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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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Yes, pictures was taking in Iraq, it could be example in Pakistan.
For God's sake... Let him go!!! Why ruin all this trust, all this good... I want stronger relations between Pakistan and the USA. I wan't this to grow and flourish and i want us to sit back a bit, tone down the passion and hear both sides. Things were handled badly on both sides... Lets move on beyond this.

Sir, we both agree US/Pakistan relation should move forward, how can we trust US even though they killed our innocents people by CIA agents, Drones attack, Aids, Blackwaters, urdu-speaking undercover foreigners, heavy pressures. I am disappointed, we unable to stand up ourselves in mutual respect and laws. Simple throw away.
I stress once again, please keep the rhetoric down and let the official process conclude. Then we can all move one to dissect the the pros and the cons of the aftermath at leisure.

Talk abt some fcuking adaptability ... I likes..! Its indeed mighty hard, howd you do that ... is it that you have become numb over time...!
Talk abt some fcuking adaptability ... I likes..! Its indeed mighty hard, howd you do that ... is it that you have become numb over time...!

No Sir. I feel, think and care for both the land of my birth and the land of my future just fine, without feeling numb at all. Thank you for the compliments hidden behind the abuse and sarcasm, but you do realise I am correct about my point, I hope. :D
Thank you for your forthright comments about me. I am focused on International Law, the Convention and associated Treaties, which at present the Government of Pakistan, not the Pakistani court sytem, must officially deal with by admitting Diplomatic Immunity does apply.

When things as of today, Tuesday, Feb. 15, rise to the level of President Obama making his remaraks in a live, open press conference from the White House stating that Raymond Davis has Diplomatic Immunity and must be released by the GOP acknowledging this fact, you might understand that what you perceive to be my old age senility and stubborness is our, plural, most Americans, frustration of the failure of the GOP to honor and obey International Law which gives Mr. Davis Diplomatic Immunity.

Beyond that point of order, which is of course a major one for the President of the US to comment on, then other issues which the GOP might want to bring up through quiet, non-publicized diplomatic channels with no more "leaks" to the Pakistani or other world media, can be calmly discussed and sorted out separately.

It is not my stubborness that you are reading, it is the fact that I as an old Pakistani hand of nearly two years service in Pakistan, where I had and still have several good friends, am very baffled that petty internal Pakistani politics would dare be used to refuse to obey International Law which is over and apart from the GOP and the court system them.

The degree of bias shown against me on this site comes across to me as from perhaps mainly younger folks, but perhaps some older Pakistanis, too, who don't understand where Western values come from in such a matter. I will offer you my personal interpretation: To me it is irrational and goofy to make martyrs out of two men who were robbers, criminals, by Western standards, to the point of some on this site calling for Mr. Davis to immediately by lynched by a mob.

At no time have I used curse words on this site, ever, but many such curse words are being thrown at me and I have asked privately and now ask openly for the Administrators and Moderators of this good site, PDF, to eliminate, erase, and give points to everyone who has been so immature and rude as to descend to cursing on line here.

Here we in this instance of Mr. Davis are dealing with a Pakistani Court Order to the Pakistani Foreign Office to give a FO ruling that Mr. Davis is or is not per International Law, covered by Diplomatic Immunity.

Part of the problem I do recognize and understand is that in recent months "someone", a bureaucrat, inside the Pakistani Foreign Office, has put language into Pakistani interpretations of and denial of established Diplomatic Immunity laws, rules, procedures, and established practice. This of course is very dangerous not just in the Raymond Davis flap but in terms of proper Diplomatic Immunity for all worldwide nations Foreign Service personnel serving in each others reciprocal nations. Pakistani Foreign Service, at all levels to include Consular, administrative, security, etal in the US.

Closing this reply to your inquiry as to why do I "seem" to be so stubborn, I hope the above, which you can today see reflects US observance of International Diplomatic Immunity understanding I practice to be the same as that given publicly by President Obama today on worldwide media, live.
ok nice story but you still do not have the facts to back up your points, and the same for many pakistani's.

i suggest you avoid the trap of being hypocritical.
I guess I did a lousy job of explaining. Whatever you and any others who are good citizens of the same world we all exist in together might misunderstand is....with Diplomatic Immunity whatever I, you, or anyone else thinks the facts are or are not is not the subject nor the issue when Mr. Davis first and foremost is protected from action in Pakistan because he has 100% Diplomatic Immunity.

Regarding facts, separate and apart from Diplomatic Immunity, is a different subject entirely.

Perhaps this partial script from the Monday, Feb. 14, 2011 VOICE OF AMERICA radio broadcast will help you see, agreeing or not, where we Westerners under International Law, have our focus:

Earlier on Monday, Pakistan People's Party spokeswoman Fauzia Wahab told reporters in the city of Karachi that Pakistan has always abided by international law which grants diplomatic immunity and that Raymond Davis has an official diplomatic visa.

Pakistani officials later said Wahab's remarks were her personal opinion and did not reflect the stance of the government. They said the case is now in court and would be decided by the court.

Davis is accused of killing two Pakistanis in Lahore last month during what he says was an attempted armed robbery. But Pakistani police have called the American a "cold-blooded murderer."

The United States says Davis should be protected by diplomatic immunity and has called for his immediate release.

The case has heightened tensions between the U.S. and Pakistan, with Washington postponing annual ministerial talks scheduled for later this month
with all due respect thats not substantive, did she not retract her statement?

anyhow, put to one side the issue of whether he was technically a diplomat or not.

speak about his professional killing, to what he was in possesion of, to his alleged spying - this is no ordinary diplomat, he looks like a trained killer, and he behaved like one.

the americans will very likely get their man back, but now the whole pakistani population knows about their trained killers, so it will be an empty victory for the americans, our dear allies.
Davis is ‘a diplomat’, declares FO

Updated at 30 PST Wednesday, February 16, 2011
ISLAMABAD: A letter written to Law Ministry from Foreign Office, declared the US double murderer of two Pakistani citizens, Raymond Davis, ‘a diplomat’, Geo News reported late Tuesday.

