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RAW says Mujib was not their agent

Dear sir Bangla fighter,

I really can't fathom the sentence"Was he patriotic enough as a Pakistani??"......................Lets work out some practical specimen:

As George Washington stood against the oppression of British Colonial autocracy ,may you claim that he was disloyal to the British empire and was not patriotic ?

As Titumir ,surya Sen revolted against the British in this continent ,may you claim them to be unpatriotic to the empire of her highness Victoria?

Can you show me any struggle ,any movement,any independence coming through without the denial of the concerned authority's claim of maintaining peace.??

If your so called patriotism means being loyal to the despotism of Pakistanis then patriotic Mujib would be thrown to the trash by the people.If you beat me illegally and if i dont remain silent and then u accuse me for being an agitator then my dear friend all the leaders who stand beside the humanity are agitators according to you.

You said if Mujib can be the prime minister of Pakistan being a traitor!!!!Well right now if u accuse me of murdering a man ,who is going to judge this??The judiciary,right?? similarly who is going to be the prime minister of a country,who is going to decide that in a democratic country???The people,right??

And we all know what was the judgment...Awami league got 160 seats whereas PPP won only 81

Now you tell me will you go against the peoples choice,dont u think that people know better than you about who was patriot and who were the traitors???
Dear sir Bangla fighter,

As George Washington stood against the oppression of British Colonial autocracy ,may you claim that he was disloyal to the British empire and was not patriotic ?

As Titumir ,surya Sen revolted against the British in this continent ,may you claim them to be unpatriotic to the empire of her highness Victoria?

Can you show me any struggle ,any movement,any independence coming through without the denial of the concerned authority's claim of maintaining peace.?

Titumir didnt want to be the Queen of Britain. Not George washington. suryasen either.... its a silly comparison dear sir. It is sheikh Mujib who waited till 25th march for becoming Pakistans PM and is partially responsible for East pakistani deaths as he knew about "the great fly in" of pakistani soldiers from west to east before operation search light..
Dear sir Bangla fighter,

I really can't fathom the sentence"Was he patriotic enough as a Pakistani??"......................Lets work out some practical specimen:

As George Washington stood against the oppression of British Colonial autocracy ,may you claim that he was disloyal to the British empire and was not patriotic ?

As Titumir ,surya Sen revolted against the British in this continent ,may you claim them to be unpatriotic to the empire of her highness Victoria?

Can you show me any struggle ,any movement,any independence coming through without the denial of the concerned authority's claim of maintaining peace.??

If your so called patriotism means being loyal to the despotism of Pakistanis then patriotic Mujib would be thrown to the trash by the people.If you beat me illegally and if i dont remain silent and then u accuse me for being an agitator then my dear friend all the leaders who stand beside the humanity are agitators according to you.

You said if Mujib can be the prime minister of Pakistan being a traitor!!!!Well right now if u accuse me of murdering a man ,who is going to judge this??The judiciary,right?? similarly who is going to be the prime minister of a country,who is going to decide that in a democratic country???The people,right??

And we all know what was the judgment...Awami league got 160 seats whereas PPP won only 81

Now you tell me will you go against the peoples choice,dont u think that people know better than you about who was patriot and who were the traitors???

My friend, No one is disputing any of the points you mentioned. Mujib's political charisma is well known which can be seen through his speech, but no he's no great leader. He was a dictator who had to build his own army in order to control people. Do you deny the creation of BAKSAL, which literally put a govt control on media? The people who killed Mujib, were not only freedom fighters, but they were pretty close to the Sheikh family until the end. He was nothing short of a brutal, ruthless dictator.
Have you missed the election part and judgement given by the people..........was George Washington not the president of U.S.??
it was peoples mandate..they wanted Sheikh Mujib to be the prime minister .........u got to understand that ......HE WAS ELECTED..got it??
You said if Mujib can be the prime minister of Pakistan being a traitor!!!!Well right now if u accuse me of murdering a man ,who is going to judge this??The judiciary,right?? similarly who is going to be the prime minister of a country,who is going to decide that in a democratic country???The people,right??

