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RAW agent Jadhav obtained fake passport in Pune: Indian media

If he is a spy and a terrorist as the chief of RAW has admitted, then what Indians are crying for?

interestingly even your former R&W chief admits he could be a spy @ 7:44 -->

(we KNOW he's a spy).....

smuggling contraband has nothing to do with it (nice try)

How justifying indian government issuing fake/duplicate visas in a fake name.

interestingly even your former R&W chief admits he could be a spy @ 7:44 -->

(we KNOW he's a spy).....

smuggling contraband has nothing to do with it (nice try)
Epic Fail.
he retired from Navy in 2002-03.
and in the very same year he was able to plan a scheme of smuggling from an unrelated country to a country against which he was trained to fight for whole of his career ... Surprisingly he was able to get all the documentation done in just a period of few months from his birth cirtificate to family tree to national identify cards degrees and other documents required to prepare passport on fake name ...

You must be drinking really hard stuff to believe all this ...
Why does in Indian national need a fake passport if he is not a spy or not conducting acts of terror in another country makes perfect sense so he is not as innocent as the Indian government is claiming for him to be
Pakistan despite of strong pressure from the United States in last consecutive 7 years, ISI never handed over Shakeel Afridi to the U.S and here people expecting, we will handover Kulboshan Indian Terrorist to India (LOL). Pakistan have been executing Indian spy under 1923 Military Act in which nobody can't do anything. The same act applied on Uzar Baloch yesterday and soon Dr Asim (InshAllah) will be executed in the same way along with many others.

Enough of this muk-muka between PMLN and PPP. Both parties playing with Pakistan just for the sake of their own interests. Govt (State Attorney) presented zero evidence to the court against all these big criminals and later they got bail and roaming freely. Our Prime Minister still keep silent and giving basha to us about "Aman ka Tamasha" with neighbor (typical non-sense) yesterday where as on the other side every single official of Indian Govt bashing Pakistan.

This nation never ever heard any single statement from our PM against Kulboshan or Indian Terrorism.
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He was involved in transporting contrabands as most smugglers in that route are Gujarati Muslims, it makes sense he will apply for passport in such a name.

If Indians can make propaganda and tell the whole world that Bomby Attack Master (Kasab) confessed and accepted his crime in a Video....and based on that Video Indians Blamed Pakistan.......
And now in this case If an Indian Navy Officer clearly accepting his crimes in a video message released by ISPR......Then what is stopping Indians to accept that.........????
Why does a RAW operative have to "obtain a fake passport from market"?

And then why does he carry it to Pakistan??

We do not know what is the truth. All We know is that he has made a badly edited video in pakistani custody and he has been denied consular access, legal help or an open trial where he can tell us the truth and now an effort to silence him permanently is being made so that ISPR can maintain their local status as Gabriel 2.

Looks like ISPR planted fake news, or what is known in pakistan - rule of law.

I hope you are not looking for an intellectually stimulating conversation.
The most illogical statement from logical dude. If he is a criminal aka smuggler then can a son of India be a smuggler? If he is then he death penalty for smuggling and human trafficking. But we know he is not even a spy but a terrorist so no sympathy.
His head should be cut off and sent to Buhran wani's family as a gift so they can hang it on tree outside there house and let every kashmiri purify his head by giving there jalab pani on it.
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Yeah right, if he was a raw operative, raw is not capable enough so he has to acquire a fake passport. May be the journalist's brain is in the knees.
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When is KBY's conversion story coming out?

Hey Hindus, a suggestion -> why don't you say the 'son of soil' had converted? That he had to get a fake passport as he feared death by the Fascist brigade for his conversion and then ran off to Iran to practice his new faith, where he was framed and abducted by the biggest Evil in the world, ISI.

That story may sell a bit better. Add a woman in the mix to spice things up a bit more. Conversion and love story.
Pak Friends,

Your well wishers understand your anguish and dismay about the horrors of death, destruction and loss of economic development.

APS is crime against all Humanity...there is no other way to define it.

It must become a Pak National Resolve Day.

And it all came from AF where the terror factories are still active...

indian created and sponsored terrorism has killed more Pak Armed Forces servicemen and civilians in this indian war than the previous wars.

It is something to ponder upon in silence... you are under a long range attack from this hideous, cunning enemy.

After the Pak Law takes its course with this terroist...brace yourself for more indian sponsored terror....loss of innocent lives and property.

The indian sick empire cann't tolerate a peaceful and prosperous Pak State and Society....they will keep undermining the very foundations of Pak State from both within and without.

Without Pak all of South Asia will be flying indian flag... if indian empire can remove Pak then it can become a global power by landmass and population alone.

Pak Must Remain Standing!

Close the AF border, tighten security with Irannian one and make silent sweeps within to clean the indian sponsored terrorists and fifth coumnist..including political puppets.

Remain vigilant! Act!
A good Indian spy is only a dead Indian spy.
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