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Rape threads

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So its not a good thread or what?

I didnt say a single word discouraging that thread.

All i said it was brilliant and i was proud of you...

Maybe the excitement of seeing another 5 year old got me in.
I cam up with a constructive suggestion in this thread. You on the other hand brought in a closed issue and effectively de-railed this thread. Now you are posting meaningless posts in an effort of God knows what.

Unfortunately, Indian title holders can not impose their thoughts or opinions on radical posters, some of whom are vehemently anti-Islamic or anti-Pakistan. But if you have noticed,Indian title holders in general are not much adored by these radicals. There have been several occasions where Indian title holders have been abused, mocked by ultra nationalists. So, the assumption that discouraging the trolls will work is not true.
This is not a give and take situation. Rank holders, irrespective of their nationalities should and must come to a point, where no abusive threads will be tolerated. This is a collective responsibility, not any nationality specific issue.
They can to some extent. However, the excuse they give is "well, I was not on the thread", or "I do not visit those threads". Sorry to say but I have seen certain title holders let alone many 'seniors' silently encouraging those threads. There is no problem that cant be solved but if the attitude is what it is, there is no hope.
I cam up with a constructive suggestion in this thread. You on the other hand brought in a closed issue and effectively de-railed this thread. Now you are posting meaningless posts in an effort of God knows what.

How can encouragement be decoded as derailing?

I only encouraged you citing the incomparable track record and the serious discucssion outcomes based on what you have posted all these times.
Quality of PDF is going down, most of the topics being dicussed have nothing to do with Defence
Didn't know one could use PDF from hell.But i bet the internet connection is much faster over there.

hehe........ I told you & Sam & that pal of yours with wings ( Castiel ) , that Hell is not such a bad place after all
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How can encouragement be decoded as derailing?

I only encouraged you citing the incomparable track record and the serious discucssion outcomes based on what you have posted all these times.
They can to some extent. However, the excuse they give is "well, I was not on the thread", or "I do not visit those threads". Sorry to say but I have seen certain title holders let alone many 'seniors' silently encouraging those threads. There is no problem that cant be solved but if the attitude is what it is, there is no hope.

Give some example......
They can to some extent. However, the excuse they give is "well, I was not on the thread", or "I do not visit those threads". Sorry to say but I have seen certain title holders let alone many 'seniors' silently encouraging those threads. There is no problem that cant be solved but if the attitude is what it is, there is no hope.
I hardly have seen any Indian title holders who have encouraged ant-Islamic and anti-Pakistani threads. Even if that has been the case, that must not convince a rank holder or 'seniors' from opposite country to retaliate in the same manner. Lets the sanctity of these titles prevail. An eye for an eye makes an entire world blind, PDF is just a forum.
Food adulteration is a serious issue... we see it in India, China etc...

It was a brilliant thread.
How can you say that ?? And here is our tt Mr @SpArK Who has made a Jumbooo U turn of the year .. you were the one said to @syedali73 that why would a tt make a thread like this and now all of the sudden you are innocent man ??
You complain about every thread not just rape ... food, rape you name it stop it
How can you say that ?? And here is our tt Mr @SpArK Who has made a Jumbooo U turn of the year .. you were the one said to @syedali73 that why would a tt make a thread like this and now all of the sudden you are innocent man ??
You complain about every thread not just rape ... food, rape you name it stop it
Do you know that spark has been a member of this forum since last 5 years???
Indians and pakistanis here have a lot of respect for him.
A newbie like you (with quite a history) should stay away from pointing fingers at others.
Do you know that spark has been a member of this forum since last 5 years???
Indians and pakistanis here have a lot of respect for him.
A newbie like you (with quite a history) should stay away from pointing fingers at others.

Common, You can't talk like this to a kid.
Do you know that spark has been a member of this forum since last 5 years???
Indians and pakistanis here have a lot of respect for him.
A newbie like you (with quite a history) should stay away from pointing fingers at others.

Child abuse......yakkk.
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