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Rape in India – Why it becomes a worldwide story

Banned in India: Rapist TV interview blaming women for rape | euronews, world news


India bans broadcast of BBC film showing gang-rapist | Daily Mail Online


India Bans Documentary Featuring Interview With Delhi Gang Rape Convict

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The Western media does this to any non-Western country.
The funny part is, members from those countries (read India and China) will use those media reports to troll each other in defence forums :lol:

Now lets attack America and Europe for Racism.
Not just racism, they have a whole host of issues, including violence against women, pedophilia, but they never talk about it.
Actually all other countries do,these types of things but India remains silent. For ex: Iran, Russia and China all have human rights reports on other countries that tell people (their own and others) about happenings in the U.S and western countries, with their media spreading the message about how other countries have their issues.

There are core issues here that prevent us from doing the same.
The govt which is silent, or worse, abets them in creating these narratives (see how the mha was allowed to interview inside the jail.)
Our media on the other hand has a sickness in the head (or too much money from certain sections), they constantly search for ways to tell the citizens what a terrible place they live and brain wash them into hating themselves. A lot of Indians can see past this bs, but some do take it seriously and get brainwahsed. Just this year look at how our media has handled many issues, from Charlie hebdo, Avijit Roy (no reaction!), Theresa vs other gods/godmen, Perumal Murugan, terror boat. There is strong desire within the media to keep the west and certain other sections on a pedestal, and turn the direction of questioning internal, rather than otherwise.

The academics who do such work, are mainly based out of universities, and their job is to examine other societies from their viewpoint and explain them to people. JNU would be a perfect example of a place that would do scholarly work on other societies from our perspective. Sadly, you know how JNU is. They are incredibly anti-India and far worse they peddle any sort of propaganda. from any corner of the globe, and do little to study Indian stuff apart from brit and foreign based nonsense. There are a few academics who do some work but they are ostracized (I remember seeing a video about how people who dont cater to existing western based storylines are kicked out/blanked out).

So when you have a media that is too stupid, an academic section that parrots the western viewpoint without even thinking, and for a long time a govt that doesnt want change the narrative or is always defensive...you will never be able to give it back (this govt hasnt shown any intentions either) , atleast effectively.

At best what you will get is a few articles from what people would call rss-sanghi-hindutvaadi papers, and they would be dismissed ,even at home.
The reason is India always try to portrait something different but in reality, India is actually something what the reality is. So when such news on aiiiiir regarding rape and all, western media immediately focus on the India because in real they're totally different from what they're telling to others. Rest of these rape issues are everywhere not only in India.
no need for trolling as rape is something that should be curtailed and we have got it here in pakistan as well , it is every where but somehow i blame it on the media they are responsible for this

Couldn't agree more than this.
Not to forget the feminist organizations in India which are getting tons of money from the west to break the bond between Indian men and women by potraying Indian men as predators, chossing to be housewives as volutary oppression,child rearing as a derogatory job.This will cause irreparable social problems.
This journalist |eslie Udwin instead of worrying about rapes in the UK,or jihadi John has travelled to India to take a documentary which she says has a global colour but ironically named "India's Daughter",doesnt she know charity starts at home.BBC is famous for its colonial mindset.
Is rape a huge problem?yes, but so are suicides,murder,corruption lets talk about everything and try solving instead of sensationalising.Instead of demonising Indian men and the Indian society,conducting media trial,the Rohtak case,section 498a abuses a proof to the flawed mindset(which are in fact a bigger threat to women than men).

Because there is a sinister plan to picture India in bad light there by making a stereotype out of it !
Yes blame others and never figure out what,s wrong with you.

