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RAW Molvies in Pakistan

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ISI expert is saying it was 1999 when ISI arrested 22 molvies and ISI did not create issue of this matter because India want settlement. what a great liar, all we know in 1999 there was the huge conflict between India and Pakistan (kargil war) and ISI officer saying India want settlement in 1999. I think 1999 was the best time for pakistan to explore Indian RAW......
And what happened to the 22 maulvies,did they reconverted to Hinduism,or are still teaching Quran in ISI headquarters.
why i ask them you tell me....

Now you are asking this? Read this one...............

Tell-tale silence in Faridkot
By Masud Alam
May 12, 2010

FARIDKOT The comment itself was quite innocuous. The voice tone was balanced and the expression clear and un-halting. And yet there was something conspiratorial about it.

“Indians have demonstrated double standards in the case of Ajmal Kasab. The Pakistani suspect gets four death sentences and the Indian suspects go free. It`s a shame for all Pakistanis and specially the government of Pakistan to keep quiet on this blatant injustice,` said Afzal Hussain Shirazi. His statement seemed well-rehearsed and ended with a polite `thank you`. He then pushed away the microphone with the finality of someone who has said it all and won`t say another word.

He was sitting cross legged on a charpoy inside a shop selling herbal medicine. This is Faridkot – the otherwise nondescript village made famous by one of its youths, Ajmal Kasab, who had just been sentenced to death by a court in India for the Mumbai terror attacks of November 2008.

I`d criss-crossed through much of central and eastern Punjab to get to Okara. A majority of people I spoke to about Kasab, showed little knowledge of and interest in the subject. Even in Okara, some 35km from Faridkot, I ran into people who did not know the young man, much less the verdict against him.Finally, in Dipalpur, the town nearest to Faridkot, I met journalists in the local press club who advised me against proceeding to the village for my own safety, and offered instead to give me all the information I needed. It was there I`d first heard the argument, more or less in the same words, as those uttered by Shirazi.

Faridkot was taken over by intelligence agencies soon after the Mumbai attacks and arrest of the lone surviving perpetrator, Ajmal Kasab. At that time Islamabad was still denying that he was a citizen of Pakistan, and the Pakistani and international media was combing south Punjab from where, according to the initial reports, Ajmal Kasab came from.

Some of the earliest arriving media men – and at least one woman – were harassed by plainclothesmen and even detained by police, and a local journalist Mian Rabnawaz Joiya, was hounded and arrested for helping visiting journalists establish the fact that Ajmal Kasab indeed belonged to Faridkot.

In time Islamabad came round to owning up Ajmal Kasab as a citizen, even offered Indians help with the investigation.

Nearly a year and half later, the media returned to Faridkot last week to get the Kasab family`s and the villagers` reaction to the death sentence awarded to Ajmal Kasab in India, and they found little if any change in the media policy of Faridkot handlers. Only, the spooks were not visible anymore, their duties transferred to police and a local politician.

There were reports that the Kasab family had been allowed to return to village, though not to their own home, but no one knew, or was willing to say where to find them. The family was once again whisked away by security agencies shortly after the media scrambled into Faridkot.

Joiya, who is president of Dipalpur Press Club, was still facilitating journalists wishing to visit Faridkot but he hadn`t set foot in the village himself since his traumatic incarceration, and dutifully fulfilled the requirement to inform the chief of city police of the comings and goings of journalists.

The officer for his part welcomed scribes to Dipalpur but asked them to be cautious because as he put it, people of Faridkot don`t like media attention. His binding advice was take a police escort along or report to one Ghulam Mustafa Wattu, the former Union Council Nazim and resident of Faridkot who is carrying on the job of managing media from the start.

My `escort` took me straight to his home on the main road that dissects the village. Wattu was on the phone, visibly happy at what he was hearing, and thanking profusely the person at the other end. “It was the intelligence officer. He has confirmed a job for my nephew here,” he told his audience proudly after putting down the phone.

Then he turned to another visiting journalist and continued his comment on the Indian justice system and the deafening silence of Pakistanis … Yes, the comment I`d heard in Dipalpur and one that was to be repeated by Shirazi a little later.Wattu`s modus operandi is simple. He won`t let the journalists venture into the village on their own, of course `for their own protection`. But some journalists I spoke to felt that the frequent unpleasant incidents between journalists and local residents, that are used to justify Wattu`s services, are in fact engineered by him. Whatever the truth, the journalists did feel insecure in Faridkot, especially venturing into the residential part of the village.

That left them with Wattu`s lounge and the bazaar – a strip of dozen or so shops on both sides of the road – to find their subjects to interview.

