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RAW Molvies in Pakistan

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I haven't watched the video, but looking at the title, here's what I have to say.

Indian government itself admitted a while back that individuals from Purohit's group were learning arabic, learning Quran, growing beards, etc to pose as militants and then support the militant groups. So this is nothing new or surprising.
This is not just a India Pak tussle Internationally - FBI-Mossad is involved into it too, because their citizens were killed too.
And It has been proven beyond doubt that Pakistani citizens were involved, and there is a law suite against Pakistan in the US.
And lastly dont disregard Headly's statement, based on whose statement, kith n kins of those murdered ARE suing Pakistan big time....

but still it is a blame game India deosnt provide solid proofs....all the answers of Pakistan's questions given by India are unsatisfactory ....and after some time , it is clear to world that indian hindu extremists are involved in terrorism inside India..take Col. Purohit , an intelligence army officer caught in terrorist acts ...
I haven't watched the video, but looking at the title, here's what I have to say. Indian government itself admitted a while back that individuals from Purohit's group were learning arabic, learning Quran, growing beards, etc to pose as militants and then support the militant groups. So this is nothing new or surprising.
If RAW was doing anything Dawood and Hafeez Saeed should be dead by now.

if RAW would kill Hafeez Saeed and Dawood , so then to whom India will Blame...India will have no choice of Blaming Let ,Cet etc....
if RAW would kill Hafeez Saeed and Dawood , so then to whom India will Blame...India will have no choice of Blaming Let ,Cet etc....

Official .....pakistan doesnot know where dawood is......he is not in pakistan as Pakistani administration says so as mazood azhar..........
I dont see any problem if we kill them pakistan will be in condition to say something......hey they are not in pakistan
Once these moulvies with their armed thugs were shouting for jihad in afghanistan and india,with blessings from govt,army and population..It was not at all a problem when they used religion to motivate people for holy war elsewhere..It is only natural that some of those religious goons turned against pakistan after its alliance to NATO in wot..For pakistanis it is hard to introspect-why pakistani muslim citizens and even many religious mullahs born and raised in pakistan are savagely fighting against motherland often by blowing themselves up..So easy way out is blame RAW,CIA,MOSSAD etc..So whats next?All these mullahs,fazlullahs,baitullah,hakeemullah etc are actually hindu brahmin names and jihad is a sanskrit word?
I haven't watched the video, but looking at the title, here's what I have to say. Indian government itself admitted a while back that individuals from Purohit's group were learning arabic, learning Quran, growing beards, etc to pose as militants and then support the militant groups. So this is nothing new or surprising.

You are right SMC, here's the most successful R&AW agents ever:

I haven't watched the video, but looking at the title, here's what I have to say. Indian government itself admitted a while back that individuals from Purohit's group were learning arabic, learning Quran, growing beards, etc to pose as militants and then support the militant groups. So this is nothing new or surprising.

it will be shocking if they are not already doing all this
If you guys can blame us for floods [natural disaster] in your country then this seems feasible. :P
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