Do you know most of the street kids in Pakistan around 1.2 Million of them have been sexually exploited for as low as 75 Paise or nothing. They are all under the age of 15 .
Yes i know that,s a hidden shame of pakistan.But why you started a blame war against me ?This thread was about a rape in india and a OP is also an indian.I guess this the reason india is becoming the rape capital of the world because you people justify it indirectly rather than just accepting what,s wrong with you and correcting it.I was not trolling or mocking india ,i just explained what i personally felt about india in the past 2-3 years.A friend of mine visited india in 2013 and he saw street junkies insulting and teasing women in public with his own eyes.A least that,s not a normal thing in pakistan.But you are not here to take the truth.
You expect an Indian to reply in a normal manner after exposing so much truth? The purpose of this entire thread is to justify the crime. It happens everywhere so why highlight India is the excuse... These Indians are in denial. They are dealing with a a rape endemic. Nothing more nothing less. They are not willing to accept the truth. Indian men are vicious an vile. They attack women in hordes. Ask any white woman who has visited India. We Pakistan should be very glad that we separated from this country.
You are damn right
Maria Wirth, a German émigré to India wrote on how she found German TV disproportionately reporting a rape incident in far-away India, while a local rape was a small inside item.

@PlanetWarrior can you explain this?

This German woman is talking about how German TV is disproportionately covering rapes in India, while local rapes that happen right next door to them (literally a few blocks down the street) are lucky if they even make the news.

BBC is headquartered in London, how many rapes happen in London every day? How many make BBC world headlines? I read BBC regularly and local crimes in the UK or London are usually locked away in small local sections, and only a few are reported once in a while, no where close to the actual number of crimes being committed around them.

I don't believe in "intentional/deliberate" conspiracies, but there definitively seems to be an unconscious bias against developing countries in general.

China for example, you hear no end of our pollution issues, yet we are nowhere in the top 10 most polluted countries list. Per capita our pollution output is very low by global standards, even though the entire world outsources their manufacturing (and therefore their pollution) to us. Granted, it is still a HUGE issue for us, and is the big topic within the domestic audience itself, but what do we gain from the rest of the world focusing on it? We are the ones in a position to solve it, it's our own issue. Foreign citizens worrying and focusing on it doesn't help us at all, if anything it negatively impacts on tourism and/or investment, etc.
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@PlanetWarrior can you explain this?

This German woman is talking about how German TV is disproportionately covering rapes in India, while local rapes that happen right next door to them (literally a few blocks down the street) are lucky if they even make the news.

BBC is headquartered in London, how many rapes happen in London every day? How many make BBC world headlines? I read BBC regularly and local crimes in the UK or London are usually locked away in small local sections, and only a few are reported once in a while, no where close to the actual number of crimes being committed around them.

I don't believe in intentional conspiracies, but there definitively seems to be an unconscious bias against developing countries in general.

China for example you hear no end of our pollution issues, yet we are nowhere in the top 10 most polluted countries list. Granted, it is a HUGE issue for us, and is the big topic within the domestic audience itself, but what do we gain from the rest of the world talking about it? We are the ones in a position to solve it, it's our own issue. Foreign citizens worrying about it doesn't help us at all, if anything it negatively impacts on tourism and/or investment, etc.

Buddy, I am an Indian and frankly speaking I don't care about the mindset of males in Germany, USA , China or even Zimbabwe for that matter. I have had many complaints from women who traveled to India about the attitude of males towards them there. This is mostly in the northern states of India with the southern states being regarded as more conservative and easy going. I have witnessed first hand the attitude of males towards women travelers. Most of the foreign female visitors are dressed in western attire such as jeans or skirts. They become easy pickings for harassment by the people who are earning a revenue from tourists namely taxi drivers and tour operators. Rape and harassment of females is a horrific crime. My point is that Indians must stop denying the scale of these crimes and must start addressing them. The Jyothi Singh rape and murder was horrendous and savage and drew the international media's attention to India. Instead of accepting that this problem must be addressed and discussed, we have stupid Indians such as those on this forum who want to deny that it is a problem in India and who want to start discussing rapes in Pakistan, USA, Japan, China, Germany and the Antartica !

We Pakistan should be very glad that we separated from this country.

You wouldn't ever be able to fathom how grateful we are that you guys fcked off to you own place to maim and blow yourselves up in the name of your religion without including us in your mess. We do have problems but at least we address it. The same can't be said of your lalastan
Some real points raised!Kindly read the article before commenting.

