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Real India Stats (2020)

  1. India has shutdown highest number of Internet anywhere in the world (468 times) since 2012 and so far highest in 2020 (83 Times) as compared to any other country in the world attempt to curb voice against the Indian Government - Times of India and BBC
  2. India (the largest so-called democracy) is now slipped to 53rd position on the global Democratic Index (2020) - Economist Intelligence Unit EIU
  3. India (the largest so-called democracy) is now at 142nd in Global Press Freedom (2020) - RSF Reporters without Borders, Times of India, Economic Times
  4. India ranks 145th on Global Healthcare access (2020) - Times of India, Lancet study, Economic Times, HT
  5. India ranked 94th out of 107 at Global Hunger Index (2020) - Global Hunger Index GHI
  6. India has highest bribery rate in Asia (2020) - TOI, Economic Times, Hindustan Times
  7. India has got the highest number of aid from the United States as compared to any other country - USAID
  8. India has the highest number of Stillbirths in the world (2020) - DNAIndia
  9. India has the third-highest number of fatalities in the world because of the worst Healthcare system (2020)
  10. India is the 4th biggest arms importer in the world (2020) and on the 2nd number between (2015 - 2019) - Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and Times of India
  11. 6 of the world’s 10 most polluted cities are in India (2020) - World Economic Forum
  12. IMF validates India's GDP Worst among G-20 countries (2020) - IMF
  13. 60% of the Indians below the poverty line - World Bank
  14. India has the highest percentage of poverty in the world - World Bank
  15. India is at 8th number in Global terrorism index (2020) - Global Terrorism Index / Statista
  16. Half of India’s children suffer from malnutrition (2019) - World’s Children report UNICEF
  17. India is the 12th worst country for the newborn (2019) - UNICEF
  18. Indian Govt and its intelligence runs largest network of fake websites, fake broadcasters and propoganda campaigns against Pakistan from the last 15 years - busted by Disinfolab Europe
  19. India has world’s one of the worst sanitation problem. One in 10 deaths in India because of poor sanitation (2019) - World Bank

******* batain karalo insay... From last 2 years 24/7 their Godi Media busy in reporting Pakistan's related news just to keep illiterate janta busy in bashing neighbor(s) meanwhile their own country is worst in everything!

@airomerix @Hodor @HawkEye27 @araz @Arsalan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @BHarwana @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Bilal Khan 777 @Foxtrot Alpha @ghazi52 @Irfan Baloch @Imran Khan @Jango @krash @LeGenD @Moonlight @Side-Winder @SQ8 @waz @Windjammer @dbc @Aamir Hussain @The Eagle @Akh1112 @aliyusuf @Areesh @ARMalik @assasiner @Blacklight @crankthatskunk @Cookie Monster @Counter-Errorist @Dalit @DESERT FIGHTER @Dil Pakistan @Falcon26 @Flight of falcon @FuturePAF @graphican @GriffinsRule @Gryphon @GumNaam @Haris Ali2140 @HRK @Hakikat ve Hikmet @I S I @JamD @Khanivore @khansaheeb @khanasifm @Liquidmetal @loanranger @masterchief_mirza @Maxpane @Metal 0-1 @Mirage Battle Commander @Microsoft @mingle @Mrc @mshan44 @Muhammad Omar @NA71 @Nasr @Norwegian @notorious_eagle @Pakistani Fighter @PAKISTANFOREVER @PanzerKiel @Path-Finder @PDFChamp @PWFI @Rafi @Reichsmarschall @Riz @SABRE @Safriz @Shane @Signalian @Stealth @StormBreaker @The Accountant @The Raven @TheTallGuy @Tank131 @Thorough Pro @TOPGUN @Tipu7 @Tps43 @truthfollower @TsAr @Trango Towers @undercover JIX @Viper27 @Vortex @Verve @White and Green with M/S @Zarvan @ziaulislam @Zulfiqar
hommies @PakSword @Super Falcon @Sabretooth @PradoTLC @khail007 @War Thunder @ZedZeeshan @Crystal-Clear
these numbers dont matter as long as whites can milk hindustani cow they will remain silent! West has always been hypocrite the champion of human rights dint care about human rights abuse in Palestine! champion of freedom dint care wheb they were working with Arab monarchs! so nothing good will come out of these reports!
Those are troubling stats, moreso since these represent the state of my nation today. The current administration has clearly failed to live up to its mandate and must answer to the electorate.

