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Realistic worst care scenarios for Indian Muslims

Dude hopefully you are from Jhang in Punjab and a Rangar ....you guys left Haryana and you know the result Haryana have no rangars to drag back and Haryana has highest percapita income in India and with 10% of Paks population we have almost 50% of your GDP .... hope you heard the horror stories about Jats

If your ancestors were from Haryana then I can say one thing keep kissing Punjabi boots we know how Rangars get treated there
Punjab was a Muslim majority region. Whole of it belongs to Muslims
You know what nvm. We going to reclaim whole India after Ghazwa e Hind is done.

not a worst case scenario, thats the best case scenario. Especially if its made between the current border of India-Pakistan. So that their randi rona stops and we could also live in peace after that.
That is the only peaceful solution.
Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan and gujarat must be given to Indian Muslims.
Your forfathers even failed to Claim Haryana.....ha ha ha .bloddy converted by Akbar you guys were nothing but weakest of weak atleast I can say that for Rangars and Mulle jats .
Punjab was a Muslim majority region. Whole of it belongs to Muslims
You know what nvm. We going to reclaim whole India after Ghazwa e Hind is done.

That is the only peaceful solution.
Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan and gujarat must be given to Indian Muslims.
Oh nobody claimed it would be a televised genocide.

It's a 20 year plan involving subterfuge, silent disenfranchisement and buying off appropriate lackeys to convince Indian Muslims they themselves should self-flagellate to a point that they find themselves cursing Pakistan 5 times a day, cursing TJ 10 times a day, self-censoring any attempt to retain nomenclature/historical sites, burning their own books on India's Islamic history, and agreeing to dalit social status. Let's not start on the millions upon millions that Indian Muslims will pay in reparations to Hindu town councils every time they protest for their rights, dare to block a crossroads or force sanghees to rampage through Muslim neighbourhoods in self-defence.

Then when CAA/NRC restarts, Indian Muslims will be asked to frog march each other and report each other to the camps lest they be charged with sedition or harbouring fugitives or threatening national security.

Hindutva is making a hash of it presently because it can't shut up and control itself from exposing its hatred, like the hilariously dark Nazi wheelchair scientist in Dr Strangelove (the name eludes me) accidentally yelling "zieg heil" mid-sentence every few minutes. Hindutva grunts splurge on social media or traditional media every once in a while instead of quietly letting the wheels turn. If the rank and file can shut up for five minutes, you will observe an orchestrated slow decay of the Muslim community and a gradual exodus of those who can escape (who will be the elites of course, leaving behind an even more decayed remnant population) with periodic limited pogroms taking place.

There won't be a jallukutti orgy or a "partition massacre". I don't think even Modi can possibly be that stupid. All he needs to do is control the nutjobs and allow the slow erosion to continue. People won't even notice. The once proud Muslims of India who governed for a thousand years will be reduced to Shah rukhs doing pooja and a token medium pacer in the cricket team purely for quota filling. At that point even the quota elites will be reprimanded by "progressive moderate Hindus" who will ignore the historical disenfranchisement and suddenly demand an "even playing field" suspiciously like how this present unified civil code is being sold to the masses.

Yes, that's how it will unfold. I know it sounds like the blabbering of some madman. But if I was a hard-core intelligent sanghi, that's exactly how I'd do it. Why would I make it obvious with big massacres? I'd get Muslims to do it to themselves as much as possible, then whatever's left can be made to look accidental or sporadic or a natural phenomenon or an expected and fair retaliation by Hindus against terrorism or Covid spreading or train burning or spitting in public. These will be declared as normal evolution and "growing pains " of the magical world's biggest democracy with charming sporadic communal friction that is so adorable and inevitable between such massive democracy-loving communities who are best buddies really because India is a democracy.

Before you know it, Indian muslims will live quietly in their own Gaza strip, and Modi will declare India a sacred Hindu rashtra which never had any Muslims in it who brought anything other than pillaging and destruction. Trump will declare sheepishly that there is no point denying "ground reality".

They're not israel of course, hence this plan could still go tits up. I'd say it's 50:50... hindutva shooting itself in the gonads vs. their wildest dreams coming true, slowly but surely.
Your forfathers even failed to Claim Haryana.....ha ha ha .bloddy converted by Akbar you guys were nothing but weakest of weak atleast I can say that for Rangars and Mulle jats .
Haryana was a part of un divided Punjab. We will take back what is ours.

25 crore Indian Muslims will teach your kind a lesson that you lot shall never forget
I know about Rangars and Mulle jats ...may be I am wrong but expats from Haryana got settled in Jhang and adjoining regions...
BTW There is no Rangar in Jhang:D

Oh YES.I am a proud Pakistani ranger:sniper:

I am sure no one told your about Jats of Haryana ... anyways there is no charge in dreaming
Haryana was a part of un divided Punjab. We will take back what is ours.

25 crore Indian Muslims will teach your kind a lesson that you lot shall never forget
Oh nobody claimed it would be a televised genocide.

It's a 20 year plan involving subterfuge, silent disenfranchisement and buying off appropriate lackeys to convince Indian Muslims they themselves should self-flagellate to a point that they find themselves cursing Pakistan 5 times a day, cursing TJ 10 times a day, self-censoring any attempt to retain nomenclature/historical sites, burning their own books on India's Islamic history, and agreeing to dalit social status. Let's not start on the millions upon millions that Indian Muslims will pay in reparations to Hindu town councils every time they protest for their rights, dare to block a crossroads or force sanghees to rampage through Muslim neighbourhoods in self-defence.

