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RAW is WAR !!!


Oct 21, 2009
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Moving out from the rotten apple and the phalcon girls i guess its time i wrote something sensible. When I came across this article in TOI it reminded me of the all those times when i searched on the net about RAW[The Research and Analysis Wing .. not WWE] and found nothing. Here's me sharing some of the information which IS very interesting...

The most essential element of RAW is that, even after being the premier intelligence agency of a country as big as India, it maintains such an amazing low profile. [Search on Google for Research and Analysis wing .. there is no website for RAW.. the first link is wikipedia's article on RAW.. at least right now that is the case . ] Ask a street walker in India what is RAW, and 999/1000 chances are you will get a blank stare. If you go on to ask who is the current head of RAW you are more than certain to get a no-reply.

No movie (untill recently), serial, book has ever mentioned its name. there have been no sensational interviews of RAW directors or ex-agents.. for that matter, after its inception, not a word has been said about it in the Parliament. Some days ago, some Tariq Ismail Sagar wrote a book on RAW and put it on sale on the Internet. Some dude from Kolkata bought it for 15$. RAW immediately slapped some Customs Act on the fellow and confiscated the book. I heard the news today morning. When i opened the site the book was no more on sale. If RAW was able to track something as benign as the selling of a book over the internet, you could only imagine how effective their network is.

There are very few sites which divulge information about it. A few years ago, the police hauled 320 kgs of RDX from J&K. Mumbai serial blasts required just 25 kgs of RDX. Most of RAW's work goes unnoticed and unappreciated. Imagine what those 320 kgs of RDX could have done?

Here are a few interesting facts [coz they really ARE soooo few] associated with the RAW.

- Its organisational structure is strikingly similar to CIA
- It reports directly to PMO, not the MPs, not to the Parliament, not to the President either.
- They recruit people from the IPS channels (so i have heard) and also directly from the universities offering their recruits proxy jobs.. obviously noone knows how, like wikipedia says, "Again, there is not a lot of information available about this"
- RAW along with ISRO have 1.5 million images stored of every inch of india. India has had less than 1 metre resolution for quite some time now. [1 metre resolution means anything that is of the size of atleast 1 metre is visible to the satellite]
- RAW agents used to be trained by KGB and Mossad, and more recently by CIA and MI-5.
- RAW has many units working under it, but there is one particular unit, which indulges in the realms of internet [The Electronics and Technical Services(ETS)]. The funny thing is if you click on the wikipedia link for this, it says, "Article not found".

I guess the ETS guys believe its better that the thieves do not know where the police is. Go Ahead. Search on Google for ETS. You wont find ANYTHING. (Checked recently, it has a two line description now)

As far as the international politics and crucial domestic affairs go, there isn't a single decision in which RAW is not involved at some level.

Remember Israel ?? (its that country, which goes ahead and bombs its neighbouring Lebanon and US doesn't even curl its eyebrows). India and Israel have a long history. They have been working hand in hand, from sharing vital information to training each other's spies with latest techniques for decades.

The story is such, that Pakistan, US and others had absolutely no idea that India and Israel are working together for a whole nine years from 1968 to 1977 until the piss drinking Morarji Desai became our prime minister. It so happened that Zia-ul-Haq (the then Pakistani General) was acquiring nuclear capability and it came to know that Israel had this intell'. In the mean time RAW informed Morarji Desai about this. Morarji Desai, like a five year old, went on and called up the general and told him, "General, i know what you are up to. RAW has provided me with all the details." This blew the cover over the RAW-Mossad Link.

Im sure this is just the tip of the iceberg. Im sure some RAW fellow will find these comments and keep a tap on it.[JUST KIDDING.. :P]. But its amazing how they keep it a secret in a country of over a billion people.

Proud of these fellows....

... forget being underpaid, they are under-appreciated.


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no you did not reveal e national secret ..... a little more sensitivity is expected from a senior member....
no you did not reveal e national secret ..... a little more sensitivity is expected from a senior member....

Chillax dear! I just wanted to make things a more lightly.
My sincere apology to you for causing unnecessary issues. I would try to avoid this next time.

Remember we all are working for same goal. To make things better for our country. What our future deserve. What Bharat deserve!!:smitten:

P.S. --> Concerned thread deleted from my side as well!!
R&AW seems more like a ghost agency. Nobody knows them. Nobody captured any of their agents. They are blamed for everything that goes wrong in certain countries. They are credited for everything that goes right in India. They are admired. They are feared. They are loathed. Like Batman they are elusive. The biggest joke of the century will erupt if they do not exist. :D
R&AW seems more like a ghost agency. Nobody knows them. Nobody captured any of their agents. They are blamed for everything that goes wrong in certain countries. They are credited for everything that goes right in India. They are admired. They are feared. They are loathed. Like Batman they are elusive. The biggest joke of the century will erupt if they do not exist. :D

I agree with what you say. I believe RAW is either good-for-nothing agency or.......it is way efficient beyond our definition. :D

It is an Indian agency still they do not report to Indian parliament, the supreme Indian authority!! :what:

Nothing is clear about them. How they recruit, where they are active, their strength, their modulus operandi etc. etc.....No one knows. No books/movies/documents are available about them.

I recall a thread from this forum where i read that it has station in every country of the planet. Their respective strength is again matter of speculation as per need basis.

In short, a secret service which is actually secret. :azn:
The biggest joke of the century will erupt if they do not exist. :D


I was really impressed hearing all this about RAW. They must be impressive! Like the proverbial emperor's clothes!

Guyz, don't overhype RAW - they don't deserve it! Like all moth-eaten Govt. departmens, RAW is one, and is in need of immediate and drastic overhauls. The only thing they were good at is taking bribes from other countries and acting as double agents. A not-so-recent defection of a career spy to the USA confirms this view. If one has to give a parallel to our spies, I would think of Aldrich Ames, who could be a very good double spy only because he was a (very very) lousy straight spy. Not even the ever paranoid CIA could think this guy was capable of anything worthwhile, so he could flourish. Our RAW spies would be just about that good, minus the double spy twist!

My Pakistani friends, I must admit, credit should be given where it is due. ISI is effective. Like a knife, one needs to know how to use an effective spy agency, which the Pakistanis unfortunately don't know. Therefore this very effective tool is ending up hurting themselves.
well its good

raw is doing its job and as an Indian we have to do our job so that our country will touch the new sky

jai hind
Trust me guys I didn't know that there is a agency like RAW in India before I joined this forum. Not in electronic news not in print news not in any university book and not in any magazine I have read about RAW but this forum. And he is right 999 out of 1000 people don't know about RAW. They have never heard of it.
kindly delete the post....i should not have posted in first place
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