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RAW agent Jadhav obtained fake passport in Pune: Indian media

Indian High commissioner is currently in Pakistani foreign office for Jadhav

The meeting between Indian High commissioner and Pakistani Foreign office has started regarding Jadhav.

do they really think they'll bag the release of this 3rd rate spy of theirs who got caught with his dhotis down
I am so rich that I have employed a Pakistani spell checker... let me know where to send the payment...1 cent ok?

We got a rich indian here lol who can't spell for shit .
needs to be taught on a pak forum how to spell 'strength' .
lol something Indians are unknown for hahaha

Indian goes on pak forum and learns how to spell strength

Keep your cent son it'll keep your family in dhal and roti for a weak
I am so rich that I have employed a Pakistani spell checker... let me know where to send the payment...1 cent ok?

IF YOUR Rich so kindly feed your jawan at border area they don't have sufficient quality of food. :cray:
IF YOUR Rich so kindly feed your jawan at border area they don't have sufficient quality of food. :cray:
I am only hiring spellcheckers. Financial Adviser position is not open. Thank you for your interest and I will contact you if the position opens up.

We got a rich indian here lol who can't spell for shit .
needs to be taught on a pak forum how to spell 'strength' .
lol something Indians are unknown for hahaha

Indian goes on pak forum and learns how to spell strength

Keep your cent son it'll keep your family in dhal and roti for a weak
Why the heck I am paying you for.. I am not so rich to employ anyone else to correct my spelling. Now quit nonsense and go through my post correcting all the spelling.. 1 cent per correction and you will thank me for the generosity..
do they really think they'll bag the release of this 3rd rate spy of theirs who got caught with his dhotis down
A renewed spirit of Indian Nationalism just wait for a real confrontation and they will take small and quick steps back to the hole in sand. India and their new found love in TTP is almost turning into a breakup as most of the boyfriends are being killed by Pak Army.
“Iranian Ambassador to India Gholamreza Ansari said that reports related to Kulbhushan Jadhav were shared by Tehran informally with New Delhi,” said the report.

Iran is running anti Pakistan activities from 4 decades, when they are exposed by public media... MOFO is trying to pretend unconcerned.
He should explain first the need of presence of Indian consulate in Zahedan.
Indians are replicating same experiment in Afghanistan and if Pakistan would fail again to ask same question to puppet regime of Afghanistan.. than we have learned nothing.

Indian High commissioner is currently in Pakistani foreign office for Jadhav

The meeting between Indian High commissioner and Pakistani Foreign office has started regarding Jadhav.

That's what I expected... Pakistan foreign office is 50% Pakistani and 50% Indian, especially staff at key Pakistan embassies... which I can easily list.
Iran is running anti Pakistan activities from 4 decades, when they are exposed by public media... MOFO is trying to pretend unconcerned.
He should explain first the need of presence of Indian consulate in Zahedan.
Indians are replicating same experiment in Afghanistan and if Pakistan would fail again to ask same question to puppet regime of Afghanistan.. than we have learned nothing.
No man you need to calm down with anti Iran things because have you read the JIT report Jadhav what he was up to?
Is the JIT made public?
Sirtaj Aziz made a press conference today, heard the entire charges and stuff he did and there were also his objectives explained.

The Uzair Baloch JIT is public that was also very interesting. Few more nation from the gulf came into the loop there.