Then when CAA/NRC restarts, Indian Muslims will be asked to frog march each other and report each other to the camps lest they be charged with sedition or harbouring fugitives or threatening national security.

Hindutva is making a hash of it presently because it can't shut up and control itself from exposing its hatred, like the hilariously dark Nazi wheelchair scientist in Dr Strangelove (the name eludes me) accidentally yelling "zieg heil" mid-sentence every few minutes. Hindutva grunts splurge on social media or traditional media every once in a while instead of quietly letting the wheels turn. If the rank and file can shut up for five minutes, you will observe an orchestrated slow decay of the Muslim community and a gradual exodus of those who can escape (who will be the elites of course, leaving behind an even more decayed remnant population) with periodic limited pogroms taking place.

There won't be a jallukutti orgy or a "partition massacre". I don't think even Modi can possibly be that stupid. All he needs to do is control the nutjobs and allow the slow erosion to continue. People won't even notice. The once proud Muslims of India who governed for a thousand years will be reduced to Shah rukhs doing pooja and a token medium pacer in the cricket team purely for quota filling. At that point even the quota elites will be reprimanded by "progressive moderate Hindus" who will ignore the historical disenfranchisement and suddenly demand an "even playing field" suspiciously like how this present unified civil code is being sold to the masses.

Yes, that's how it will unfold. I know it sounds like the blabbering of some madman. But if I was a hard-core intelligent sanghi, that's exactly how I'd do it. Why would I make it obvious with big massacres? I'd get Muslims to do it to themselves as much as possible, then whatever's left can be made to look accidental or sporadic or a natural phenomenon or an expected and fair retaliation by Hindus against terrorism or Covid spreading or train burning or spitting in public. These will be declared as normal evolution and "growing pains " of the magical world's biggest democracy with charming sporadic communal friction that is so adorable and inevitable between such massive democracy-loving communities who are best buddies really because India is a democracy.

Before you know it, Indian muslims will live quietly in their own Gaza strip, and Modi will declare India a sacred Hindu rashtra which never had any Muslims in it who brought anything other than pillaging and destruction. Trump will declare sheepishly that there is no point denying "ground reality".

They're not israel of course, hence this plan could still go tits up. I'd say it's 50:50... hindutva shooting itself in the gonads vs. their wildest dreams coming true, slowly but surely.

Very well stated. Need to make this post a sticky.

To add to what you have stated, while the NRC exercise will not send all Muslims to detention camps, they will be made stateless. Lack of documents will ensure that they cannot enroll in schools anymore, buy/sell property, get driver's licenses and so on. A new class of Chandalas will emerge, living at the mercy of those Hindus who choose to grant them petty employment.

Those Muslims lacking documents will be forced into ghettos, where in/out privileges will be strictly controlled. It is already happening in areas of Kashmir (for other reasons of course)

And if you think that any Hindus will have any objection to this. They won't, because the narrative that will be spun is that only illegal migrants or Bangladeshis in India do not have documents. This sentiment is already being shared among my friends, when this discussion comes up with them. Their conscience will be clear that no "Indian Muslim" is being wronged.

If the thaali banging exercise is a harbinger, no one will object to the commands of the Pied Piper.
I know about Rangars and Mulle jats ...may be I am wrong but expats from Haryana got settled in Jhang and adjoining regions...
I know people who migrated from Jhang Pakistan got settled in Kalanaur and its adjoining areas.But for rangars there was no compulsion.Majority of them were in armed forces.So they got settled where they wanted to.Next generation like me settled oversees in large numbers.There are fucking thirty Pakistani kalanaurean rangar families living here in Mississauga alone.They are in large numbers in USA,UK France,Germany,Australia and even in middle east.

but weakest of weak atleast I can say that for Rangars and Mulle jats .
If you are jat then I can understand your pain:omghaha:
Right , Kalanaur got max. expats from Jhang even kahnaur also got some from there . In Rohtak too they have camp and model town for them ,I know coyple of them who came from Jhelum ....so you are from Rohtak ?

It was blessing that Rangars and Mulle jats left or drove away ...Harayan is doing far better ....I am living in the land of my ancestors and ypu drove away , i know mississauga but once uprotted always uprooted ..... why should anyone in India feel pain
I know people who migrated from Jhang Pakistan got settled in Kalanaur and its adjoining areas.But for rangars there was no compulsion.Majority of them were in armed forces.So they got settled where they wanted to.Next generation like me settled oversees in large numbers.There are fucking thirty Pakistani kalanaurean rangar families living here in Mississauga alone.They are in large numbers in USA,UK France,Germany,Australia and even in middle east.
They're not israel of course, hence this plan could still go tits up. I'd say it's 50:50... hindutva shooting itself in the gonads vs. their wildest dreams coming true, slowly but surely.

Sorry to pile on, but the one saving grace is that every grand scheme that has been unleashed by this sasta Hitler has no panned out how they planned. From demonitization, to GST, to Article 370 to CAA.

Let's hope you are wrong.
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