It's, sadly, also understandable the spirit in which this thread was started. As an Indian on PDF I can empathize with the anger one feels when another casts aspersions on their motherland, even moreso if it has an element of truth in it. Looking around to see ones neighbours in a worse state has become a balm for complacency rather than an impetus to reflect and affect change.

At least here, an unapologetic and a brash view exists unimpeded about the multiple problems afflicting my country. IMO Sorting the genuine and then implementing a change for the better should be the way forward rather than looking around to see if the accuser has it worse.

My country's honour is better served fixing our problems onground rather than defending it online against anonymous posters.
But even if you want to compare and accuse us of being the same.
We do have our own batch of problems.
But they are not bigger then the ones india face or probably sometimes very small things are blown out of proportions because of our image.
The point is that pakistan is nothing.
But india is in g20 countries. You have built up your reserves right, and all the stuff about economy and exports. If everything was growing at 7 percent even then it is not enough to feed your population.
The growth story and good economy certainly has not translated into poor people. Who have become more poorer.
What kind of india the leaders want. An indian where there is an island of rich and a sea of poor.
The rich is getting richer day by day and the poor is getting poorer.
The path this government follows of gimmicks. Blaming pakistan and Congress and playing religion card to distract from real issues.
For an economy like India. Do you even have a single city that can be called world class and compared to eurpeon cities or Chinese?
If anyone can do worse. Its media. It has made the audeiance believe that they are supper power. And they have stopped asking questions and wanting more.
All they need is to win. And according to their media they are winning against lets say pakistan, Congress, Muslims etc etc.

But even if you want to compare and accuse us of being the same.
We do have our own batch of problems.
But they are not bigger then the ones india face or probably sometimes very small things are blown out of proportions because of our image.
The point is that pakistan is nothing.
But india is in g20 countries. You have built up your reserves right, and all the stuff about economy and exports. If everything was growing at 7 percent even then it is not enough to feed your population.
The growth story and good economy certainly has not translated into poor people. Who have become more poorer.
What kind of india the leaders want. An indian where there is an island of rich and a sea of poor.
The rich is getting richer day by day and the poor is getting poorer.
The path this government follows of gimmicks. Blaming pakistan and Congress and playing religion card to distract from real issues.
For an economy like India. Do you even have a single city that can be called world class and compared to eurpeon cities or Chinese?
If anyone can do worse. Its media. It has made the audeiance believe that they are supper power. And they have stopped asking questions and wanting more.
All they need is to win. And according to their media they are winning against lets say pakistan, Congress, Muslims etc etc.
The only point I'd like to disagree with you in your post is the part where you mentioned Pakistan to be nothing, though I understand the intent behind you saying it. Why, netizens from both sides chronically underestimate each other, I haven't the foggiest.

It is also undeniable that the current administration has been successfully covering up its own shortcomings, emotive diversions seem to be the go to playbook. From a common citizen point of view, we need a strong alternative to the one presented and projected by the ruling party, failing that, the chances of any retrospection and progress in the United desired direction seem to be remote.

Sadly this is a feel good thread for Pakistanis and a good way to get complacent and self-improve by pointing to someone else and their issues.
On the surface maybe, but tis the internet, welcome to the party, both sides like to tango.

Leave the intent, leave the purpose, focus on what's stated and sadly that seems to be true. As sons of our mother, it is up to us to change that for the better.
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Nice facts.... but people in India already do know these things about their country. What's the point? If it's comparative, then Pakistan isn't really doing any better. If it's about how the West tries to portray India better than it actually is, they kinda have to do it, right? They need to counter China and India seems to be a good bet. China shouldn't have ruined it's great relationship with India that it had in the 50s. Maybe they'll still win with their superior economy, but wars are costly. Many great nations have been bankrupted because of megalomaniac leaders who fancy themselves world conquerors. Modi might be an idiot, but but like other Indian leaders, I think he knows what India can and cannot do.
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Once long long ago I advised a Pakistani member Omar1984 to stop holding a mirror up for the Indians - the smart ones may act upon it and improve their own circumstance.
Expend that energy on your own community please and bring about positive change for Pakistan instead.

