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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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You're comparing your government to a bunch of hijackers? Are you admitting that Afia is a terrorist?

NO we are assuming the one who killed two Pakistanis fits in this definition and Afia fits in definition of innocent captors by unlawfully so releasing her from the captivity of aggressors might lead to same practice which your Indian govt adopted by freeing many accused in exchange for Indians.
You're comparing your government to a bunch of hijackers? Are you admitting that Afia is a terrorist?

NO we are assuming the one who killed two Pakistanis fits in this definition and Afia fits in definition of innocent captors by unlawfully so releasing her from the captivity of aggressors might lead to same practice which your Indian govt adopted by freeing many accused in exchange for Indians.
and btw next time dont brag about Kandahar hijacking etc etc when your Indian government official freed accused criminals

I don't know how to put this to make it easy on your comprehension skills but hey, lemme try:

At that time Indian govt. was dealing with terrorists.

The way I see it, neither GoP nor the US govt. can be equated to kandahar terrorists.

Be a little less emotional and you'll see things clearer.
News Channels are reporting Baber Awan as saying that he has demanded release of Afia Siddiqui in exchange for release of Davis.

now this is an interesting development if takes place

if this is true, then it will set a bad precedence in intl diplomacy. it's like prisoner exchange by govt for a captured soldier by a terrorist group. sounds very undiplomatic!!
NO we are assuming the one who killed two Pakistanis fits in this definition and Afia fits in definition of innocent captors by unlawfully so releasing her from the captivity of aggressors might lead to same practice which your Indian govt adopted by freeing many accused in exchange for Indians.

Actually, Afia was arrested on the charges of terrorism, ala Masood Azhar, and you've captured an American to free that person, ala the hostages.

So yes, the analogy stays.
News Channels are reporting Baber Awan as saying that he has demanded release of Afia Siddiqui in exchange for release of Davis.

now this is an interesting development if takes place

JanaJi: This development is interesting, but for different reasons: Psychologically, this is just one more of a series of steps from "We will never let him go" to "We will let the courts decide" to "Well, we may let him go for this, that or the other" to the next few steps.
Cool down, What you're saying can only be called either madness or terrorism. I know you are better.

terrorism should be reply with terrorism. what they do with us we have every right to do same with them. if an US dog can shoot publicly kill pakistanis pakistani have every right to hunt down every US mad dog inside pakistan.wanna see what happen with US solders in Somalia 1993
Dr Afias case is another face saving exercise by the american agents sitting in Islo. They are just going to drag the situation around with these statements till they can come up with a solution to fix things with their masters and let the murderer go free.
if this is true, then it will set a bad precedence in intl diplomacy. it's like prisoner exchange by govt for a captured soldier by a terrorist group. sounds very undiplomatic!!

Your govt already did that in hijacking case.

anyway its just a personal statement of a politician not Pakistani Govt stand.
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