And we all know what was the judgment...Awami league got 160 seats whereas PPP won only 81

Now you tell me will you go against the peoples choice,dont u think that people know better than you about who was patriot and who were the traitors???

i said he was a great agitator. he successfully did it and won their vote.... After that he got arrested... Any good thing for the country after that from him?? after independence people realized the real situation and turned their face quickly from the modern pharaoh( your great leader).

do you even know sheikh Mujib ended his speech on 7th march 1971 by saying


he never wanted to say " ebarer shongram muktir shongram ". it was Tajuddin Ahmed and few other pro independence leader who pressurized him to say so. what happened to Tajuddin after 1971?? your great leader took care of him.

To me Zia's speech has greater significance than mujib's. Mujib's speech started anarchy between Bengalis and biharis resulting 30 thousand dead Biharis before 25th march. Then he got arrested keeping the nation in dark. oh i can recall an incident. Around 1980 Hasina said to british press " Pak army is more civilized than Bangladesh Army who brutally murdered my father. But Pak army took him to Pakistan after saluting him. " this statement was not published as some awami leaders noticed it and removed it.
dear saleen_s7 ,
[SUB] you said"The people who killed Mujib, were not only freedom fighters, but they were pretty close to the Sheikh family until the end."[/SUB]
yes, some of them were close and freedom fighters.But is that enough ground to conclude that Sheikh Mujib assassination was done for the safety of the nation and it was not a part of a conspiracy??
By this are you trying to say that Sheikh Mujib assassination was done by some well wishers of our country??A group of patriots killing Mujib brought peace to the nation?Do you have any (if any) reference of this history???dont you know how and why the killing occurred??was it for the national safety!!!!!!!!

And i believe truth makes u feel the truth itself with some rare exception where u fail to comprehend the truth.Now its time my dear friend we stopped looking through the eyes of others and start unraveling this age old perception with some detailed investigation and self motivated learning.
Has anyone ever hear of "deniable operations" or "black-ops", as the Americans like to call them???
And i believe truth makes u feel the truth itself with some rare exception where u fail to comprehend the truth.Now its time my dear friend we stopped looking through the eyes of others and start unraveling this age old perception with some detailed investigation and self motivated learning.

I think matters should be seen on the basis of information and evidences, if not by others eyes. Now someone may have more information and evidence which you may not be aware of. So you need to consider others too but, of course, after verification as like the judge of the court who does not present on the spot but gives verdict on the basis of facts and evidence.

Anyway, welcome aboard.
dear saleen_s7 ,
[SUB] you said"The people who killed Mujib, were not only freedom fighters, but they were pretty close to the Sheikh family until the end."[/SUB]
yes, some of them were close and freedom fighters.But is that enough ground to conclude that Sheikh Mujib assassination was done for the safety of the nation and it was not a part of a conspiracy??
By this are you trying to say that Sheikh Mujib assassination was done by some well wishers of our country??A group of patriots killing Mujib brought peace to the nation?Do you have any (if any) reference of this history???dont you know how and why the killing occurred??was it for the national safety!!!!!!!!

And i believe truth makes u feel the truth itself with some rare exception where u fail to comprehend the truth.Now its time my dear friend we stopped looking through the eyes of others and start unraveling this age old perception with some detailed investigation and self motivated learning.

@ What interest Colonel, Farouk, Colonel Rashid and Maj Dalem had ? Yes I believe Maj Dalem may have personel problem as his wife was kidnapped. These officers have sacrified their life for the interest of the nation. These fought the liberation war and after independance once they saw these people are looting and killing !!!!

@ You are talking about Sk Mujib !!! I give you one incident, in was in Dhaka Siddiqe Bazar some in 1972 once the members of Mujib Bahini were looting and killing people. In the meeting one freedom fighter close to Mujib requested in public meeting thet he should immediately order for the surrender of personnel weapons from all Mukti Bahini and Mujib Bahini, you know what Mujib said in the public meeting, " Amar chelera 1954 shal theke kichu khaynai, ora akhon kichu khachche tate tur ki ???" After this announments many non-Bengalee and other Bengalee businessman's shops were looted and burned and many even killed. This was the character of Sk Mujib in those days like today, "Hasinar Sonar chelera".

