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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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i will rather say face the consequences,this is the first time after the post 9/11 age that pakistan has made a stand infront of the US,well the nato truck baracade was one too.We have our pride as well and the world will see what our nation is capable of.

Indeed, the world shall soon see the capabilities of both sides.
i will rather say face the consequences,this is the first time after the post 9/11 age that pakistan has made a stand infront of the US,well the nato truck baracade was one too.We have our pride as well and the world will see what our nation is capable of.

Yes sadly we will we will see what a Pakistan with out trade with out IMF with out US aid can do.

No one seems to get it, the last country to hold US embassy staff Illegaly was Iran, if Davis doesnt go home i very much doubt Obama is going to win the next election he will be the President that caused iran gate 2.
Yes sadly we will we will see what a Pakistan with out trade with out IMF with out US aid can do.

No one seems to get it, the last country to hold US embassy staff Illegaly was Iran, if Davis doesnt go home i very much doubt Obama is going to win the next election he will be the President that caused iran gate 2.

and i thought, the US aid, the imf loan is just going into zedari pocket???

watch the video where a us senator says that the aid is going into mr 10% pocket!!

so, no, we are fine and same with or without imf, or i must say we are worsening with imf loan, as the politicians are eating the loans but pakistan and its people have to bear the burden
Yes sadly we will we will see what a Pakistan with out trade with out IMF with out US aid can do.

No one seems to get it, the last country to hold US embassy staff Illegaly was Iran, if Davis doesnt go home i very much doubt Obama is going to win the next election he will be the President that caused iran gate 2.
Bassnati, he is not going to VIN the 2nd turam. That is pretty much a done deal irrespective or this mess and egypt..
Why kerryluger why why not
Eh tair e lahooti us rizk say maut achi jis rizk say aati ho parvaz main kotahi
Yes sadly we will we will see what a Pakistan with out trade with out IMF with out US aid can do.

No one seems to get it, the last country to hold US embassy staff Illegaly was Iran, if Davis doesnt go home i very much doubt Obama is going to win the next election he will be the President that caused iran gate 2.

You made an interesting point. The GOP will tag him week as they did to Carter. If Obama backs off (which I think is very unlikely), GOP will smell blood in the water. Having said that media is surprisingly quiet here.
and i thought, the US aid, the imf loan is just going into zedari pocket???

watch the video where a us senator says that the aid is going into mr 10% pocket!!

so, no, we are fine and same with or without imf, or i must say we are worsening with imf loan, as the politicians are eating the loans but pakistan and its people have to bear the burden

You guys believe in too many conspiracy theories ..You went to IMF because you were desperate..your economy was on the verge of collapse and were refused economic aid by all your friends including China and Saudi Arabia..

Money from IMF has not gone any where..it is siting handsomely in your foreign reserves, or how do you think Dollar reserves quadrupled in less than two years?..It surely wasn't magic
shutting your eyes, ears and screaming "BLAH BLAH BLAH I CANT HEAR YOU" is clearly working well huh?.

Same goes for you, post something useful and productive. Same old Indian red chillies coming out of your .........I would suggest to use hemoroid cream if good things on PDF have given you hamroids.
Yes sadly we will we will see what a Pakistan with out trade with out IMF with out US aid can do.

No one seems to get it, the last country to hold US embassy staff Illegaly was Iran, if Davis doesnt go home i very much doubt Obama is going to win the next election he will be the President that caused iran gate 2.

There is a world of difference between the Iran hostage crises and the arrest of Raymond Davis. While the formers was a criminal hostage taking and occupation of diplomats and diplomatic property, the latter is the legal arrest and detention of a US consulate worker (as he himself claims), after he shot and killed two Pakistanis, whose diplomatic immunity is not by any means certain.

America and its apologists can try and spin/distort the issue to try and draw parallels with the Iranian hostage crises, but the facts remain that Pakistan has done nothing illegal so far, given the confusion around the suspect's identity and his job description.
America and its apologists can try and spin/distort the issue to try and draw parallels with the Iranian hostage crises, but the facts remain that Pakistan has done nothing illegal so far, given the confusion around the suspect's identity and his job description.


That is so very true---indeed pak has not done anything illegal in arresting Mr Davis---and on top of that---he has been treated with kids gloves so far---. What has happened in this case----with the frequency of occurances of BW and other interferences----it had to happen---it is a numbers game---wrong place---wrong time---wrong people---somewhere someone would have pulled the plug---. What surprised me the most was that he was operating on his own---. So the question maybe asked---how many others are there----he is a white boy---we can recognize him----how about some latinos who can pass for pakistanis any time of the day---!