India appears to be on a downward spiral thanks to its leadership, why would you want to disturb an enemy that is plotting its own demise.
I often think about this too before laying into our friends of a saffron persuasion. However, no matter how much ANY Pakistani tries to "accidentally help" India by holding a mirror up to them, these inferiority complex driven fools won't ever take a hint, for two reasons:

(1) If advice comes from a Pakistani/south Asian muslim, most Indians will continue to do the polar opposite. Honestly it's true. I could sit here and tell them "rape is bad" and they will keep doing it rather than listen to a ****.

(2) The caste philosophy is sooooooo entrenched in their mindsets that individuals simply acknowledge their particular position in the hierarchy and accept their fate rather than try to upend this situation. Dalits know they haven't got a hope in heck, so they just crack on at being the best trash picker they can be. Brahmins start life with a leg up. No matter what anyone says, India will preserve this b.s. and so, there is little prospect of it ever evolving away from self inflicted poverty: brahminists will simply get richer.
Looks like the "developing and long way to go" posts have ruffled some feathers.
What's this jazz about "rich getting richer"? Have you guys seem the Gini coefficients and income inequality in China, India and Pakistan? Pakistan is just marginally better than India and both are much less unequal than China. Of course, all that is meaningless because China is just much richer overall. Markets tend towards monopoly and inequality, but a rising tide lifts all boats. You can't suppress growth in the name of income inequality. As the economy grows, the welfare state will have more to spend on poverty alleviation.
  1. India has shutdown highest number of Internet anywhere in the world (468 times) since 2012 and so far highest in 2020 (83 Times) as compared to any other country in the world attempt to curb voice against the Indian Government - Times of India and BBC
  2. India (the largest so-called democracy) is now slipped to 53rd position on the global Democratic Index (2020) - Economist Intelligence Unit EIU
  3. India (the largest so-called democracy) is now at 142nd in Global Press Freedom (2020) - RSF Reporters without Borders, Times of India, Economic Times
  4. India ranks 145th on Global Healthcare access (2020) - Times of India, Lancet study, Economic Times, HT
  5. India ranked 94th out of 107 at Global Hunger Index (2020) - Global Hunger Index GHI
  6. India has highest bribery rate in Asia (2020) - TOI, Economic Times, Hindustan Times
  7. India has got the highest number of aid from the United States as compared to any other country - USAID
  8. India has the highest number of Stillbirths in the world (2020) - DNAIndia
  9. India has the third-highest number of fatalities in the world because of the worst Healthcare system (2020)
  10. India is the 4th biggest arms importer in the world (2020) and on the 2nd number between (2015 - 2019) - Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and Times of India
  11. 6 of the world’s 10 most polluted cities are in India (2020) - World Economic Forum
  12. IMF validates India's GDP Worst among G-20 countries (2020) - IMF
  13. 60% of the Indians below the poverty line - World Bank
  14. India has the highest percentage of poverty in the world - World Bank
  15. India is at 8th number in Global terrorism index (2020) - Global Terrorism Index / Statista
  16. Half of India’s children suffer from malnutrition (2019) - World’s Children report UNICEF
  17. India is the 12th worst country for the newborn (2019) - UNICEF
  18. Indian Govt and its intelligence runs largest network of fake websites, fake broadcasters and propoganda campaigns against Pakistan from the last 15 years - busted by Disinfolab Europe
  19. India has world’s one of the worst sanitation problem. One in 10 deaths in India because of poor sanitation (2019) - World Bank

From last 2-3 years, 24/7 their Media busy in reporting Pakistan's related news just to keep illiterate janta busy in bashing neighbor(s) meanwhile their own country is worst in everything!

