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Real Taliban are not terrorists.

Yeah, It's funny how we take dictation from The USA. USA calls them Islamic fundamentalists and radicals, and we start calling them fundamentalists and radicals. There is nothing wrong with being a fundamentalist. They should be called Islam-haters actually. They don't know a thing about Islam and they are fighting in the name of Islam. BS.
And I agree TTP are not the Taliban. They are actually a bunch of plonkers who don't know the fundamentals of Islam.

Let’s define fundamentals. Fundamentals mean one who sticks to their objectives and principals and does n t change it.

At the moment what western is doing they are also fundamentals. They are not will to talk or show any tolerance and killing innocent human being, invading other countries and nations.

US objective is clear to have total global domination and they are killing and destroying everything in their path like fanatic.
Real taliban are real irhabi scum. So too their Pakistani hosts. Don't host a taliban scum. Your family and you may eat a HELLFIRE missile.

Stop supporting and providing sanctuary to these men. You are evil if you do. They TARGET civilians in Afghanistan and make no pretense otherwise thus you are accomplices in wanton murder of afghani muslims.

For shame. If you so proudly support these men, then dress them in the uniform of your army and allow them the privilege to make war upon Afghanistan and us from your lands, in said uniform, and behind your flag.

Otherwise you and them are cowards.
i have come to know thw word taliban means a student/follower of islam i might be wrong please correct me if i am.
if the above statement is true then offcourse they are not because islam dosent not teach you hatred in any form as far as i know again correct me if i am wrong. but who can differentiate who is a real taliban offcourse not those who weild their guns on top of their jeeps thay are not real taliban where are the real taliban who will find them, who will differentiate who is real who is not is there a present structure that can differentiate offcoursre there isnt.
so this vague question has not implication there are no real talibans around in pakistan jusr check S-2 sirs posts above about what needs to be done with those who fake as taliban.

Real taliban are real irhabi scum. So too their Pakistani hosts. Don't host a taliban scum. Your family and you may eat a HELLFIRE missile..

:rofl::rofl::woot:Where all really scared!

Stop supporting and providing sanctuary to these men. You are evil if you do. They TARGET civilians in Afghanistan and make no pretense otherwise thus you are accomplices in wanton murder of afghani muslims..

You yankee scum have commited more brutal killings then any other group in history.....the afghan taliban are our brothers and we should fully support them in there jihad against the jewnited snakes...eer sry united states.

For shame. If you so proudly support these men, then dress them in the uniform of your army and allow them the privilege to make war upon Afghanistan and us from your lands, in said uniform, and behind your flag.
Otherwise you and them are cowards.

You cowards can not fight without air support.......you wanna fight like men...? get those pathetic hillbilly perverts to fight without air support...you will not last a couple of weeks.
Real taliban are real irhabi scum. So too their Pakistani hosts. Don't host a taliban scum. Your family and you may eat a HELLFIRE missile.

Stop supporting and providing sanctuary to these men. You are evil if you do. They TARGET civilians in Afghanistan and make no pretense otherwise thus you are accomplices in wanton murder of afghani muslims.

For shame. If you so proudly support these men, then dress them in the uniform of your army and allow them the privilege to make war upon Afghanistan and us from your lands, in said uniform, and behind your flag.

Otherwise you and them are cowards.

so wat exactly do u guys do in afghanistan or iraq???? dont u kill civilians. i dont want to remind you that how many have u guys killed in both iraq and afghanistan.
and i guess we are more of an evil if we support you guys in ur quest than if we support them. i might not agree with their interpretation of islam but those afghan talibans have got a gud justification to fight against your forces in afghanistan. and its hard to believe that u are callin us coward when u use drone attacks and air strikes and God knows wat in which majority who die is innocent.
Hey listen for the ones that haven't waken up lol these bastards are all terrorist's very simple get with the prog look around watch the news open your ears talk to people look and see wat they are doing around the world specialy in Pakistan be supportive to kill these cowards not support them this thread is rubish !!
the real muhjadeen have somewhat distanced themselves from the now taliban
some time back the taliban shot a man because he wasent putting his shalwar above his ankles, he resisted saying he was the REAL muhjadeen as he fought the war against the kafirs [soviets] not his own people [muslims] and they shot him on the spot.
Real taliban are real irhabi scum. So too their Pakistani hosts. Don't host a taliban scum. Your family and you may eat a HELLFIRE missile.
Watch your mouth or there will be no mouth left to talk. Who hell think you are talking like this threading me and my family.
Stop supporting and providing sanctuary to these men. You are evil if you do. They TARGET civilians in Afghanistan and make no pretense otherwise thus you are accomplices in wanton murder of afghani muslims..
How many civilians US killed in Iraq Afghanistan. In World War 2 US drop two atomic booms not on military but on civilians.
For shame. If you so proudly support these men, then dress them in the uniform of your army and allow them the privilege to make war upon Afghanistan and us from your lands, in said uniform, and behind your flag.
Otherwise you and them are cowards.
Cowards that US calls its army is nothing without air support. In minutes of Taliban contact soldiers call for air strike. How many war clips I saw in which soldiers are crying like little girls.
Fact are Pakistan soldier were send in tribal belt in 2004 martyred are 1600 plus where US who sent their soldiers in 2001 only killed are less then 700 because Pakistan soldiers fight the enemy which flee from Afghanistan because of US not blocking the border and US soldiers were to busy calling air strike and killing civilians and making more enemy.
"Jingoism in its peak form."

No. It is the logical reaction to those whom aborgate their sovereign responsibilities over their domain. Host irhabi scum and you aid and abet the enemy. Simple.

You are a legitimate target in your own right.

For the rest of you numbskulls, quit being the couch-warriors you so persistently cling to and put your feet behind your mouth. Go get an AK and walk the talk. You'll find those soft, lazy American soldiers right at your border and we'll see who the tough guys are then.

That's jingoism, K.B.

Learn to recognize the difference.

Oh! That jingoism will kill the rest of you lil' irhabi minions should you find the courage to back your words with manly action.

Please refrain from the zionist rantings...

"against the jewnited snakes"

Very poor form. One might think that you aren't able to control your emotions with such rabid outbursts.

There where no attacks-suicide bombs against army-govt until the lal masjid massacre.

So what you are saying is what they were doing in lal masjid should have been allowed .

And just for your information There were all kinds of suicide attacks and terrorist attacks on shias from these Terrorist but Most didnt care but that dont mean they werent there.
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