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RAW agent Jadhav obtained fake passport in Pune: Indian media

UB is nothing in this whole story. One UB will go and another will take his place. Offense is the best defense but a simple question. If the leadership of PPP gets targeted where will they run or the leadership of PMLN is targeted where will they run? I mean which countries.

This question has been worrying Zardari and his handlers and also worrying some for PMLN leadership.
Its because we are living in new era where criminals can be requested to be repatriated, provided a strong case... still my guess the end destination of Pakistani politicians will be UK.
Sure UB is nothing, but he is most important link of the puzzle. He is still not murdered is a miracle!
This question has been worrying Zardari and his handlers and also worrying some for PMLN leadership.
Its because we are living in new era where criminals can be requested to be repatriated, provided a strong case... still my guess the end destination of Pakistani politicians will be UK.
That is not an end destination for just Pakistanis. it is for many others as well.

Any How Jadhav is going down and no one can do any thing about it. So lets enjoy it for now.
That is not an end destination for just Pakistanis. it is for many others as well.

Any How Jadhav is going down and no one can do any thing about it. So lets enjoy it for now.

I would happily offer KJ to India in exchange for Brahamdagh Bugti +, if they are so hell bent to have him back!
why not put their resolve to a test.... you know what I mean ;)
moral of the story: Pakistan is run by idiots while India is not!
I would happily offer KJ to India in exchange for Brahamdagh Bugti +, if they are so hell bent to have him back! you know what I mean.... ;)
moral of the story: Pakistan is run by idiots while India is not!
Why do you need Brahamdad Bugti back he is of no use. If Pakistan want to end his story Pakistan can do it with out any trouble.

The message of Hanging Jadhav is far more greater than any.
Why do you need Brahamdad Bugti back he is of no use. If Pakistan want to end his story Pakistan can do it with out any trouble.

The message of Hanging Jadhav is far more greater than any.

IMO, Brahamdagh Bugti is important!
If Brahamdagh Bugti is of no use than so is KJ... why not try it.
I'm sure they would deny any such exchange.. and would offer lot more but him.
See you already want to know... what I'm thinking!!!!
IMO, Brahamdagh Bugti is important!
If Brahamdagh Bugti is of no use than so is KJ... why not try it.
I'm sure they would deny any such exchange.. and would offer lot more but him.
See you already want to know... what I'm thinking!!!!
Na let hang the Jadhav dude and get over it. I don't want Jadhav to get back to India alive or dead. I want Jadhav to be buried in Balochistan so that every Indian terrorist remember for centuries to come.
Bharatis have gone into a full on conspiracy theory mode. These same people a while ago used to complain about conspiracy theories against them. What a bunch of hypocrites.
strategically pakistan can't hang Kulbushan Jadhav due to lack of evidence, they need some solid arguments for capital punishment, i know that pak army can run trials on pakistanis that way but this is an international situation, things don't go "pak army" way here. And still if pakistan manages to execute kulbushan than this would strengthen indian argument of punishing kashmiri separatists with military operations further more. Tit for tat, this world works that way my dear friends

Lets do it from start and make some logical questions.
  1. If he is Indian national and a business man which India claim then my question is why he need fake name in passport then his original name? Many Indian travel Pakistan with original name passport then what is the need of him to travel with fake passport. First place.
  2. When he make fake passport and traveling to Iran then he is not only criminal to Iran but also India. Why Indian secure system didn't recognize that it is fake Passport? He can cheat Iran and Pakistan but how he can cheat creators of system?
  3. If he went to Iran and know that Pakistan is not friendly country then why he move inside Pakistan and got caught?
  4. Why India initially claim that he is not Indian?
  5. He was caught near Pak Afghan border, when Indian Govt its self claim that he is working in Iran? but never tell anyone what he do? and how fake passport help him in doing business in Iran? Why he try to hide himself from Iranian authorities if he is a businessman?
  6. All information from him so sensitive and based on his information Pakistan able to capture 100 plus spy network. So my question to Indian if they capture some spy with such a big links (Alhumdullah because of that Baluchistan is secured) will India share it with International forum this information?

Pakis can bark only with their fake propaganda

I didn't even consider to worthy to talk to you and you just show that how you brought up and what sort of training you received from your mother

Pakis can bark only with their fake propaganda
@Horus @WebMaster please take notice of this creature
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