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Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

Are you ready to fight this outbreak of coronavirus?

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Whole face Burqa's should be made monitory for women in public.
Does autoclaving mask on a pan over stove would work?
the mask will be disinfected but ts layers will not have the efficacy of a new one . to be honnest I rather use the mask for extended period to use it after gave it such treatment . (what I said is about n95 and surgical masks) I rather don't talk about other type of masks
the mask will be disinfected but ts layers will not have the efficacy of a new one . to be honnest I rather use the mask for extended period to use it after gave it such treatment . (what I said is about n95 and surgical masks) I rather don't talk about other type of masks
What about spraying alcohol? would layers have the efficacy of a new one?
Thanks god you are not law maker .
Whole face bursa is as shitty as it can get for protection against viruses .
As long as there some social distance....N-95 mask is not really needed. Studies have shown that plain surgical masks are as effective as N-95 in reducing the spread of flu in general environments with some social distance. You can wear an N-95 mask and still be infected...Unless its fit tested, there are gaps around the edges....your eyes can still be a vector for infection...if you touch the outside of the mask and then your eyes, you can still be infected.

N-95 masks should be left for medical professionals....they need them much more since they will be very close to the infected....even then many are getting infected.

summary : the Corona virus in iran is very aggressive and it can kill healthy young people as well

more lies and propaganda.

Death rate is very low below 50

Also it’s possible many had this virus and recovered from it thinking it was cold or flu. If that is true then death rate is even lower.

Still waiting for the “hundreds of thousands” who have it in Iran to show up. Many of you posting lies and propaganda.
Aramagedon wrote:

Saturday at 6:21 AM

This virus has more affect on Iranians and unlucky Italians who have close genetic.

More proof this virus is a biological weapon.

scope wrote:

Friday at 11:54 AM

By now, the world already knows the US regime is desperately covering up its biological attack against China, Iran, and Italy.

Case study

What do the official data tells about this alleged specific 'genetical' targeting of populations, repeated by more than two members of this forum?

• First, the data of casualties by ethnicity (calculated as a raw estimate right now, may not be accurate):

Confirmed cases and Deaths, as of 15 March 2020 08:00__:


Iran: 12729, 611
Kuwait: 104, 0
Lebanon: 93, 3
Iraq: 85, 9

Total: 13'011 cases, 623 deaths


Italy: 17750, 1441
Spain: 5753, 136
France: 4499, 91
Switzerland: 1359, 11
United Kingdom: 1140, 21
Greece: 228, 3
Portugal: 169, 0
Romania: 113, 0

Egypt: 93, 2
Algeria: 37, 2
Morocco: 18, 1
Tunisia: 16, 0
Turkey: 2, 0

Total: 31'016 cases, 1'708 deaths


Brazil: 121, 0
Chile: 61, 0
Argentina: 45, 2
Peru: 43, 0
Panama: 43, 1
Mexico: 41, 0
Colombia: 34, 0
Ecuador: 28, 2
Costa Rica: 27, 0
Dominican Republic: 11, 0
Venezuela: 10, 0

Total: 464 cases, 5 deaths

East Asian

China: 80995, 3203
South Korea: 8162, 75
Japan: 780, 22

Total: 89'937 cases, 3'300 deaths


Sweden: 924, 1
Norway: 907, 1
Denmark: 827, 0
Finland: 210, 0
Iceland: 138, 0
Ireland: 129, 2
Russia: 59, 0
Belarus: 21, 0
Ukraine: 3, 0

Total: 3'218 cases, 4 deaths


Germany: 3795, 8
Netherlands: 959, 12
Belgium: 689, 4
Austria: 655, 1
Czech Republic: 214, 0
Poland: 104, 3

Total: 6'416 cases, 28 deaths


South Africa: 24, 0
Senegal: 21, 0
Cote dIvoire: 4, 0
Cameroon: 3, 0
Burkina Faso: 3, 0
Nigeria: 2, 0
Namibia: 2,
Democratic Republic of the Congo: 2, 0
Ghana: 2, 0
Togo: 1, 0

Total: 64 cases, no deaths

This means, that the most hit of all groups is the Roman one, with a record 31'016 cases, 1'708 deaths and that differs both in term of contamination rate and death rate, by being worse than the Paleo-Romans (the ethnic craddle of the Romans) that have only 13'011 cases and 623 deaths.

