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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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Your Indian Govt sat with that group of hijackers and freed them along with paying them bags full of dollars :P

so no i am not comparing your Indian govt with groups of hijackers :) because your govt is good at state terrorism than those hijackers

never mind!!
terrorism should be reply with terrorism. what they do with us we have every right to do same with them. if an US dog can shoot publicly kill pakistanis pakistani have every right to hunt down every US mad dog inside pakistan.wanna see what happen with US solders in Somalia 1993
Tone down your emotions. Try killing one and then face the consequences. You will end up ruining your life only. Leave the computer for a while and do some outing to refresh your mind.

Also, Somalia is not a valid example. Somalia was under UN mandate in 1993 and not under US occupation. Those Somali butchers not just killed 18 US soldiers but also 23 Pak soldiers. Think rationally.
Drones in slumber after Davis incident

By Usman Manzoor
ISLAMABAD: Whether it is a deliberate US policy or a mere pleasant coincidence but not a single drone attack has hit the country since January 27, when the American killer Raymond Davis was arrested in Lahore after he killed two young men.

The last attack was carried out on January 23 and so far over 2,000 people have been killed in such attacks since 2004.

The American Embassy spokesperson, Courtney Beale when contacted said that the embassy does not speak on security issues therefore she did not have any comment on the drone attacks’ stoppage after the Davis issue.

The Conflict Monitoring Centre, an independent research centre which monitors the drone attacks, confirmed that there have been no drone attacks since Raymond Davis was arrested. According to the CMC report there were 11 drone attacks reported during January 2011, killing 49 people.

At least 10 people were also wounded in these attacks. All the drone attacks were carried out in North Waziristan Agency of the Fata. No significant militant casualty was reported during the month.

January had otherwise been a busy month for the drones as five attacks were carried out.

The New Years day was the deadliest as the dawn of 2011 brought death for 19 people while ten people sustained injuries. The attack targeted a house while the second struck the rescue workers on the spot. Two other drone attacks separately hit two vehicles in the area.

January 23 was the second deadliest day of the month when 13 people were killed in three different drone attacks. In the first and second strike, a drone hit a vehicle and a motorcycle, respectively. In another strike, an alleged militant compound and a vehicle were targeted.

Drones in slumber after Davis incident

An observation,( on which i was keeping an eye) came today in a newspaper "The News".A nice coincidence.
Awesome Endless Discussions!........

We all have been standing up to the barking and unnecessary threats. ex-FM Shah Mehmood Qureshi is one of them, kudo!
Clinton ‘forced’ me to grant immunity to Davis: Qureshi

LAHORE: Former foreign minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, said that US State Secretary Hilary Clinton had pressurised him to sign the summary giving diplomatic immunity to Raymond Davis, a US functionary who brutally killed two Pakistani nationals in Lahore, but he refused to oblige, a private TV channel reported on Saturday. Talking to high officials of Foreign Office (FO) after his farewell visit to the FO in Islamabad, Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that Clinton exerted pressure on him to verify the diplomatic immunity to Raymond Davis, but he refused to do so. He further said that US Ambassador to Pakistan, Cameron Munter, also telephoned him and said if immunity to Davis would not be verified then Hilary Clinton would not have a meeting with him in Munich, Germany. daily times monitor

YouTube - Hillary Clinton Falls
Hilarious, how come she fall down after Qureshi refused?
abhi tu hilary se muasqa chal raha tha, abhi hilary is pressurizing him hahahahahahaha nice...

Yes I would if circumstances allowed---I don't think that anyone of you have taken live shots---that is shot at a living thing---if you haven't then you have no clue what happens---how fast the time flies----and when the last bullet in the clip fired----. I can tell you of personal experience---and that was also on a bolt action rifle with a 5 round magazine---once I started---I didnot know when I fired the last shot---only the empty click made me realize what had happened---.

