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Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

Are you ready to fight this outbreak of coronavirus?

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Nonsense. China gave Iran 50,000 kits on top of what Iran is buying from European countries. So where are you claiming there is a shortage? There have been less than 6,000 cases!

Of course Iran isn’t going to test every person who claims to have the virus. That is how you waste kits, even in US they will not test you unless you meet certain criteria.
There are shortage . do you expect all the cases become positive . decide those tests to all iran and you'll see how much is each city share.
Iranian official who took part in 1979 Iran hostage crisis dies of coronavirus

By Caleb Parke | Fox News

President announces travel restrictions for Iran, South Korea and Italy over coronavirus. Fox News’ David Spunt reports from the White House.

Another high-ranking official in Iran has died from the coronavirus, according to state media.

Hossein Sheikholeslam, 68, the former Iranian ambassador to Syria, studied at the University of California at Berkeley before becoming a leader of the radical Iranian students who stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took 52 American diplomats captive during the 444-day Iran hostage crisis.

He reportedly died late Thursday, two days after testing positive for the virus and shortly after it was announced he was recovering, according to the Islamic Republic News Agency, which called him a "veteran and revolutionary diplomat."


Iranian ambassador to Syria Hossein Sheikholeslam (L) with Hamas political bureau chief Khaled Meshaal (R) at a gathering organized by the Hamas Islamic resistance movement 21 January 2000 at the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp near Damascus to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the assassination by Israel of the Hamas engineer Yahia Ayash. (Photo by Louai Beshara / AFP) (Photo by LOUAI BESHARA/AFP via Getty Images)

Sheikholeslam, the sixth politician or government official to be killed by the virus in Iran, was currently serving as an aide to Foreign Affairs Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who called the U.S. strike on Iran's top military leader, Qassem Soleimani, "an act of terror" and recently met with Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., at a security conference in Germany.

Iran rejected the Trump administration's offer to help with the coronavirus outbreak as the Islamic republic warns it may use "force" to enforce a travel ban between cities. The Iranian death toll reached 124 with 4,747 cases across the country.

The virus has killed Mohammad Mirmohammadi, a member of the Expediency Council which advises supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei; Mohammad Ali Ramezani, a member of parliament; Mojtaba Pourkhanali, an agriculture ministry official; Ahmad Toyserkani, an adviser to the judiciary chief; Hadi Khosroshahi, a former envoy to the Vatican; and Mojtaba Fazeli, a secretary to a senior cleric.

Tehran parliament member Fatemeh Rahbar is currently in a coma after being infected, ISNA reports, and a host of other officials have been infected and are under quarantine, including Vice President Masoumeh Ebtekar, better known in the West as "Screaming Mary" for her role as a spokeswoman during the hostage crisis, and Grand Ayatollah Musa Shobairi Zanjani, who is considered one of the country's highest religious authorities.

The deputy health minister, Iraj Harirchi, tested positive last month, a day after he downplayed the outbreak in a press conference, visibly sweating and wiping his forehead.


In this Wednesday, March 4, 2020, photo, Revolutionary Guard members take part in disinfecting the city to help prevent the spread of the new coronavirus in Tehran, Iran. Wearing gas masks and waterproof fatigues, members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard now spray down streets and hospitals with disinfectants as the Islamic Republic faces one of the world's worst outbreaks of the new coronavirus. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi)

"This virus is highly contagious," health minister Saee Namaki said this week. "It is a serious matter, do not joke about it."

Revolutionary Guard Gen. Hossein Salami falsely claimed the U.S. created the virus amid growing tensions between the two nations.

“We will win in the fight against the virus, which may be the product of the American biological invasion, which it first spread to China and then to Iran and the rest of the world,” Salami told a crowd in the Iranian city of Kerman. “The U.S. must know that if it did it, (the virus) will return to it.”

The Islamic nation's leaders are facing anger and distrust from its people after it shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet in January, killing 176 people, most of whom were Iranian citizens.

