Spying is a legitimate business of state. U.S. spies on Russia & China. India spies on Pakistan and vice versa. The whole trick is not getting caught, especially the spy masters. There are dozens of little fellows like Surjeet Singh etc. who are sent on minor assignment and are caught. There are dozens of Pakistanis in Indian jails, who are released from time to time. India does not keep the spies beyond their sentence. Pakistan never releases them and uses them as bargaining chips. That is how Surjit Singh stayed much beyond his sentence and Gopal Dass & Sarbjit singh are in jails i.e. to be used as bargaining chips. One thing the reader must understand spy operates quitely and disappear quitely. Surjeet singh and Sarbjit Singh were spies then they have been falsely accused of being terrorists of setting off bombs. India does not have to send people from India to set off bombs. There are plenty of these people in Pakistan to do that job, as you read daily in newspapers, hence Indian so called spies either have been falsely accused or they were not spies. As I said, India does not have to send terrorists from India. There are plenty of them in Pakistan. Hence release all those so called Spies in Pakistani jails.