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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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Advice is given to others - for me it wont be an advice - its called introspection!

Lol baba Lol @ you!

newbie, You seem annoying here, could you please kindly leave this thread. Hi, there is Aero India 2011 show, can you leave us alone?

be a good boy!
Introspection is for those who have brains... You dont fall in that category... So you should follow your own advice...

And stop lauging after quoting a dictionary... You are looking stupid...

Empty vessel sounds more!
Empty vessel sounds more!

Man cut out all the melodrama, the case is going to court tomorrow... As decided even immunity is being decided by the court and either he'd be declared immune or get indicted tomorrow... I don't even understand the motivation of Indians to indulge in scaremongering other than to reassure themselves, perhaps if Pakistan is that ballsy with the US, imagine how we'd treat you guys when you cross us.

So cut out your dialogue baazi, if you have anything to contribute to the developing story please do, if you just want a tamasha, then pick up a dugdugi and head to the streets.
author brings up some good points here.....let it be known that traffic violations in the U.S. are not misdemeanors; they are just traffic violations. Misdemeanors are arrestable offences.

Balancing Parking Tickets Against Murders

Balancing parking tickets against murders | World | DAWN.COM

There are so many duplicities, even immunity is being decided by the US supreme court as we speak against an Indian government official, much senior than Davis... and his crimes happened in 1984 on another country...

US is behaving as if we are torturing him in some secret cell. Instead he's getting bottled mineral water (an expensive commodity in Pakistan).
Man cut out all the melodrama, the case is going to court tomorrow... As decided even immunity is being decided by the court and either he'd be declared immune or get indicted tomorrow...

I will wait for the rubber to meet the road, till then I will re-iterate what I have said all along - RD would be freed by no other than your government, immunity or no immunity......

I think you know thy gov more than I do.
Why is it that we are just cussing the Americans and not the institutes that that gave him visa? We talk of hanging the American but dont want to hang the people responsible for providing him the visa. I mean Americans would do anything to to further their national interests, CIA would, FBI would and so will organisarions like xe or black water. They are not doing anything we did not know of before.
Isnt it time we look inward and question OUR authorities who clear people like RD and grant them visa's, hence the problem lies within and we should use our anger against our people who are so irresponsible that they will grant visa to any tom dick and harry. American must be tried, true, but so must our authorities who let maniacs like these roam freely in our country.
I will wait for the rubber to meet the road, till then I will re-iterate what I have said all along - RD would be freed by no other than your government, immunity or no immunity......

I think you know thy gov more than I do.

What do you want me to do about it? Say no, we'll never free him no matter what? Go through the thread, don't parachute in between. People here have said that whether or not he's released, it should be through the judicial system, not through immunity declared by US embassy.

And I trust the court that if its through the judicial system, and he is released then either his immunity would be deemed valid or it his statement that he acted in self-defence would be valid.

Why then the all the hoola? Again if you would've come here to discuss and not just flame, then you'd read the many many many posts we useless people have made stating that what this does is, it sets a precedent, the next guy will be dragged to court too, and so will the third one...

So stop trying to annoy people and shoving your own interpretations about us as facts.
So stop trying to annoy people and shoving your own interpretations about us as facts.

How can my opinion be considered as facts ?
I don't know if any of you have seen this so far but last night one of the channels aired images recovered from Davis's personal camera.

Most of the pictures are en route to Lahore-India border through 'Badiyan Road'. He even took photographs of war-time bunkers which have been there since the war of 65. Was that his job description at the US embassy? Anyway, point is, we've got ourselves a spy on hand. Popcorn, anyone?

YouTube - Khari Baat - Raymond Davis - 9th February 2011 - 1

Edit; There are also images from Peshawar, Hayatabaad and the route that leads to Torkham.
There are so many duplicities, even immunity is being decided by the US supreme court as we speak against an Indian government official, much senior than Davis... and his crimes happened in 1984 on another country...

arrogance.....but for too long the dear leaders have been so complacent; they have allowed the ''aid'' to hijack the relations between the 2. Threatening to cut aid because a judicial enquiry is being under-taken is quite immature. It's their money, they are welcome to do what they want. Pakistan ought to do that which is right, and that is to get to the bottom of this case in a calm and collected manner. Laws were broken; foreigners in the country are obligated to abide by them.

lets see what happens in the court

US is behaving as if we are torturing him in some secret cell. Instead he's getting bottled mineral water (an expensive commodity in Pakistan).

after gunning down two people in broad daylight, and begging for his blue passport

the police should also be reprimanded for their lack of professionalism.....is this interrogation or is it chai-mittai time?

Looking at things in general, in Pakistan, I would go so far as to assert that our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. Justice in this case, does matter.

and i would hope for God's sake that we begin to treat murder elsewhere in the country --whether political, or score-settling --that those cases are dealt with equally in magnitude.
these american guys need to understand that this is not iraq.
for me these ,allies, of pakistan.are even more dangerous than those talibunnys.
why so much interest for the eastern border?
newbie, You seem annoying here, could you please kindly leave this thread. Hi, there is Aero India 2011 show, can you leave us alone?

be a good boy!

He won't leave this thread until kicked out of this forum. These guys are helpless. Suffering with some genetic issues they won't learn anything until some one grabs them by neck and throw them out of this forum.
How can my opinion be considered as facts ?

because you are constantly being an annoying pest for pages & pages?

you talk as in a matter of fact way dont you? when you taunt by saying immunity or not he is a free man?
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