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Rare Glimpse of Dogfight above LOC

Aaaaaaaand India agreed to de-escalate because?
You should've upped the ante because you got Pakistan by the balls if that is the case. What stopped you?
who told you that India deescalate?

If that was the case, then why almost half of the eastern airspace is still closed or why whole of the pakistani navy is still on CAP.. further covert & overt ops are all in the pipeline
who told you that India deescalate?
Where's the fire?
If that was the case, then why almost half of the eastern airspace is still closed
Your's is closed too on the western side. Something to do with "oh we were on the brink of nuclear missilery, might take a step back, relax and think about it."
why whole of the pakistani navy is still on CAP.. further covert & overt ops are all in the pipeline
There's always CAP's, covert and overt ops on both sides of the fence. Calm down and carry on.
[QUOTE=" further covert & overt ops are all in the pipeline"[/QUOTE]

The pipeline has been chocked since ages.:p: What covert OPS....killing school kids through proxies. Who stopped you to launch Missile Attack from Rajasthan on the eve of Feb27? Just one mssge from here. .. get ready for response in kind...even 3 times of yours.
There are many rumours floating around the internet regarding the downing of the Mi-17. Let us assume it went down as a result of PAF action. Given the circumstances and the ROE employed was it a fair target?

Any thing in air was deemed dangerous to own force and was put down...

Unfortunately for mi 17 it took off (SAR) when airspace was still compromised
both MiG-21 and Su-30 have SPJ from ELTA other than this they also have escort jamming pod but it seems IAF did not employ EW during that encounter and IF this was the case than it become very difficult to understand the reason of non employment of any EW by Indian side.

At least on personal grounds it is difficult for me to accept this as their overconfidence or ignorance about PAF capabilities after all IAF is a professional force.

You will laugh your head off when the details are revealed about how comprehensively the PAF dominated the IAF.

Praveen Sahni rightly highlighted..

You will laugh your head off when the details are revealed about how comprehensively the PAF dominated the IAF.

Praveen Sahni rightly highlighted..

Having a military budget in multiples of what Pakistan has; he is still talking about buildup buildup buildup. Either he is naive; or hasn't seen the writing on the wall; that you can't buy supremacy by military budget / machines and weapons. If that would've been the case; Afghanistan would've been firmly in control of the US by now.

Pakistan's military; with all its critics (internal and external) in how it functions and holds the government in check is a professional force by all accounts. Politician's (especially in our region; though I want that to be an exception not the rule) can be bought off for a very lowly price; hence the nuclear trigger isn't in the hands of the civilians. Just see Bilawal appeasing the torturer of his mother for a glimpse of what politicians can stoop down to for power and money.

India has to realise that the thorn in both the countries side is Kashmir; and till the day that they're unwilling to accept that fact and give the people the right to self determination; peace will remain elusive. Pakistan is already committed to the fact that AJK is a self ruled territory. If Kashmir wants to become independant of both Pakistan and India; so be it.
about how comprehensively the PAF dominated the IAF.
exactly because of this reason I am still amazed how it happened .... why the Indian Air force under performed so much .....??

ACM Shahid Latif who apparently have seen the video of the engagement openly said in an interview to Mubashir Luqman that we PICK and CHOOSE the targets and as we had to put measure response therefore did not take out more of Indian fighter jets otherwise we had a chance to shoot many more.
we are asking to de escalate becuase you are sore loser and you wont accept defeat without nuking us first
retarded person
With manpads ??? Over Srinagar ??
Did you notice that the chopper was flying over Badgham Srinagar at the time of crash ??
At least have some common sense.
As I said, they are rumors. Not like manpads will refuse to work over sirinagar.

Rumors are that the mi17 was an ew chopper trying to jam ground radars and was shot down via manpads. SSG BAT black op teams perhaps...
SSG BATs that too 100 KM inside Indian territory ? you must be confusing John Rambo and Van Damme of your army to be SSG commandos[/QUOTE]
Special Forces are trained go very deep into enemy territory and it's easy when the local population is friendly to them. Is actually very common for spec ops to deep inside enemy territory, unless of course if it's the indian special forces, then they'll just make bollywood movies with dance numbers! :lol:
Of-course we are asking to de-escalate like any responsible, peaceful country focused on self-improvement and betterment of it's people would. Unlike the rampant war-mongering extremist neighbour whose political elite puts lives of it's people secondary to the acquisition of power. No one wins in wars except the arms dealers.
You will laugh your head off when the details are revealed about how comprehensively the PAF dominated the IAF.

Praveen Sahni rightly highlighted..

This stupid can not understand the difference ...The soldiers here are ready for scarifies at utmost priority.....the other side...they are just trying to save their asses ...scared of death.
There were news on TV Channels today evening that Pakistan Test fired long range missile from JF 17 Thunder.
Can anyone explain what that is new indigenous missile?
ACM Shahid Latif who apparently have seen the video of the engagement openly said in an interview to Mubashir Luqman that we PICK and CHOOSE the targets and as we had to put measure response therefore did not take out more of Indian fighter jets otherwise we had a chance to shoot many more.

Could you please post the source of this here? Thanks!

There were news on TV Channels today evening that Pakistan Test fired long range missile from JF 17 Thunder.
Can anyone explain what that is new indigenous missile?

That's Pakistani media for you.

It wasn't a missile. It was 'Takbir', its a guidance kit for unguided bombs, just like the JDAMs. We've had it for years now, showed it at IDEAS 2016.

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