The ethnically targeted infection thesis can further be refuted when comparing with the Neo-Romans, of the same ethnic background with the two previous groups and that have resettled in the New World, and that have a very low 464 cases and 5 deaths.

Any African involvement in the start of this outbreak can be ruled out, due to the low technological capability.

Therefore a Germanic (6'416 cases, 28 deaths) and Viking ( 3'218 cases, 4 deaths) responsibilty could be considered.

• Secondly, the real trajectory by regions:


http://archive.is/2up2U/955f82aa3f43351cf667e6f01464d391b816dd79.jpg ; https://archive.is/2up2U/00921018ce02fddf844d10ea354dbbc64cb06998/scr.png ; https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ETLln1aU8AYn2D_?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/PaulRogers73/status/1239302132664340481
1. Today was the worst day in Italy for deaths and new infected cases - 368 deaths - more than any single day in Wuhan. The #COVID19 death rate in Italy is now increasing faster than it was in China at the same stage. And this is happening in a country on total lock-down. Scary.

But by analysing the evolution graph by regions over 100 days, if one excludes Africa, it is obvious that the main factor is not ethnicity but politics: those who have taken the earliest preventive actions by imposing travel bans, strict quarantine rules, contact tracing, and further lockdown have achieved the best results.

Hong Kong, Singapore, the Republic of China are an example, taking the lead once again for mankind.

While the total lack of will from the Romans to do so, caused by economic considerations, has ultimately backfired, costing them the worse catastrophe since the Spanish flue of WWI!

Meanwhile, the People's Republic of China that has used in a world first, the A.I. Big Data technology to do the automatic tracing of all individuals contaminated by analysing the CCTV/5G footages feeded into the Tianhe Exascale supercomputers was able to curb the infection trend, and finally win the war on COVID.


http://archive.vn/PmkGa/1ac325cf622229c253d8d78925cef09537c236db.webp ; https://archive.vn/PmkGa/8dbbcaad6c1bb83825a052c88365cc2f434bffe7/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200316...c-61fc-11ea-8e9f-2d196083a37c_972x_073626.jpg ; https://www.scmp.com/news/china/sci...vel-twice-far-official-safe-distance-and-stay
2. Big Data A.I. tracing contaminated bus passengers in real time in China, used in the fight against COVID-19.

Do not expect the Romans to achieve the same feat, as they do not have a global nationwide CCTV/5G facial-skeletal-gait-I.R. thermal-cellular reconnaissance and tracking system! Their infection rate and death rate are already much higher than that of China, and will reach a much higher peek in the coming weeks (above 500'000 cases and 30'000 deaths)!



more lies and propaganda.

Death rate is very low below 50

Also it’s possible many had this virus and recovered from it thinking it was cold or flu. If that is true then death rate is even lower.

Still waiting for the “hundreds of thousands” who have it in Iran to show up. Many of you posting lies and propaganda.

Iran is warning that the coronavirus pandemic could overwhelm health facilities there as the death toll jumped to 724.

The number of people with the virus in Iran is nearing 14,000.

The health ministry says around 15 percent of those who have died were under the age of 40.

Iran's president says the fight against the illness is being hampered by US sanctions.

Al Jazeera's Zein Basravi reports.

We re-estimated mortality rates by dividing the number of deaths on a given day by the number of patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection 14 days before. On this basis, using WHO data on the cumulative number of deaths to March 1, 2020, mortality rates would be 5·6% (95% CI 5·4–5·8) for China and 15·2% (12·5–17·9) outside of China. Global mortality rates over time using a 14-day delay estimate are shown in the figure, with a curve that levels off to a rate of 5·7% (5·5–5·9), converging with the current WHO estimates. Estimates will increase if a longer delay between onset of illness and death is considered. A recent time-delay adjusted estimation indicates that mortality rate of COVID-19 could be as high as 20% in Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak.
These findings show that the current figures might underestimate the potential threat of COVID-19 in symptomatic patients.


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