“On COVID-19, it’s clear that there’s been a great deal of mismanagement and so the Guards are now trying to present themselves as the saviors,” Ariane Tabatabai, an Iran analyst at the U.S.-based RAND Corp, told the Associated Press. “And of course, it doesn’t hurt to be able to change the conversation from the airliner episode — although, this will be a hard task to achieve given that both are examples of incompetence and mismanagement.”

There are shortage . do you expect all the cases become positive . decide those tests to all iran and you'll see how much is each city share.

You have no proof. You just claim propaganda. Why would you divide each cities share? It is primarily in Tehran and Qom.

Also the point isn’t to test every 85 million people in a population or every person who claims they are sick or have a virus.

If a person thinks they are sick then they should not leave their home until the virus passes. Overwhelming # of the deaths happen to be the sick and elderly who are susceptible from dying from a simple cold or flu anyway!

The majority of people recover from sickness!

The real focus should be on air pollution, hookah bars, drug epidemic, STDs, traffic accidents! They kill tens of thousands a year in Iran!

But people like you rather focus on mobilizing effort in stupid areas like a 2% fatality virus. Why stop there? Why not try to kill the common cold and flu as well?

Nice job falling into the fear trap of the Mainstream media.
You have no proof. You just claim propaganda. Why would you divide each cities share? It is primarily in Tehran and Qom.

Also the point isn’t to test every 85 million people in a population or every person who claims they are sick or have a virus.

If a person thinks they are sick then they should not leave their home until the virus passes. Overwhelming # of the deaths happen to be the sick and elderly who are susceptible from dying from a simple cold or flu anyway!

The majority of people recover from sickness!

The real focus should be on air pollution, hookah bars, drug epidemic, STDs, traffic accidents! They kill tens of thousands a year in Iran!

But people like you rather focus on mobilizing effort in stupid areas like a 2% fatality virus. Why stop there? Why not try to kill the common cold and flu as well?

Nice job falling into the fear trap of the Mainstream media.

You forget the Covid-19 can cause permanent lung damage.
You have no proof. You just claim propaganda. Why would you divide each cities share? It is primarily in Tehran and Qom.
Are you aware of the situation in gilan and mazandaran ?
Are you aware how many people we see on daily bases in just one of tehran hospitals ?
The real focus should be on air pollution, hookah bars, drug epidemic, STDs, traffic accidents! They kill tens of thousands a year in Iran!
Non relevant to the thread.
But people like you rather focus on mobilizing effort in stupid areas like a 2% fatality virus. Why stop there? Why not try to kill the common cold and flu as well?
People like me see something people like you fail to see . it's 2% fatality virus but if you don't check it it is estimated that around 60% of population will get it . now go and do the calculations. Let me make it easier that would be around 960000 Iranian and that's only mortality I didn't calculate morbidity for you. it maybe unimportant for you but it's very important to me so please don't try to spread misinformation on matters which are outside your expertise.
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Iran rejected the Trump administration's offer to help with the coronavirus outbreak
Ahh..fox news,disseminating right wing lies and propaganda since 1996.:bad:
The chump regime never went into any of the actual details of what this supposed offer of "help" was to actually entail.In fact there doesnt even seem to be any real proof that any actual credible offer had been made through any diplomatic channels,indeed the only actual reference I could find was a claim by pompeo that an "offer" had been made thru swiss channels to provide [unspecified] help,apart from that the only other reference to any offer was one made by chump,but this was only if iran ASKED for help.When one considers how many problems us sanctions have caused for iran in the purchasing and supplying of needed medicines and medical equipment,the idea that the us would now turn around and offer help is frankly absurd.:crazy:
Ahh..fox news,disseminating right wing lies and propaganda since 1996.:bad:
The chump regime never went into any of the actual details of what this supposed offer of "help" was to actually entail.In fact there doesnt even seem to be any real proof that any actual credible offer had been made through any diplomatic channels,indeed the only actual reference I could find was a claim by pompeo that an "offer" had been made thru swiss channels to provide [unspecified] help,apart from that the only other reference to any offer was one made by chump,but this was only if iran ASKED for help.When one considers how many problems us sanctions have caused for iran in the purchasing and supplying of needed medicines and medical equipment,the idea that the us would now turn around and offer help is frankly absurd.:crazy:

I agree that Iran does not need charity.