Rape is a terrible crime, a case where the victims are overwhelmingly women and the perpetrators overwhelmingly men. Every rape carries with it a personal story of trauma. To use statistics to speak about rape appears to dehumanize it into a number. Yet, when the mainstream news media is branding India into a “rape capital”, it is worth a pause. Maria Wirth, a German émigré to Indiawrote on how she found German TV disproportionately reporting a rape incident in far-away India, while a local rape was a small inside item. Similarly, a rape in a Cab in New Delhi made it all the way into the New York Times while an estimated 700 rapes on that day in the US merited no mention. This begs the question—is disproportionate coverage of rape in India justified? Or is it driven by an agenda?

First, a look at the numbers. If we go by reported rape statistics, India has one of the lowest rates of rape in the world, sensationalist coverage notwithstanding. Here are the top 15 countries of the world by rapes per 100,000 people. (Source: Nationmaster.com)


We find that South Africa tops the chart in per capita rapes and Australia and the United States are in the top fifteen. (Note some of this data is from different years, based on available statistics. )If we just use the year 2010, the United States in the top 10 countries in the number of rapes. So is Sweden, right up there with Suriname.

Now, it is reasonable to question the figures based on reported rapes alone since there is considerable under-reporting of rapes. However, every country has problems with under-reporting. In Islamic countries under-reporting is a severe problem because of the difficulty of getting rape convictions in Islamic law. While the US is among the top countries in reported rape, still a majority (60%) of sexual assaults go unreported. Based on data collected by the US organization RAINN, factoring in unreported rapes, only 3% of rapists in the US would spend even one day in prison.

While low conviction rates and the difficulty of getting justice is given as one reason for low reporting of rapes in India, convictions rates are fairly low worldwide. The rate of rape conviction in the UK is only 6.5 percent in England and Wales, with a shocking low of 2.9% in Scotland. With such a low chance of conviction, women would be increasingly reluctant to go through the trauma of a rape trial and reporting rates would be depressed. India, by contrast, has a significantly higher rape conviction rate. While many countries, including UK and France, have shown a decline in rape conviction rate, India’s rate, despite a decline, is still several times higher than the UK at 26.4% with Delhi having a whopping 41.5% rape conviction rate, despite India’s notoriously inefficient justice system. A high chance of conviction would also have a positive affect on higher reporting. Thus the comparison of reported rape statistics cannot be dismissed out of hand, even though there are likely differences in reporting rates across countries. Given that caveat, let us see where India stand in reported rapes per capita in the table where the US is in the top 15.


India is near the bottom, at number 94, right next to Canada. (Total number of countries in this list, where statistics were available, was 119). Canada and the US are also a study in contrast. Though they are neighbors, and are superficially similar, their rape rates are a study in contrast. If countries were low in the list simply because of differences in reporting rate and not actual crimes, we would need to explain why the reporting rates between Canada and the US are so dramatically different. If not, we have to accept that the rank in this table, at least to some extent, reflects the actual rape rate. Along with India, Buddhist Japan and Hindu Nepal also find themselves near the bottom of the list.

Why then this huge preoccupation with rapes in India in Western media and the Indian media echo box. A clue is found on this website a veiloftearsmovie.com. This is a Christian evangelical site, releasing a major film on “A Veil of Tears,” the plight of Indian women. The movie starts by dramatic accounts of the Delhi gangrape and starts to list a litany of ills in the “persecution” of India women and how it was important to save them. The agenda? The website is clear. They are explicitly marketing the movie to Church groups to collect funds and their partner is “Gospel for Asia.”

“While the film, “Veil of Tears”, brings into focus the truth behind a dark reality existing in the world today, we are excited to highlight the hope being given to countless millions of women each day through the work and ministry of Gospel for Asia…

We invite you to take a moment to learn more about the mission of Gospel for Asia and how you can be a part of our movement to rescue generations of women from persecution and rejection and into the hope of Jesus Christ.”

The plight of Indian women is a marketing tool for the Global evangelical movement, that are shown explicitly using this to ask for money.