According to letter, US citizen Raymond Davis was designated in Pakistan at US consulate in Lahore as ‘a diplomat’ and all the same, he enjoys ‘diplomatic immunity’ according to Vienna Convention.

A few minutes ago, US President Obama and Senator Kerry demanded Pakistan to acknowledge Davis as a diplomat and urged for his early release.
Davis is ‘a diplomat’, declares FO

Updated at 30 PST Wednesday, February 16, 2011
ISLAMABAD: A letter written to Law Ministry from Foreign Office, declared the US double murderer of two Pakistani citizens, Raymond Davis, ‘a diplomat’, Geo News reported late Tuesday.

According to letter, US citizen Raymond Davis was designated in Pakistan at US consulate in Lahore as ‘a diplomat’ and all the same, he enjoys ‘diplomatic immunity’ according to Vienna Convention.

A few minutes ago, US President Obama and Senator Kerry demanded Pakistan to acknowledge Davis as a diplomat and urged for his early release.

triple Pee motherfukin roaches.
This Lahore DAILY TIMES STORY shows the FO and GOP have obeyed their own court Order to decide Mr. Davis is or is not under diplomatic. The answer is Mr. Davis is under and protected by Diplomatic Immunity, per the letter of today from the Pakistani FO to the court.

Raymond Davis is a diplomat: Foreign Ministry
Lahore DAILY TIMES Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2011

LAHORE: The Foreign Ministry has declared Raymond Allen Davis, an American national who murdered two civilians in Lahore, a US diplomat, a private TV channel reported on Tuesday. In a letter, which it wrote to the Interior Ministry, the Foreign Ministry maintained that Raymond Davis was a diplomat who enjoyed immunity under the Vienna Convention. “The letter also states that Raymond Davis was appointed as a diplomat in the US Embassy in Islamabad,” the channel said. daily times monitor

This story is copied and pasted directly from your Lahore DAILY TIMES Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2011 Internet edition/on line.
What a nice way to sell your self short, have it not been made clear in this thread that they were not robbers. And the comment about taliban supporters, I have seen blacks in america going an extra mile to prove their loyalties. Looks like the desis are following that lead as well now. The federal gov is as corrupt as they come, and at the same time the provincial gov is no better. But they never came out with any such remarks to gain anything out of it as far as I remember they have been saying it from day one that they will respect the decision of the courts. But alas all I can say is that I always thought that you were better then that but looks like I thought wrong.

And do read what EX FM Quraishi had to say about the case.

I see the merit in what Mastan Khan ji says. It does not matter what happened there in fact and who the two dead guys are. Most probably they are innocent people who caused a false alarm for David and he is very likely a well trained operative. But he has diplomatic passport and US wants him out. The question of applicability of immunity does not matter here. As Mastan Khan ji earlier said, it will be manufactured if it was not already there. And for Pakistan, given the great deal in which US helps the economy, it may not be such a bad deal. But true, it is selling your soul. But agin the world is what it is.

But I feel that the situation will turn explosive for US once Davis is released. Extremists will gain more support. I also suspect that the government will fall soon after that.
BBC News - US Senator to plead Raymond Davis immunity in Pakistan

US Senator to plead Raymond Davis immunity in Pakistan

Pakistani police escort US national Raymond Davis (centre) to a court in Lahore on 28 January 2011 Raymond Davis says the men were trying to hijack his vehicle at gunpoint

Influential US Senator John Kerry has arrived in Pakistan in a bid to resolve a row sparked by the arrest of a US citizen for killing two men in Lahore.

Pakistan's fragile ties with the US have been thrown into crisis since Raymond Davis was taken into custody after confessing to the shootings.

Mr Kerry's arrival coincided with President Barack Obama saying that Mr Davis should have diplomatic immunity.

The president said it would be untenable if diplomats were prosecuted.

Earlier the US government announced that it would prove before a Pakistani court later this week that Mr Davis has diplomatic immunity.

The 36-year-old was remanded for 14 days on Friday over last month's killings.

He has said that he shot the two men in self-defence as they were trying to rob him.

The case is threatening to derail US ties with Pakistan, a crucial ally in the fight against militants.

Mr Kerry, who is also the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, aims to find a resolution to the issue and lower the pressure on Pakistan's coalition government, an American official told the AFP news agency.

He will hold talks with senior officials in Islamabad and reaffirm US support for Pakistan, the US Embassy in Islamabad said.

President Obama for the first time entered the argument on Tuesday, saying that while he was not "callous" about the shooting, Mr Davis enjoyed diplomatic immunity under the Vienna Conventions.
Call for clarity

"We expect Pakistan... to abide by the same convention," the president told a news conference.

"If they [diplomats] start being vulnerable to prosecution, that's untenable."

Mr Davis is charged on two counts - murder and possession of illegal weapons.

The court has ordered the Pakistani government to clarify US embassy claims that he has immunity.

Mr Davis has reportedly been sent to the high-security Kot Lakhpat jail in Lahore. His next hearing is scheduled for 25 February.

It is not clear what his role in Lahore was - American officials in the capital Islamabad have said only that he was an US embassy employee who was part of the "administrative and technical staff".

The Associated Press news agency says Pentagon records show that Mr Davis is a former Special Forces soldier who left the army in 2003 after 10 years of service.
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