America is continuously falling in its own traps---first afghanistan---then iraq---now a stuation in pakistan---. If pakistan is in trouble----america is in as big a trouble as well---all diplomatic eyes are on this case as of now and they will stay with it---. It is a turn key moment.
Yes sadly we will we will see what a Pakistan with out trade with out IMF with out US aid can do.

No one seems to get it, the last country to hold US embassy staff Illegaly was Iran, if Davis doesnt go home i very much doubt Obama is going to win the next election he will be the President that caused iran gate 2.

Comparing Raymond Davis case to the Iran debacle is like comparing apples to oranges. One was illegal detention of tourists (suspected of spying) and this where a foreign official has killed two, and another was killed via reckless driving by a asset of the US Embassy.

Under Art 41 and 41 of "Counselor Relations" : Since Davis worked at the Counselor General in Lahore this convention would apply, if you look at the law of the text, any official enjoying diplomatic immunity ( bar the ambassador) can be detained and tried in respect to a serious crime, where the sanctity of the law and norms of the host nation has been breached by the official.

Now as far as i am concerned this is just all show and no action, so i don't expect much. Either way, the court will be deciding today to officially charge or release him from the courts.
So few people have started to gang up against the free speech, that is me!

We aren't against free speech. We are against lunatics from our neighbor on eastern border who are annoying and are too much pathetic. Hopefully in future you would try to behave sensibly and would only post when you have something useful to contribute.

You have already created a lot of mess in this thread with your whining. Please don't do it again. :tdown:
Davis to be produced in court today – The Express Tribune

ISLAMABAD: Raymond Davis will be produced before a judge of a lower court in Lahore on Friday (today) after the expiry of his 12-day investigation in police custody, an official, requesting anonymity, told The Express Tribune.

Davis, a US national, who is being held for killing two Pakistani motorcyclists in broad daylight in Lahore, was arrested on the spot after shooting Muhammad Faheem and Faizan Haider on Jan 27.
Meanwhile, the provincial government is said to have assured Islamabad that it would not hamper any effort in resolving the issue ‘’diplomatically” the source added.

“Keeping in view the sensitivity of the issue and in the larger national interest, the Punjab government would never cause any embarrassment to the federal government, the source said.

In a related development, the police had strictly been ordered by the provincial government to avoid any press statement or a comment on the progress of the investigation, or any other aspect of the case.
Faheem’s widow Shumaila who committed suicide, in her statement from her deathbed had said that she took her life because she felt that she would not get justice in view of the mounting pressure from the US to release her husband’s killer.

After the completion of police investigation, the court has three options – to send Davis to jail in judicial custody or to further extend his police custody on the plea of the investigators, eminent lawyer Barrister Bacha told The Express Tribune.

The third option provided under law is to grant him bail on a petition either by the accused himself, or the US Consulate-General of Lahore on his behalf.

As a matter of understanding between the federal and provincial government, the Punjab government will not contest the case before the Lahore High Court when it will decide next week about the disputed claim of diplomatic immunity for the accused, the source revealed.
The Express Tribune has also learnt that the US Consulate-General of Lahore has hired a prominent lawyer to defend its worker in both the courts, and to plead diplomatic immunity for Davis.

Washington says Davis is a member of the US embassy’s “technical administrative staff” and therefore entitled to “full criminal immunity”.
“He cannot be lawfully arrested or detained in accordance with the Vienna Convention,” US State Department spokesperson Philip Crowley told reporters in Washington.

The federal government had never contested Washington’s claim and supported the argument, but maintained that the issue will be resolved by the court.

The LHC on a constitutional petition by a third party had issued a stay order barring the federal government from handing over Davis to Washington. Davis has also been placed on the Exit Control List by the ministry of interior on the court directive.

The provincial law minister Rana Sanaullah, who had been demanding the custody of a US Consulate vehicle and its driver who caused the death of another Pakistani citizen, is no more pressing his demand.
The driver, who went to help Davis after the shooting and crushed to a motorcyclist Abdul Rahman to death is hiding in the consulate. The US consulate had flatly denied police access to the car and its driver despite repeated demands by the provincial minister of law.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 11th, 2011.
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