Jadhav was planning an attack on Pakistan embassy in Tehran and was training and paying BLA member to take credit for the attack on the embassy and the attack was going to be carried out by RAW agents. This was designed to ruin Pak-Iran relations. He was paying terrorist to attack zahirins who were traveling to Iran. This all was designed to attack Shia population and make Pakistan go into a sectarian war.
Few more nation from the gulf came into the loop there.
Perhaps those are the nations who handed over UB to Pakistan! :hitwall: @Khafee

Anyone who has followed up UB case from the moment of his arrest, can call tell Sartaj Aziz to shovel up edited JIT in his shit place.
What I remember; when UB was in custody of UAE for faking nationality, Pakistan's civil govt. was not interested in his repatriation, while Iran's mulla regime was trying hard to have his custody which was denied by UAE without Pakistani request of doing so.
Actually UB has been slammed over Pakistan's face by gulf nations :agree:
Gulf nations have exposed connection of UB and your civil regimes aka politicians and bureaucracy.
What do you think.. your politicians can explain why foreign govt. issue visas to their siblings and protect their bank balances, which has no proof of income!
I don't want to remark any more on govt. who's religion is MONEY, trust me fair investigation report of UB would be a death warrant of same politicians, who are reading out JIT aloud.
Don't forget... UB was right hand of Pakistan's X president, who is also blamed to be in cahoots with PMLN, this blame has been further cemented by the recent release of Ayan Ali etc. which also confirms judiciary is sold out too, so tell me what should I do with JIT which miss all of the mafia, which I just listed above!!!!!
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Perhaps those are the nations who handed over UB to Pakistan!
Anyone who has followed up UB case from the moment of his arrest, can call tell Sartaj Aziz to shovel up edited JIT in his shit place.
What I remember; when UB was in custody of UAE for faking nationality, Pakistan's civil govt. was not interested in his repatriation, while Iran's mulla regime was trying hard to have his custody which was denied by UAE without Pakistani request of doing so.
Don't forget... UB was right hand of Pakistan's X president, who is also blamed to be cahoots with PMLN, this blame has been further cemented by the recent release of Ayan Ali etc.
UB is under army investigation and JIT has linked him to both PMLN and PPP. His bank accounts and his link to foreign countries have grown.
UB is under army investigation and JIT has linked him to both PMLN and PPP. His bank accounts and his link to foreign countries have grown.
Yea exactly.. see my edited post.
UB is linked with both PMLN and PPP who are further linked with others...... incl. bureaucracy which function with movement of eyebrows of politicians and their siblings, living abroad.

look what I found:
Yea exactly.. see my edited post.
UB is linked with both PMLN and PPP who are further linked with others...... incl. bureaucracy which function with movement of eyebrows of politicians and their siblings, living abroad.

look what I found:
So your end point here?
So your end point here?

Such, willing or unwilling arrests had been made before in history of Pakistan, we should understand that strings of Pakistan show are way above where a common Pakistani can see.
Very soon we should expect UN jumping in... why :azn:
So these arrests and JITs for me means nothing more than waste of nation's time and resources.
X ISI chief Mr.Butt has once told on media, that in 1998-1999 busted a network of RAW.. where Indian hindus were appointed as Imams of Islamabad's state mosques, it was hard work of ISI but civil govt. surely handed them back to RAW with honor, and there was no follow through by that X ISI gentleman, while until this interview nation knew didly about it...

IMO, current story is far smaller than the episodes happened in past, which were covered by same politicians who are today leading JITs, pretending to be patriots.
So.. end point is.. LOL
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Such, willing or unwilling arrests had been made before in history of Pakistan, we should understand that strings of Pakistan show are way above where a common Pakistani can see.
Very soon we should expect UN jumping in. :azn:
So these arrests and JITs for me means nothing more than waste of nation's time and resources.
X ISI chief Mr.Butt has once told on media, that in 1998-1999 arrested a network of RAW who was appointed as Imams of Islamabad mosques, it was hard work of ISI to bust the network but civil govt. surely handed them back to RAW with honor, while this nation knows dick about it.
IMO, current story is far smaller than the episodes happened in past, which were covered by same politicians who are today pretending to be patriots.
So.. end point is.. LOL

UB is nothing in this whole story. One UB will go and another will take his place. Offense is the best defense but a simple question. If the leadership of PPP gets targeted where will they run or the leadership of PMLN is targeted where will they run? I mean which countries.
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