Majority of men I came across refused to answer any question, not just about Ajmal Kasab. The sweet shop guy has never heard of Ajmal. A couple of men who must be in Ajmal`s age group, are too shy to speak. The faithful walking out of the mosque point towards Wattu`s residence a few metres away and hurry past. And majority of passersby are `outsiders`.

Those who did speak to me invariably repeated the one argument I`d heard all day. The entire village it seemed – and Dipalpur town included – thought as one, or else someone was doing the thinking for them.

The only exception was two boys of around 15 years of age. I struck up a conversation with them on the roadside. They seemed friendlier than the rest.

I picked up the local newspaper and showed the front page picture to them. “Of course I know him”, conceded one, trying to avoid the censorial look from an older boy who had refused to speak to me earlier. “He looks more handsome now, no?” chipped in the other. “So what do you think of this fellow you knew, getting death sentence in India?” I asked. “I didn`t say I knew him. Just that I recognise him. And I don`t care if he is hanged or shot,” and both laughed out loud.

Tell-tale silence in Faridkot | Latest news, Breaking news, Pakistan News, World news, business, sport and multimedia | DAWN.COM
any intelligence agency can go to any extent to strike a target thats nothing new of even matter of discussion.

i am more interested to know where this word molvies come from in this and how, in which context ?

Jana, it seems you cannot see the video.

He is former head of the ISI, and he basically says that it is the R&AW that is most dangerous, and has been most detrimental, to Pakistan in that numerous R&AW operatives have infiltrated into Pakistan. Most of them are converted to Islam, and become Maulvi of prestigious mosques. That is how they sway the mass, and even carry out attacks on Shias and Ahmedis to spread further division and chaos in the Pakistani society. He exonerated the CIA of any wrongdoing in his opening statement by stressing that the ISI and the CIA work together for their own benefits, and these beefits are mostly mutual and never in conflict.

The term Maulvi was used by this man to stress on the level at which the R&AW has infiltrated Pakistan. According to him, a lot of Maulvis are in fact R&AW agents, and he specifically pointed out the erstwhile (during his time) Maulvi of the biggest Mosque in Satellite Town was a R&AW agent.

Also, he says that the R&AW is much bigger and better organized than is known to the world, and hence it is the most underestimated intelligence agency, and that Pakistan has no danger from Mossad, CIA, MI6, or any agency, in comparison to the danger it faces from the R&AW.

In essence, he starts by singing praises for the R&AW, and founds his speech on the assertion that the Americans have nothing against the ISI or Pakistan.

Oh yes, he also claims that he created a separate counter-intelligence wing in the ISI to tap these R&AW operatives. That is how he knows all about it.
Now you are asking this? Read this one...............

wow ..nice bs story....i know there are Pakistani channels who are saying this, theDawn News , Geo Tv and Jhang group and i know why ....
Mumbai attacks was orchestrated by some Hindu extremists and intelligence agencies...Indian media as usual start its blame game within an hour after attacks....there are many questions which you are not able to answer...
i can also provide you links but you will not believe them and say BS...

Provide me the links above all Pakistani govt accepted that he is Pakistani. The author mentioned all the details about his journey to Faridkot.

You didn't tell why Dawn, Jang, Geo all are saying this 'BS'!!! :lol:
ISLAMABAD: Pakistani authorities during the course of their own investigations into the Mumbai carnage have established the identity of the only surviving terrorist Ajmal Kasaab as a Pakistani national. A high ranking government official while confirming the report told Dawnnews that because of the nature of his crime the government has still not taken any decision on whether to provide him with counselor access. The top official said the investigations had started soon after the initial reports had suggested that Ajmal Kasaab may possibly be a Pakistani national. However the authorities wanted to be doubly sure of his identity as there existed no record of Kasaab and his family in the National Data Base which is maintained by NADRA. Details of the preliminary investigations submitted to the government have still not been made public. The official said Kasaab is the son of Amir Kasaab and Mrs Noor Illahi.

Those who say that Ajmal Kasab is not Pakistani - I tell them the Eiffel Tower is not in France either.....
Those who say that Ajmal Kasab is not Pakistani - I tell them the Eiffel Tower is not in France either.....

those who believe Lahore attacks was not done by India ....i tell them Taj Mahal is not in India ...
i can also provide you links but you will not believe them and say BS...

This is not just a India Pak tussle Internationally - FBI-Mossad is involved into it too, because their citizens were killed too.
And It has been proven beyond doubt that Pakistani citizens were involved, and there is a law suite against Pakistan in the US.
And lastly dont disregard Headly's statement, based on whose statement, kith n kins of those murdered ARE suing Pakistan big time....
those who believe Lahore attacks was not done by India ....i tell them Taj Mahal is not in India ...

For the first time I see a Pakistani like you fight a lone battle, your wise countrymen are not coming to yr rescue, you may wonder why - not me.....
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