But the mullah regime seriously needs now to consider his foreign policy so that the sanctions can be lifted.

They need to pull their Quds forces from Yemen , Iraq , Syria and Lebanon and change a few sections in the nuclear deal .

They need to put aside their silly regional aspiration of being some regional power , for the sake of the welfare of their own people.

Because this combination of sanctions and the economic implications of this virus is something that the Iranian people just don't have to bear.

I agree that Iran does not need charity.

But the mullah regime seriously needs now to consider his foreign policy so that the sanctions can be lifted.

They need to pull their Quds forces from Yemen , Iraq , Syria and Lebanon and change a few sections in the nuclear deal .

They need to put aside their silly regional aspiration of being some regional power , for the sake of the welfare of their own people.

Because this combination of sanctions and the economic implications of this virus is something that the Iranian people just don't have to bear.

We negotiated we got sanction .. we do not negotiate we get sanction .. the other side look at the talks as way to mount pressure not to solve the problem ...
We negotiated we got sanction .. we do not negotiate we get sanction ..

This is not exactly so.

I think Obama did his out most best to finish this agreement while he was still president.

But look what happened in the following 5 years.

Iran involvement in other countries only intensified . If before they where shy about it , after the deal they had no problem parading Solimani , taking photo opportunities with his local militia in Lebanon , Syria , Yemen and Iraq. They moved literally hundreds of thousands of rockets to those countries.

All those actions started long before the deal was canceled .It almost feels like the mullah regime thought that after the deal they where off the hook and now can do what ever they want in the middle east.

As for the deal itself . We are talking about exactly one or two sections that need to be changed .Specially the date of expiration of the deal that was not cleared enough and must be changed.

This should make no difference to the mullahs , if indeed they have no intention to build a bomb as they said.

I think both those issue don't effect the lives of Iranians in any way.

What do the Iranians gain from Iran placing their militia and missiles in those countries ? What do Iranians care If one Section on the paper of a deal , that non of them will ever read , will be changed ?

I think the only ones that care about those things are the mullahs with their stupid regional power games and self bravado.

And that they play those games on the back of the Iranian people.

Are you aware of the situation in gilan and mazandaran ?
Are you aware how many people we see on daily bases in just one of tehran hospitals ?

Non relevant to the thread.

People like me see something people like you fail to see . it's 2% fatality virus but if you don't check it it is estimated that around 60% of population will get it . now go and do the calculations. Let me make it easier that would be around 960000 Iranian and that's only mortality I didn't calculate morbidity for you. it maybe unimportant for you but it's very important to me so please don't try to spread misinformation on matters which are outside your expertise.

More fear mongering and propaganda. 60% of people will get it? Based on what evidence? Based on who?

It’s been in Iran for a month (maybe longer) and only reached 6,000 people and during that time 1,600 people have recovered! Significant amount of the deaths have been in 60-80 age group.

There are 4-5 versions of coronavirus that are transmissionable to humans. MERS and SARS were far more deadly with 10+% mortality rate.

Iran‘s population is aging rapidly and the youth are not having enough kids to replenish the workforce for the future. Soon you will have a massive aging population that is a burden on the state because they don’t contribute as much to the economy and are a massive drain on resources/subsidizes/entitlement program.

So this virus in many ways is welcome to the aging population of the world. Population sustainability is key and at this rate the world is moving towards unsustainable population and resource depletion.
More fear mongering and propaganda. 60% of people will get it? Based on what evidence? Based on who?

