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Rangers murder young boy in Karachi

That is just a clip from the complete video. They have not released the complete video as of yet. I have mentioned before that there seems to be no reason why they have big gaps in the video that was released to the media last month. If what happened how it looked on the video there should be absolutely no reason for cut and paste of this story. That is what he is trying to explain.
then how can u blame your ignorance on us. i commented based on lqman's clip which look out and out doctored even a child can tell.
If you are really concerned about "men in uniform" killing innocent citizen, did you never got a chance to look at thousands of innocent citizens young, old women and children being killed an draped in Kashmir. Get a life ...........

Stop trolling dude . Nobody even mentioned ISI in the murder case . Get real . Murders happen all around the world but this one in Pakistan is special because it is the men in uniform who have done it . Had it happened in india it would have also got more coverage than other murders .
What the rangers did was brutal and ignorant,being jumpy or on the edge is no excuse to kill somebody if u can’t handle the pressure u should not be ranger.my sympathies to the family of the kid.

I am against extra judicial murders but if The ranger had any brains and was bound to take law into his own hands if he intended to decapitate the kid he could have used the .30 tt held by the bearded ranger compared to a g3 heavy rifle round that is meant to kill at 1400yds let alone point blank,so either the ranger intended to kill or our rangers have no idea or clue of ballistics of the ammo of their weapons and the damage it would do assuming he only intended to decapitate and not kill,but for killing a g3 is the best weapon heck our army uses it becuz of its lethal round.

Abt the ppl who are forwarding Islamic justifications,stop listening to ur undereducated parrot maulvi’s who never give any refrence from quran mostly they refer to this mulana and that with ridiculous notions just stupid, Islamic punishment can only be justified and imposed when u have a perfect Islamic setting Islamic economy,Islamic society,Islamic norms and morality and a bait ul mal only then Islamic punishments are justifiable our economic system is anything but Islamic ,and by the way we don’t need the Islamic version that Taliban support another version of jahil mullahs who have closed doors to prosperity in any field of life islam does not do that does not stagnate a society,so pls keep the Islamic rhetoric to urselves.

Anyways I always have been against the trimmed white mans constitution of Pakistan putiing in allahs sovereignty clause does’nt make it Islamic but that’s wat ppp tries to forward and other political parties too ,this constitution has too many loop holes to save the skin of beurecracy and politicans from their hideous crimes,we need a new system all together,not a change in gvt but a system change a REVOLUTION!
if you read my previous posts on the matter you will understand I am in no way defending what the rangers did. they did not cuff him and were not treating him as a prisoner, they were playing around with him like a doll and things were bound to get ugly. a man lost his life and that could have been averted. the problem is why was the complete video not given to any news channel? if we could tell something wrong had taken place from bits and pieces why was the video ediited? this question does not go out to people unfamiliar with the issue of editting. if you cannot put together missing frames from the video I suggest you comment on the other many problems in the country instead.
The issue of editing what will that prove ,what needed proof has been proved and the video does not seem edited from the point the guy hands over the boy to the rangers and from them shooting and him asking for hospital,what happened after that ,rangers cried begged for mercy from allah,sympathized with the kid,said sorry to the kid,offered water, somer saulted no body gives a s... ,the main part is unedited that’s all that concerns the ppl injustice had been done
,even if it were unedited it would,nt make public resentment go away if ur hoping that shooting a kid and then apologizing will make u r ranger buddies saints,u r only raising the issue as clearly u r intentions of eluding our ppl as were the rangers b4 the video and as are u after the video ,u r comments only raise one question are u the spokes man of rangers trying to cover their as.. ,clearly ur trying to mix up events.