@ Now, the question is for how long, how many generations ??? I had been in Vietnam and China. I have seen their life style. In their country revolution took place, they also killed many peole in the name of "Cultural revolution". But now see, everything is all right. What we see today in our country all the contracts are given to the memebers of "Chattra Leaque and Jubo Leaque". The members of Awami Family is getting jobs everywhere. Even the Qotta's of Freedom Fighter's son has been increased from 30% to 60 %. If it continued then what our children would do ?????? It is a system in a country.
Dear sir Bangla fighter,

I really can't fathom the sentence"Was he patriotic enough as a Pakistani??"......................Lets work out some practical specimen:

As George Washington stood against the oppression of British Colonial autocracy ,may you claim that he was disloyal to the British empire and was not patriotic ?

As Titumir ,surya Sen revolted against the British in this continent ,may you claim them to be unpatriotic to the empire of her highness Victoria?

Can you show me any struggle ,any movement,any independence coming through without the denial of the concerned authority's claim of maintaining peace.??

If your so called patriotism means being loyal to the despotism of Pakistanis then patriotic Mujib would be thrown to the trash by the people.If you beat me illegally and if i dont remain silent and then u accuse me for being an agitator then my dear friend all the leaders who stand beside the humanity are agitators according to you.

You said if Mujib can be the prime minister of Pakistan being a traitor!!!!Well right now if u accuse me of murdering a man ,who is going to judge this??The judiciary,right?? similarly who is going to be the prime minister of a country,who is going to decide that in a democratic country???The people,right??

And we all know what was the judgment...Awami league got 160 seats whereas PPP won only 81

Now you tell me will you go against the peoples choice,dont u think that people know better than you about who was patriot and who were the traitors???

Wait, you are comparing Sheikh Mujib to George Washington? :rofl: That's very funny bro.

Of-course, there were human rights abuses that strengthened Mujib's cause. That was one important factor.

The judiciary of Bangladesh is controlled by the government, it's never independent like it should be in any democratic country.

There was no question that Mujib was indeed patriotic, a nationalist and a Socialist. And of-course, he had outside backers.

But why oh why did he betray the trust of his people in the end? Nothing patriotic about it is there? It was kind of like the rise and fall of...something that was great.

All of the country's banks, aid money were looted by AL men. His boys even used to take away girls from their homes. Major Dalim was certainly not happy when his wife was kidnapped. Would accept that if you were in Major Dalim's place?

Mujib disregarded the country's military and rather had his own militia. Of-course, that angered many officers. Are any of those 'patriotic'? Please, look these up, they are true even though many Indians here would question them for reasons best known to themselves.

Now since you were comparing Mujib's patriotism to that of George Washington's, did the latter did any of those described above? Of-course not, he was an iconic visionary. And look where the United States is now? It is the most powerful country in the world.

And of-course, Mujib's very own daughter is already making him a cult personality in...everything. You and I both know that things in Bangladeshi politics and pretty much anything related to the government aren't that good at the moment. History risks repeating itself. However, this downward spiral of Bangladeshi politics started taking place during the early phases of the BNP administration that kicked off in 2001. So, AL aren't the only ones to blame. But it got worst when the AL came to power.

You know what, the story of Mujib would make a great movie. I am pretty sure that it'll grab Hollywood Oscars.
And of-course, Mujib's very own daughter is already making him a cult personality in...everything. You and I both know that things in Bangladeshi politics and pretty much anything related to the government aren't that good at the moment. History risks repeating itself. However, this downward spiral of Bangladeshi politics started taking place during the early phases of the BNP administration that kicked off in 2001. So, AL aren't the only ones to blame. But it got worst when the AL came to power.

make sure your info is right. which year BD became 1st in the transparency international list???

You know what, the story of Mujib would make a great movie. I am pretty sure that it'll grab Hollywood Oscars.

lol, bro. you are talking about "poet pf the politics" movie. i am sure it will be a good substitution of Thakurma'r Jhuli :D
make sure your info is right. which year BD became 1st in the transparency international list???

TI of Bangladesh started way back in 1996. It got government approval on 1998. That was before the BNP came to power.
Transparency International Bangladesh

My father worked in a government institution, and he said it was from then on, everything started to take a downward spiral. They had many bad ministers!

lol, bro. you are talking about "poet pf the politics" movie. i am sure it will be a good substitution of Thakurma'r Jhuli :D

It'll be a good move ;)
Real face of Awamileague

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