It’s been in Iran for a month (maybe longer) and only reached 6,000 people and during that time 1,600 people have recovered! Significant amount of the deaths have been in 60-80 age group.

There are 4-5 versions of coronavirus that are transmissionable to humans. MERS and SARS were far more deadly with 10+% mortality rate.

Iran‘s population is aging rapidly and the youth are not having enough kids to replenish the workforce for the future. Soon you will have a massive aging population that is a burden on the state because they don’t contribute as much to the economy and are a massive drain on resources/subsidizes/entitlement program.

So this virus in many ways is welcome to the aging population of the world. Population sustainability is key and at this rate the world is moving towards unsustainable population and resource depletion.
Stop smoking that Marijuana shit.
This is not exactly so.

I think Obama did his out most best to finish this agreement while he was still president.

But look what happened in the following 5 years.

Iran involvement in other countries only intensified . If before they where shy about it , after the deal they had no problem parading Solimani , taking photo opportunities with his local militia in Lebanon , Syria , Yemen and Iraq. They moved literally hundreds of thousands of rockets to those countries.

All those actions started long before the deal was canceled .It almost feels like the mullah regime thought that after the deal they where off the hook and now can do what ever they want in the middle east.

As for the deal itself . We are talking about exactly one or two sections that need to be changed .Specially the date of expiration of the deal that was not cleared enough and must be changed.

This should make no difference to the mullahs , if indeed they have no intention to build a bomb as they said.

I think both those issue don't effect the lives of Iranians in any way.

What do the Iranians gain from Iran placing their militia and missiles in those countries ? What do Iranians care If one Section on the paper of a deal , that non of them will ever read , will be changed ?

I think the only ones that care about those things are the mullahs with their stupid regional power games and self bravado.

And that they play those games on the back of the Iranian people.

Well first of all the deal aka JCPoA was narrowed down to Iran nuclear dossier which per se was an complex issue at hand in that time, the reason behind such a decision was to make the deal feasible in a shorter time therefore all delegations & negotiators of all sides focused on nuclear issue rather than wasting their time discussing several issues in parallel which had already been tested and didn't work, eventually Iran & 5+1 after 12 years of diplomatic marathon reached a mutual understanding back in 2015 .. other issues were excluded and the goal was one thing "Implementation of JCPaA by all sides in good faith could pave path to possibility of talks on other issues". why? because in that particular moment when all sides did their part of deal then negotiation could be seen as working solution and be spread to other issues.
Iran commitments and other sides commitments under the deal is clear as day that's why the IAEA as sole international body recognized by UNSCR 2235 has certified Iran fully compliance to the deal for 16 times since adoption day of the deal ... the rest aforementioned excuses like Iran presence in the region or Soleimani taking photos are irrelevant and just being brought up to white wash and justify american deliberate failure to meet their obligation under int law, UNSCR and JCPoA.
Iran would not negotiate with people whom don't honer their words let alone accept amendments to it ...
Trusting liars would hurt you Trusting liars again would hurt you more and show you are idiot.
More fear mongering and propaganda. 60% of people will get it? Based on what evidence? Based on who?
Based on what Iranian health official said.
It’s been in Iran for a month (maybe longer) and only reached 6,000 people and during that time 1,600 people have recovered! Significant amount of the deaths have been in 60-80 age group.
Wrong just look at this and you see the problem

There are 4-5 versions of coronavirus that are transmissionable to humans. MERS and SARS were far more deadly with 10+% mortality rate.
They were spreading a lot slower.
Iran‘s population is aging rapidly and the youth are not having enough kids to replenish the workforce for the future. Soon you will have a massive aging population that is a burden on the state because they don’t contribute as much to the economy and are a massive drain on resources/subsidizes/entitlement program.

So this virus in many ways is welcome to the aging population of the world. Population sustainability is key and at this rate the world is moving towards unsustainable population and resource depletion.
You showed your true color by this post

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