What ur indirectly suggesting is that media some how through editing orchestrated such a video that proved rangers at fault ,I don’t know what your hidden agendas are maybe ur from some political party trying to bash at media,or maybe a chaudhry a sardar whose powers are void b4 the powers of the media,or simply ur related to such criminals as the rangers in question,whatever the thing the fact is there u can try to steer it anyway u like ,

Take ur media conspiracy theories somewhere else ,clearly political parties promote such theories and u seem to be affected by such.i am not saying all channels are saint but viewing everyone on the same wave length is naïve.

Try to be objective and view wat has happened on the one side u sympathise with the kid,and then u put out such allegations of video editing does,nt matter how discreet the second theory is ,the only purpose of putting it forward seems to be malign ur own first statement of sympathy.
Me from a political party? a conspiracy theorist? Nothing to mix here but your understanding of my point. Did i not tell you there were other problems for you to waste your intellect on instead of posting here?
KARACHI, Pakistan — A Pakistani court has sentenced to death a paramilitary soldier who shot dead an unarmed young man in the southern city of Karachi - an incident caught on videotape.

The court announced on Friday that six other men also accused in the June killing of Sarfraz Shah have been sentenced to life in prison.

The verdicts appears to be a relatively rare instance of Pakistani security forces being held publicly accountable in a case of brutality. But the decision is likely to be appealed.

Read more: Pakistani soldier gets death sentence in shooting | Nation / World News - The News Tribune
I read this as well . Good. Those who kill innocent people should have the same fate.
pakistani shooting film paramilitary sentenced to death​


Sarfaraz Shah's family denied claims he had robbed someone

A Pakistani paramilitary soldier has been sentenced to death for killing an unarmed man in an incident caught on videotape and broadcast on TV.

Sarfaraz Shah, 22, was shot at point-blank range in Karachi in June.

The anti-terrorism court in Karachi found Shahid Zafar guilty of the killing and sentenced six other men to life imprisonment.

The killing sparked public anger and increased complaints of brutality by the security forces.

Judge Bashir Ahmed Khoso also fined Shahid Zafar 200,000 rupees ($2,300).

The judge ordered each of the other defendants - five paramilitaries and a civilian - to pay 100,000 rupees in compensation to Sarfaraz Shah's family.

The Sindh branch of the Pakistan Rangers paramilitary force had argued that he was caught trying to rob someone, a charge his family denied.

Officials removed

The disturbing video shows a young man in a black T-shirt being dragged by his hair in a public park by a man in plain clothes.

He is pushed towards a group of Sindh Rangers, who are in uniform and armed. The young man pleads for his life as one of the Rangers points a gun at his neck.

A little later, a Ranger shoots him twice at close range, hitting him in the thigh. The young man is seen writhing on the ground, bleeding heavily and begging for help.

The paramilitaries remain close to the injured man but do nothing to help him. Sarfaraz Shah died from his injuries.

The public outcry led to the removal of the Sindh police chief and the director-general of the Sindh branch of the Rangers.

The Rangers are a paramilitary force under the interior ministry.

There are about 10,000 Rangers in Karachi but rights groups say they are not sufficiently trained to deal with keeping civilian order.

The boy had a fake gun, and he was looting from somebody while caught, the rangers then caught him, and as shown clearly , the boy tried to get hold of the gun from the ranger, anybody in the armed forces will tell you, if somebody tries to get hold of your gun, you need to decapitate them, the boy was also at fault, instead of going for the gun, he should have staright away layed on the ground, and the fault on the rangers part is that get the boy on the ground instead of pointing a gun at him. The US police and other law enforcement agencies do this, straight away get the subject to get on the ground, the boy did not, the rangers did not force it, and even after the shooting , the rangers should have got the boy to hospital, they got him to hospital after he got dead. And why did the cameraman stood there, he could have got the boy to hospital?

So alot of people at fault, and also the training methodology.
justice served...

P.S. this shows that no one is above law... will be punished if anyone cross the line...
Against the sentence. Sarfaraz was a criminal. Rangers just followed the rules... And oh did any one here see the whole video of Sarfaraz being medicated by the same Ranger?
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