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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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American eagle---Davis will get out---but in due time---. The federal govt got blind sided by the provincial govt---the provincial govt has few taliban supporters in them---it is just the way it happened at such a fast pace that the feds could no do much and by the time they made a decision the provincial govt had the people riled up.

If the provincial govt in the begining had acted on info that the two were robbers and followed through---the people would not have been fired up so bad.

But you know---it is no different in the U S either---. Mr Davis has no diplomatic immunity---he never had---but there will be one manufactured for him---. I mean to say---we pakistanis have to live in this world as well----why to live miserably by taking the wrath of the united states----.
Dude you seriously need to tone down on your bs now, lucky you that you are still here after the comment that you had made earlier. You keep running you shithole about the aid, have you ever seen what goes on in your own country. Another thing, the reason you get to show your auqat so much is that we have fags running the show in our country, and it gives opportunities to other fags to act likewise.

This is RD*Pak*US thread, why bring India here?
The fact is that aid is rolling out like a red carpet to Pakistan, why deny it?
GOP is wholesome in this decision of releasing RD to US right here.
Why do you write otherwise, if some one puts up some blunt questions?
I am sure, if you can chew, you can digest...
Kill the bastard hang him by his :flame: he is a spy and the bastard killed two of our Pakistani's hang the sucker :butcher:
This is RD*Pak*US thread, why bring India here?
The fact is that aid is rolling out like a red carpet to Pakistan, why deny it?
GOP is wholesome in this decision of releasing RD to US right here.
Why do you write otherwise, if some one puts up some blunt questions?
I am sure, if you can chew, you can digest...

No one is asking you to stop asking questions. But then there is always a thin ling between respect and disrespect and you have crossed that line. So my comments are justified as I can clearly see that you have no respect for my country. So what you are doing is not asking questions but rather you are taking digs at us. And that is not acceptable. You want respect so act likewise, otherwise dont complain when you are at the receiving end of it.
Fauzia wahab is misquoting the Vienna Convention trying to fool the public or want to become a foreign minister

Jana - You always outline quick one-two liners in your response ! Pls. outline your specific concerns in as many words considering your journalistic background.

American eagle---Davis will get out---but in due time---. The federal govt got blind sided by the provincial govt---the provincial govt has few taliban supporters in them---it is just the way it happened at such a fast pace that the feds could no do much and by the time they made a decision the provincial govt had the people riled up.

If the provincial govt in the begining had acted on info that the two were robbers and followed through---the people would not have been fired up so bad.

But you know---it is no different in the U S either---. Mr Davis has no diplomatic immunity---he never had---but there will be one manufactured for him---. I mean to say---we pakistanis have to live in this world as well----why to live miserably by taking the wrath of the united states----.

What a nice way to sell your self short, have it not been made clear in this thread that they were not robbers. And the comment about taliban supporters, I have seen blacks in america going an extra mile to prove their loyalties. Looks like the desis are following that lead as well now. The federal gov is as corrupt as they come, and at the same time the provincial gov is no better. But they never came out with any such remarks to gain anything out of it as far as I remember they have been saying it from day one that they will respect the decision of the courts. But alas all I can say is that I always thought that you were better then that but looks like I thought wrong.

And do read what EX FM Quraishi had to say about the case.
US, Pakistan need to move past Davis case: Kerry

(55 minutes ago) Today

LAHORE: US Sen. John Kerry says Pakistan and the United States need to focus on their ”many mutual interests” rather than letting the dispute over a jailed US embassy worker derail relations.

Raymond Davis has been detained since Jan 27, when he fatally shot two Pakistani men who he says were trying to rob him.

A chorus of American officials have called for his release on the grounds of diplomatic immunity, including President Barack Obama.

Kerry reiterated the US stance Tuesday. He also said he regretted the deaths of the two Pakistani men and pledged Davis will be tried in an American court.

Kerry spoke in Lahore while on a last-minute trip arranged amid tense relations between Washington and Islamabad over the Davis case.
Seems like dust of nationalism has VANISHED.

You cannot being to judge my nationalism. I don't prove my nationalism by frothing and foaming at the mouth on a online forum. My Nationalism in the duty i day everyday... I don't need to list my nationalism nor prove it. You seem to think that by trying to provoke an American response you will gain some pride or strength.

Nay, you will lose what little leverage you have. Tone that passion down, unlike many on this forum who can safely express their tempestuous "nationalism" behind the safety of a computer, i live with the threat of getting blown up everyday.. And i do this for our people, for our Pakistan. Who know's the next call may be my last...

So please don't make this personal and don't misjudge my honest concern for the fate of Pakistan with a lack of nationalism. Any fool can fly a flag on the 14th of August, come spend a day in my shoes, and you will not be so quick to judge my nationalism nor my allegiance to the crescent and the star.