Indian itself is the biggest target country in the Joshua Project, aimed at converting people between the 10-40 parallels. The missionary work is done on a war footing with detailed statistics about “unreached people,” every city and village with tribe and caste affiliations. India is the biggest and softest target. Most Islamic countries limit Christian missionaries, as does China. India is a unique place with the highest number of people to convert, the easiest access and the most naivete about the conversion war.

Can this influence news reporting? As I point out in my research into the Conversion War, we have to remember the size of the money involved. The one-year revenue of institutionalized Christianity is estimated to be $260 billion dollars (2001) figures. iAbout a fifth of this, $47 billion, are allocated to global mission work every year.

Missionary activity is also well organized and coordinated with deep reach into the media. There are coordinating groups for Christian and Christian-friendly media persons in India. The Shankracharya “murder” story was broken in one of these coordinated attacks. We, the heathen “target group” is, of course, blind to all these activities.

A $250 billion corporate force with the support of the most powerful countries on the planet can create a lot of influence. People in India are especially susceptible to regarding Christianity as a benign force and the Christian narrative dominates the media. The demonization of India for rapes is part of this propaganda war. US missionaries are the biggest funders of evangelical activities in India and are pushing the narrative that Christianization is necessary to “save” Indian women from the “oppressive native culture.” Unfortunately Indian media is complicit in this global campaign. This when the US has 16 times the rape rate of India. Even if we consider that the actual Indian rape rate is 4 times what is reported, and the US reports every rape (research indicates it barely reports half), women in the US would still be 4 times more likely to be raped that in India. Whose culture needs saving? Why is the rape rate in Christian US so high? These are questions worth exploring.

Meanwhile, we should shun the hyperbole created by Indian and international media on this issue that does little to help Indian women. Rather than hyped up culture-blame article with no solutions (other than the implicit one that women have to be liberated from this oppressive culture, ideally by White Christian knights in shining armor), it is better to take incremental non-sensationalist steps. This includes police sensitivity training on handling rape victims and reports and tools for women and men including education and safety tips to reduce rape. It is the Indian media and television channels that are part of the exploitation of this issue for sensationalist coverage. They have not been part of the solution. Rather the media’s own role in commoditization of women’s bodies for selling products, newspapers and channels should be under the scanner.

Rape in India – Why it becomes a worldwide story

It became an international story because a young lady was gang raped and killed brutally . A rod was inserted in her private area upto her intestines and most/all of her organs were destroyed. And Indians themselves took to the streets and protested massively and called for something to be done about this problem.

That's how it became a worldwide story. Do the same thing in any other country, it will still become a worldwide story.

The rape statistics are inaccurate. First of all, these are reported cases, cases which have been reported to the police, not the actual number of rapes that actually occur. No one knows how many actually occur. USA/Sweden etc have looser definition of rape, even minor inappropriate touching is called rape, so their figures may be over estimated, add to that these are not even proven cases, just the number of cases that were reported to the police. Where as in India such minor touching goes largely unreported. And even most rapes go unreported. And that's why so many third world countries look so good on these tables. Forget rape, even massive amount of theft goes unreported. It's just that reporting to police in these countries is just so difficult with everyone asking for rishwat and all....Not everyone reports everything.

Let me ask you an honest question, where would you feel safer(if you're a female), roaming around in the streets of Sweden/USA or streets of India/Pakistan/Bangladesh?
People who encourage rape by giving remarks such as "boys will be boys" are more responsible than media.But there are a lot of factors involved.

Since you are reasoned fella I care to explain that statement.

Statement was made by so called Mulla Mulayam Singh,ex-chief minister of UP.

Media has twisted the statement to suite their interest.

If you listen his entire speech, he was telling about problems that lovers faces now a days,they enters into physical relationship and then girls complain of rape if boy don't want to marry that girl anymore. It was a a mistake at part of boy of involving into the consensual physical relations but what could stop them BECAUSE BOYS ARE BOYS.They easily can be lured.

Somehow Media made that statement a slogan.
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