So---for Davis----7 shots were a very reasonable and a restrained number---a very calculated number of shots---an in-experienced opetrator would have let go of the full clip.....
You people are uselessly arguing about not justifiable---once you put yourself in Davis's shoes---you will feel the justification of the reaction---now, him carrying a gun may not be jutifiable under the pakistani law and that is an issue in itself---.

i completely agree with you r facts ,and let me clarify, am not arguing over the speculations and getting sentimental, but over the facts and figures given by the CCPO and forensic report,
the problem is pakistani awaam is getting sentimental over this issue, ppl saying that close US embassies kick all diplomats do this do that, then i think thats not appropriate, i personally think we need to play dirty in this case, keep US on our side and get the awaam on our side too..... we can't agree over the exposure of the weapon,
i was refering to AE that US embassy required RD to carry a weapon but that doesn't allow him to carry him lock and loaded, without informing local authorities so yes that gun was illegal

But you have to understand as a person---you are in a hostile land---you have job to do---you have pictures loaded in your camera---you have guns and ammo on you---you are carrying knives on you---you are doing something illegal in the country that you are not supposed to do---.

Here is the problem with pakistan and the understanding of the pakistanis---wihtout any experience talk big---you people had no clue what kind of bird that you people have bagged---in your childish incompetence you are only looking at the superlative and not looking at the underlying issue---.

If you had any common sense you people would be asking this question----what is Raymond Davis's worth----why is Raymond's freedom so important that the u s is ready to break relations with pakistan in the middle of an on-going war---what does Raymond Davis have that the sec of state and president Obama and everybody else are standing up for him---who is this ,an Davis---.

The U S has never acted like that for anyone else before---no---have they! Open your eyes----open the vents of your brains---put your thinking caps on and ask---why such a strong reaction from the U S-----what kind fo knowledge this man has that the u s is trying so hard to get him back---. Think my children think.

* tbh this is what i have been thinking for last few days, whats so important about this guy, as far as i know its CIA / USA policy that if a Delta/Dev Gru/ S.A.D operative is caught in the host country then US/CIA won't take his/her responsiblity and simply refuse to identify them, and i thought it was a myth that these boys dn't exist but i now think i was wrong, no one came forward who would say i know this man........
* If you listen to Hameed Gul's interview then he pointed towards the Delta / Dev Gru recruitment mission, so lets suppose these two were criminals then that means Washington Post was correct abt spy meet gone bad

* this is not the first time an amercian is caught with a illegal weapon, it happens almost everyday in ISB, so the twist in this case is that there is continous leakage of information from police, like his passport , photos from camera, and the video recorded from a hidden cam, you can't say its jst police acting on its own, someone is backing them up .......i personally believe its ISI which on top is with zardari but on other side playing dirty and exposing thez operatives because they had enough.

Yes I would if circumstances allowed---I don't think that anyone of you have taken live shots---that is shot at a living thing---if you haven't then you have no clue what happens---how fast the time flies----and when the last bullet in the clip fired----. I can tell you of personal experience---and that was also on a bolt action rifle with a 5 round magazine---once I started---I didnot know when I fired the last shot---only the empty click made me realize what had happened---.

So---for Davis----7 shots were a very reasonable and a restrained number---a very calculated number of shots---an in-experienced opetrator would have let go of the full clip..

You people are uselessly arguing about not justifiable---once you put yourself in Davis's shoes---you will feel the justification of the reaction---now, him carrying a gun may not be jutifiable under the pakistani law and that is an issue in itself---.
Sir, with all due respect, the inability to realize how quickly you may fire off shots when 'spooked', is not automatically justification for your actions. Carrying a weapon with the ability to take lives so easily means there is a heavy responsibility to use that weapon only in certain situations - these situations are more flexible for Law enforcement, but not so in the case of civilians and therefore Davis.

First and foremost - given that Davis did not follow diplomatic protocol and was in an area he wasn't suppose to be in with weapons he was not authorized to carry suggests that he himself is partly responsible for the events that have occurred since. Secondly, as I pointed out before, merely bein 'spooked' for any number of reasons (which I tried to illustrate in my past post) is not justification for a 'quick reaction that resulted in firing off a weapon seven times'. That argument simply wont cut it for a civilian in a court of law without being able substantiate a significant threat, and therefore justification, to the individual responsible for firing his weapon.

If an individual cannot analyze a situation properly before firing his weapon, he should not be carrying a weapon.