If you provoke the powers that be, you will be engulfed. You are the weaker party, you are between the hammer and an anvil(you know of what i speak). So please tone down that rhetoric and personal attacks and realize what is at stake, and you would risk this all for 1 Man? I am totally for discussing the moral and legal merits of this argument, but this stance... This is bloated by corrupt politicians and the embers have been fanned by the disgusting reporting of the media.

Do you honestly believe that uncle sam will be the looser in all of this?
Tell it to Obama (the superpower POTUS) who has come out on this....One who has rolled out additional aid to Pakistan......

Do you want billions or you want RD?

BTW when was the last revolution in Pakistan since its inception?

you have forced me to say this by your posts here that you are one ugly SOB.....

sorry i couldnt resist...
I stress once again, please keep the rhetoric down and let the official process conclude. Then we can all move one to dissect the the pros and the cons of the aftermath at leisure.

Davis will get out---but in due time---. The federal govt got blind sided by the provincial govt---the provincial govt has few taliban supporters in them---it is just the way it happened at such a fast pace that the feds could no do much and by the time they made a decision the provincial govt had the people riled up.

MK – I am always happy to read your posts because there is seldom a time where you are irrational or incorrect. However I actually take issue with this statement. You are basically implying ''sorry we disrespected you; we have some problems at home (which we do) and it was those problems which caused us to placate our people at the expense of our relationship’’

On one hand, we talk about respecting the local courts decision, on the other hand some say that the courts and all the politicans and people are wrong.

Conventions or no conventions; compliance or dereliction --- 3 people were killed; 2 under circumstances still being determined by law enforcement. 1 killed due to absolutely wanton disrespect for road safety and the lives of the locals –which was demonstrated by the fact that the vehicle drove away (rendering it a crime scene).

as for taleban supporters -- if and when they exist in govt. they should also be exposed

If the provincial govt in the begining had acted on info that the two were robbers and followed through---the people would not have been fired up so bad.


But you know---it is no different in the U S either---. Mr Davis has no diplomatic immunity---he never had---but there will be one manufactured for him---. I mean to say---we pakistanis have to live in this world as well----why to live miserably by taking the wrath of the united states----.

Fear is no policy
Surrender is no option

When your moral cause is right,
Then you know that you are righteous

If ''wrath’’ means blackmail, then so be it…..There’s a difference between defiance vs. standing up for the lives of your citizens and their honour. There’s a difference between prudence vs. having a defeatist attitude. (not implied towards you necessarily)

by the way, I too want a normalization of ties with US. This incident has been a huge thorn in the side. The Americans should at least find out who the other drivers were; they should also charge the 2 in U.S. courts --rather than bring him back to a ''heros'' welcome --which would be a huge slap in the face to Pakistanis --especially the families of those directly affected by this incident, which took place in a zone where said ''officials'' were not even supposed to be in in the first place
HANG THIS GUY!! Pakistani idiots love American PAK relation which is not actually relation thats >>> >>>> not >>> <<<

Why do you feel you have the right to call those who do not share your opinion, idiots?
You cannot being to judge my nationalism. I don't prove my nationalism by frothing and foaming at the mouth on a online forum. My Nationalism in the duty i day everyday... I don't need to list my nationalism nor prove it. You seem to think that by trying to provoke an American response you will gain some pride or strength.

Nay, you will lose what little leverage you have. Tone that passion down, unlike many on this forum who can safely express their tempestuous "nationalism" behind the safety of a computer, i live with the threat of getting blown up everyday.. And i do this for our people, for our Pakistan. Who know's the next call may be my last...

So please don't make this personal and don't misjudge my honest concern for the fate of Pakistan with a lack of nationalism. Any fool can fly a flag on the 14th of August, come spend a day in my shoes, and you will not be so quick to judge my nationalism nor my allegiance to the crescent and the star.

If you provoke the powers that be, you will be engulfed. You are the weaker party, you are between the hammer and an anvil(you know of what i speak). So please tone down that rhetoric and personal attacks and realize what is at stake, and you would risk this all for 1 Man? I am totally for discussing the moral and legal merits of this argument, but this stance... This is bloated by corrupt politicians and the embers have been fanned by the disgusting reporting of the media.

Do you honestly believe that uncle sam will be the looser in all of this?

Sir ji I completely agree with every thing that you had said, and we as Pakistanis shouldnt be pointing fingers at each other. After all that has been our shortcoming since day one that we had not trusted our own. Now when I also agree with you that we cant live with the US going against us at this point of time. We should could have made a better effort and could have atleast handled the issue in a way kay sanp bhi marjayee and lathi bhi na totay. But unfortunately the leaders that we have. Well sir ji keep up the good work. And thank you for your services to this great country of ours.
well i don,t think so , because we are used to now and very mush immune to such events.
it would be discussed in media for about a month or two but soon after that new issue , new topics , new discussions ........................

no not this time. army will not let this happen. people will go to street ,protests already started in the streets of lahore.
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