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Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

Are you ready to fight this outbreak of coronavirus?

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I saw this in another US blog for the situation in the next two months in the US.. do not know what to think of it but..Scary!..
American Hospital Association "Best Guess Epidemiology" for #codiv19 over next 2 months:

96,000,000 infections
4,800,000 hospitalizations
1,900,000 ICU admissions
480,000 deaths

vs flu in 2019:

35,500,000 infections
490,600 hospitalizations
49,000 ICU admissions
34,200 deaths

Mistakes were made

Faulty test kits and internal divisions over how to respond to the spread of the virus in the United States hamstrung early efforts to get an accurate picture of how rapidly the virus was moving through the population, according to multiple reports.

“They’ve simply lost time they can’t make up. You can’t get back six weeks of blindness,” Jeremy Konyndyk, a senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Development and an Obama-era administration staffer involved in the government’s response to the spread of the ebola virus, told The Washington Post. “To the extent that there’s someone to blame here, the blame is on poor, chaotic management from the White House and failure to acknowledge the big picture.”

There is a world in which a coordinated U.S. response to the outbreak of the coronavirus, which the Chinese government first reported to the World Health Organization in late December, would have been led by the global health security team within the National Security Council, but that group was dissolved in 2018 by the National Security Advisor at the time, John Bolton.
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Trusting liars would hurt you Trusting liars

I fail to see what have you got to loose.

The Mullah regime first responsibility is to care for the Iranian people. Instead they pursue some insane ideology that seriously , no one but them seem to understand.

I am sure no Iranian understands what Iran has to gain from those militia forces Iran builds in Yemen , Lebanon , Iraq and Syria. Though it is clear that such moves only flame the region.

I am sure no Iranian understand why after the supreme leader declare that " the bomb " is forbidden " by Islam , what does it matter if the date of expiration of the deal , would be cleared.

You know , after Two years of Iran Iraq war , there was a seize fire + compensation offer on they table. But his highness Khomeini , refused it . He declare that the war would not stop till Saddam is removed.

So the war lasted for 6 more years. Most of the millions of casualties where during those 6 years. Yet the war ended exactly at the same lines from 6 years ago and all those people died in vain . Because this person thought the blood pf the " martyrs " would be good fuel for his Islamic revolution , which he dreamed would spread all over the middle east.

Today again we see the Iran regime having to choose between their insane agenda ,stupid regional power games and self bravado , to the well being of their own people.

But so far it seems their are ok continue with this nonsense on the back of the Iranian people.

30 years and little has changed . . .


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I fail to see what have you got to loose.

The Mullah regime first responsibility is to care for the Iranian people. Instead they pursue some insane ideology that seriously , no one but them seem to understand.

I am sure no Iranian understands what Iran has to gain from those militia forces Iran builds in Yemen , Lebanon , Iraq and Syria. Though it is clear that such moves only flame the region.

I am sure no Iranian understand why after the supreme leader declare that " the bomb " is forbidden " by Islam , what does it matter if the date of expiration of the deal , would be cleared.

You know , after Two years of Iran Iraq war , there was a seize fire + compensation offer on they table. But his highness Khomeini , refused it . He declare that the war would not stop till Saddam is removed.

So the war lasted for 6 more years. Most of the millions of casualties where during those 6 years. Yet the war ended exactly at the same lines from 6 years ago and all those people died in vain . Because this person thought the blood pf the " martyrs " would be good fuel for his Islamic revolution , which he dreamed would spread all over the middle east.

Today again we see the Iran regime having to choose between their insane agenda ,stupid regional power games and self bravado , to the well being of their own people.

But so far it seems their are ok continue with this nonsense on the back of the Iranian people.

30 years and little has changed . . .



What does your bullcrap have anything to do with cronavirus??

Also...... whilest you are talking about non related topics... could you please explain why the Yoods have been the most hated people in history???

Do you think there has been a global conspiracy against the Yood, or are Yood just the most hatable creatures ever created??
US congress man wears gas mask to congress building ( # nation of fuk tards):

US congress man wears gas mask to congress building ( # nation of fuk tards):

well that certainly will protect him from airborne tansmission , but what i see is that he using his phone , hope he disinfect the phone before entering home , that phone is a lot more dangerous for transmitting the disease
Article about the virus in Iran. The general belief is that Iran is lying about the scale of the disaster.


The messages coming out of Iran on social media, especially from health-care workers, do little to convince me that my doomsday figures are inaccurate. David N. Fisman, a colleague of Tuite’s at the University of Toronto, notes that the virus reportedly spread after panicked residents of Qom and Tehran fled to smaller cities, thereby sowing COVID-19 all over the country. Circulating on social media are reports that some provinces, such as Mazandaran, have set up roadblocks to keep more people with the infection from spilling into their territory.

Estimates of hundreds of thousands of infected, possible millions.
Article about the virus in Iran. The general belief is that Iran is lying about the scale of the disaster.


Estimates of hundreds of thousands of infected, possible millions.

Shut up with your fear mongering. Mods please ban this propaganda promoting.

Even though Iran was slow to release information they were recently praised by WHO for their efforts in containing the virus.

Also it would be physically IMPOSSIBLE for the virus to infect “hundreds of thousands or millions” in such a short time. Go look at the average infection rate by a host carrying the virus before you spew such nonsense.

Iran’s numbers are in line with other countries including death rate. Italy did a much worse job than Iran in containing and had to quarantine the whole country. There deaths vs total infections is much higher than Iran right now.
US congress man wears gas mask to congress building ( # nation of fuk tards):

well that certainly will protect him from airborne tansmission , but what i see is that he using his phone , hope he disinfect the phone before entering home , that phone is a lot more dangerous for transmitting the disease
LOL, That's congressman Matt Gaetz. This guys is a Trump-loving conservative imbecile, He was running around saying that this new coronavirus is a hoax, He was telling people that drinking alcohol can kill the coronavirus to make a mockery out of this, He also wore that mask in senate to mock the hole coronavirus thing, But yesterday it turned out that this imbecile met and shook hands with someone that had coronavirus at CPAC. Now he has to quarantine himself for the next 14 days, To not infect others. Now i wonder if this halfwit still thinks this is funny or not.

Matt Gaetz, Who Mocked Coronavirus by Wearing Gas Mask on House Floor, Is Now in Quarantine

Article about the virus in Iran. The general belief is that Iran is lying about the scale of the disaster.


Estimates of hundreds of thousands of infected, possible millions.
Another imbecile halfwit with 2 digits of IQ pulling nonsense out of his a$$, I mean look at this imbecile's logic:
On March 3, 23 out of 290 members of parliament—about 7.9 percent—had the disease. (Unlike ordinary people, these MPs probably had reliable access to diagnosis. State media insisted they contracted the disease not from one another, but from their home districts.) The rate of infection of parliamentarians would, if applied to Iran’s total population, come to 6.4 million cases.
7.9 percent of a bunch of parliamentarians who work all day in close proximity of each other in a closed space had contracted COVID-19, Therefore i can extrapolate this figure to the whole population and pull 6,400,000 cases out of my a$$. This low IQ halfwit should propose a new epidemiological model, I'm sure this imbecile will win the Nobel Prize in medicine for his model.
Reality in Europe:
Switzerland only tests old people (more than 65yo), the younger ones can have and spread the virus!
While till today Germany was avoiding empty stadium policy.

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