But you have to understand as a person---you are in a hostile land---you have job to do---you have pictures loaded in your camera---you have guns and ammo on you---you are carrying knives on you---you are doing something illegal in the country that you are not supposed to do---.
That is entirely Davis's fault, for putting himself in the situation he was in - it is not justification for firing his gun. He still needs to establish a valid self-defence justification.
Here is the problem with pakistan and the understanding of the pakistanis---wihtout any experience talk big---you people had no clue what kind of bird that you people have bagged---in your childish incompetence you are only looking at the superlative and not looking at the underlying issue---.

If you had any common sense you people would be asking this question----what is Raymond Davis's worth----why is Raymond's freedom so important that the u s is ready to break relations with pakistan in the middle of an on-going war---what does Raymond Davis have that the sec of state and president Obama and everybody else are standing up for him---who is this ,an Davis---.

The U S has never acted like that for anyone else before---no---have they! Open your eyes----open the vents of your brains---put your thinking caps on and ask---why such a strong reaction from the U S-----what kind fo knowledge this man has that the u s is trying so hard to get him back---. Think my children think.
I think you are overestimating Davis's worth - nothing about him indicates he was more than a common spy or security/intelligence contractor. US threats and bullying on the issue is a direct result of arrogance and a sense of entitlement arising out of our Government being 'aid whores' and willing to sell out the national interest for the sake of a few dollars, since the end of 'dollars' will mean that the only way they can keep the country afloat in the miserable condition it is now is by actually 'governing and reforming' which they are incapable and unwilling to do.
The truth is "Iraq has Weapons of mass distraction and Raymond Davis is a diplomat".
Well might is right and world believe even when US lie. if you have spine to say the truth you will lose your job and that's what happened to Ex-Pakistani FM.
Well US likes spine less people and they should be on top of Pakistan as elites.
Common sense prevailing among most knowers of this case would agree that RD would be let off, just because Quereshi has been compromised, and that means GOP has eliminated a known staunch opponent. If that happened (any time soon), it means GOP has seen the light at the end of tunel - to preserve K-L dollars flow. And not to speak of US citizens ill will towards Pakistan.

Gallup poll : 76% of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of Pakistan.


Hence I conclude that Pakistan is in a bind - damn if I do, damn if I dont type....

This board must not be a springboard for members to make terrorist threats to any country---this board is not here for the terrorist agenda---memebers must refrain from using this language and the MODS / ADMINS etc must take charge and delete any threats / blood letting and terrorist activityies against others.

There is a limit to stupidity---all this bragging my pak colleagues are doing is similiar to the "SPAGHETTI SYNDROME"----which mean----looks so strong when dry---but then pour some water on it an it becomes jello----or put pressure on it and it breaks into pieces.
Hum aah bhi karte hain to........
ho jate hain badnam

wo qatal bhi kartain hain to charcha nahi hota :disagree:

Please---please---please----cut your crap for the moment. First shoot at someone---see what happens then talk.Thank you.

Please, please, please, remain civil in your discourse as I have been.

Secondly, whether I have experience firing a gun or not is irrelevant. You ignored, or did not understand, the crux of my argument. If an individual is incapable of analyzing a situation properly with respect to whether or not it actually poses a threat to his/her life, before firing his/her weapon, he/she should not be carrying a weapon.

Innocent people should not have to suffer because those carrying weapons can't handle the adrenaline rush from perceiving themselves (accurately or inaccurately) to be in danger and firing their weapons in response and killing/maiming someone. As the person carrying the gun and firing it, one has a responsibility to ensure that it is used in a proper manner - otherwise pay the price for not being able to control your adrenaline.
Common sense prevailing among most knowers of this case would agree that RD would be let off, just because Quereshi has been compromised, and that means GOP has eliminated a known staunch opponent. If that happened (any time soon), it means GOP has seen the light at the end of tunel - to preserve K-L dollars flow. And not to speak of US citizens ill will towards Pakistan.

Gallup poll : 76% of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of Pakistan.

Hence I conclude that Pakistan is in a bind - damn if I do, damn if I dont type....

in reposnse to your video and americans gallup poll, i you havn't seen this video then start watching it from 3:30min

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