, build a modern nation based on democracy, credibility, and the rule of law. Once they can do that their economy will be able to sustain a military that will deter China, and they won't need to beg any other country.
Japanese can be quite a fighter when they needed to be.

The problem is always the constitution, i don't want it to change completely but at least, for god sake, increase the number of Fighter squadron, ships, troops and tanks. They don't need first strike or nuclear sub, but they still need to be able to defend themselve.

Threat is not as they used to be in the 50s where the consortium was signed. Things change, that piece of paper should too. You cannot defend japan today with 30 warship...

No country should be able to ask to roll over and die when they were attacked. Japan should be the same too. It's stupid to think when they expanded their military they will invade again.....
Japan already has one of the world’s strongest militaries with first rate (defensive) weapons systems but does not pose a threat to anyone not unlike China, pariah state N. Korea, Iran or even Pakistan. That is why it is really a welcome development to counter China's bullying strategy, for peace and stability and balance of power in the Asian region. Never trust China. Their leaders say one thing and then do another. :tdown:
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