@airomerix @Hodor @HawkEye27 @araz @Arsalan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @BHarwana @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Bilal Khan 777 @Foxtrot Alpha @ghazi52 @Irfan Baloch @Imran Khan @Jango @krash @LeGenD @Moonlight @Side-Winder @SQ8 @waz @Windjammer @dbc @Aamir Hussain @The Eagle @Akh1112 @aliyusuf @Areesh @ARMalik @assasiner @Blacklight @crankthatskunk @Cookie Monster @Counter-Errorist @Dalit @DESERT FIGHTER @Dil Pakistan @Falcon26 @Flight of falcon @FuturePAF @graphican @GriffinsRule @Gryphon @GumNaam @Haris Ali2140 @HRK @Hakikat ve Hikmet @I S I @JamD @Khanivore @khansaheeb @khanasifm @Liquidmetal @loanranger @masterchief_mirza @Maxpane @Metal 0-1 @Mirage Battle Commander @Microsoft @mingle @Mrc @mshan44 @Muhammad Omar @NA71 @Nasr @Norwegian @notorious_eagle @Pakistani Fighter @PAKISTANFOREVER @PanzerKiel @Path-Finder @PDFChamp @PWFI @Rafi @Reichsmarschall @Riz @SABRE @Safriz @Shane @Signalian @Stealth @StormBreaker @The Accountant @The Raven @TheTallGuy @Tank131 @Thorough Pro @TOPGUN @Tipu7 @Tps43 @truthfollower @TsAr @Trango Towers @undercover JIX @Viper27 @Vortex @Verve @White and Green with M/S @Zarvan @ziaulislam @Zulfiqar
hommies @PakSword @Super Falcon @Sabretooth @PradoTLC @khail007 @War Thunder @ZedZeeshan @Crystal-Clear
It's a daming post.
We are not very much different. However, how Indians behave on social media, they must be reminded about what they are.
We must look forward to solving our own problems and not focus on what they have or they don't have.
Once long long ago I advised a Pakistani member Omar1984 to stop holding a mirror up for the Indians - the smart ones may act upon it and improve their own circumstance.
Expend that energy on your own community please and bring about positive change for Pakistan instead.

India appears to be on a downward spiral thanks to its leadership, why would you want to disturb an enemy that is plotting its own demise.
You know what is one good thing? Pakistani media seldom talks about Indian problems.. always highlights even if a small incident occurs anywhere in Pakistan as government's failure. While I don't agree with our media many times, the policy of bashing our own government works most of the times.

India media, on the other hand, also highlights others problems (specially Pakistan's). It also seldom highlights its own and projects the government as highly efficient and effective in all areas.. Except very few media outlets, the rest of them are now being tagged as part of Godi Media.

Since Indians mostly watch Godi media, they have started thinking that NASA is NASA because of Indians.. Microsoft is Microsoft because of Indians.. IBM is IBM because of Indians... they act as if they have achieved the development goals and now helping the rest of the world develop too. Pakistan for them is worst than even the poorest and the most lawless country in the world.. Sometimes, it's good to see their comments on Pakistan travel blogs on youtube when good Indians (very few commenters) write that they are surprised to see Pakistan.. or Bangladesh.. they were shown an entire different picture.

I think our media's intentional or unintentional strategy to highlight our own problems (even if they raise false alarms sometimes) and letting the enemy busy in rejoicing on what they don't have.. is the best strategy.. Let the enemy plot its own demise as you have advised..
The damning stats don't lie, but Indian state has other priorities. Namely the wish to become a regional police officer of Western powers.
the point of sharing this info is, these moda cartoon phakers 24/7 busy in bashing us on the other hand if u see their stats na tati karnay kiliye bathroom hey, sab se baray behkhari ye kudh hain aur in the top sab se worst democracy inki hey ... abhe inmay say koi dhakan is thread may aap ko nazar nahi ayyega these Indians are highest order of hypocrite

Bhai main samajraha hon. Mera jawab Ka matlab ye nahi tha « kion » app nay ye likha hay. Mera jawab Ka matlab siraf explanations tha « kion » aissa ho reha hai.
Aur kion kuch bhi naheen change hoga.
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