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Raw, Mossad, NDS behind terrorism in Pakistan

If some Indians make unsusbstantiated accusation about pak amy/ISI support to afghan taliban,you are free to ask for evidence or valid sources for that information..Similarly when we see stupid stupid conspiracy theories like "ajmal kasab is amar singh" or "RAW running around shooting people in karachi" or "9-11 is inside job",we have every right to question the authenticity and to laugh at the funny pakistanis who makes such conspiracy theoies 24x7..

That still makes you a hypocrite. Aren't you one of those that makes the conspiracy theories about Pakistan?
CIA is afraid of falling pakistan's nuclear weapons to terrorist. terrorists are not in control of any country to prevent an attack on nuclear facility. pakistan is able to prevent such an attack till now because of its superior military power than the terrorists. the Unstable pakistan will not be able to prevent an attack on its nuclear facility. today the terrorists fighting pakistan does not have any external supports(country) if these terrorists have a major support from the country like india in the same kind of support pakistan giving to terrorists in kashmir and other parts of india will be able to overpower pakistani army and take out pakistan's nuclear weapon. US has openly said that there are chance of fall of nuclear weapons of pakistan into terror hands.

Nuclear weapons cannot be fired like the Diwali crackers, Also there can be rogue elements in Pakistani military as well... There will be codes to fire a nuclear weapon.. I hope only senior politicians like president or PM or Army Chief can have the go codes. Without the go codes the nukes cannot be fired.

I don't think Pakistanis are that stupid to provide the weapons and go codes to the terrorists. Getting the go codes as difficult as getting the nukes themselves.

I hope within that time stamp, the Army is able to bring control.. Even that fails... The Americans will act! So don't be too much afraid of it. Still a Stable Pakistan is NOT in India's interest!
Nuclear weapons cannot be fired like the Diwali crackers, Also there can be rogue elements in Pakistani military as well... There will be codes to fire a nuclear weapon.. I hope only senior politicians like president or PM or Army Chief can have the go codes. Without the go codes the nukes cannot be fired.

I don't think Pakistanis are that stupid to provide the weapons and go codes to the terrorists. Getting the go codes as difficult as getting the nukes themselves.

I hope within that time stamp, the Army is able to bring control.. Even that fails... The Americans will act! So don't be too much afraid of it. Still a Stable Pakistan is NOT in India's interest!

What about dirty bombs?? The fasadis will collect some radioactive material and spread it in atmosphere (thru low intensity balst), that will be as deadly as nuke attack..

(I am sure if such thing happen in USA, America will rip apart Pakistan. So ISI will not do such misadventure.)
I agree with you, Stable Pakistan is not in interest of India... :)
The war taking place in Pakistan's tribal areas is actually a continuation of the US war on terror and is 100% American war.

If this is not the case why is Pakistan receiving $300m every few months as coalition support fund? Why are US and NATO war criminals visiting Pakistan every few months and holding high level meetings at the Presidency and the GHQ?

Please people do not blindly believe in these newspaper stories authored by paid touts of govt and agencies. The touts only write what they have been ordered to write.Nothing can be believed regarding the circumstances prevailing in areas like FATA and Balochistan as these are literally no go areas for ordinary people, press and media and only the warring parties have access to them and of course what the warring parties sends out to the public in the form of news, stories, analysis etc cannot be believed as there's no way to verify the difference between facts and wartime propaganda
That still makes you a hypocrite. Aren't you one of those that makes the conspiracy theories about Pakistan?

Not at all...Unlike you who personally spreads half baked conspiracy theories like "TTP is US PROXY"(when actually US is reimbursing pak army for years for fighting TTP)..And telling unsubstantiated blatant lies to support stupid conspiracy theories(Like ISI tricked US into killing baitullah mehsud),I dont make unsubstantiated conspiracy theories..The only hypocrite here is you-who while a stupid conspiracy theorist personally,accuse Indians of being conspiracy theorists..
The war taking place in Pakistan's tribal areas is actually a continuation of the US war on terror and is 100% American war.

If this is not the case why is Pakistan receiving $300m every few months as coalition support fund? Why are US and NATO war criminals visiting Pakistan every few months and holding high level meetings at the Presidency and the GHQ?

Even though that is true..Many pakistanis cannot accept pakistan and US working together to eliminate the islamist pigs..So they need to be made to believe that TTP is American proxy(While the truth is it was the americans who vehemently oppossed SWAT peace deal which gave TTP an opportunity to become a formidable power,and ever since the peace deal broke Americans have been giving supplying pak army with weapons and reimbursements)It doesn't matter that all the proofs of American support to pak army is clear as a day,and the secret arrangement wrt drones is not secret anymore(after the day pakistanis realised that pak military had given shamsi airbase to US without knowledge or permission of pak citizens),most pakistanis will still believe that mighty pakistan is fighting kuffar american proxies(It gives pakistan a macho image and keeps their islamic conscience clear).
Pitty is that they do not spare even Tarek Fateh a Journalist who has always spoke & wrote against fundamentalism, wrong policies of and dominance of army in Pakistan. This is not new. They have always termed moderates as the agent of India whether he is Tarek Fateh or Najam shetty or Hasan Nisar or Marvi simarad. The most patriot is zaid Hamid.
May be waiting for the right time to strike.

Like Raheman Malik who is going to provide proof at Right Time.

Wake brother. Put your own house in order. Till infrastructure of terror exits on your own soil, everybody will use it. why not demolish it. You (Pakistan) want to use at a state policy and when it bounces back, you blame others.

How about bringing RSS and VHP Hindu pigs to justice for their terrorism and atrocities against muslims and other minorities?
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How about bringing RSS and VHP Hindu pigs to justice for their terrorism and atrocities against muslims and other minorities?

You could propose a resolution at UN security council to ban this organizations & declare heavy bounty on their leaders & issues Red Corner notice through Inter-Pol.:tup:
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How about bringing RSS and VHP Hindu pigs to justice for their terrorism and atrocities against muslims and other minorities?

Every pig who want to incite hatred and violence in the name of religion need to be punished severly..No matter whether he is hindu or muslim.
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That is your view only. Other party will not agree with that. its because it is their rite, a religious duty. got it ?

Every pig who want to incite hatred and violence in the name of religion need to be punished severly..No matter whether he is hindu or muslim.
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