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Rangers murder young boy in Karachi

I think rangers should have kept their cool, finger off the trigger! what was this boy going to do, un-armed and outnumbered?

he was begging for his life! so what if he tried to push away that gun that was pointing at him?
have you ever had a loaded gun pointed at you? You have no idea what he was going through.

he was shot twice! for what?
yes he made a mistake too, but ultimately it was the ranger that killed him.
Those of you that support the rangers disgust me. You have no right to criticize Indian Forces for doing the same (I will call it a tragedy even if the Indian Soldiers did this to a real bandit, why? Because if your family is starving, you will do something to help them, desperate times call for desperate measures) in Kashmir.
to be fair on the ranger part i think sc should instruct an open to all hearing , at least we get to hear what was the rangers reason for shooting ? ok he got paranoid or whatever disorder he was suffering from but even his other collegues .... why no one stopped or took his weapon away afterwards .. the camera was on the boy however there were no swearing or any noise except talk which proves that the other guys were NOT surprised of their collegues action infact it was completly normal and common practice. Some one could have ran to the guy to bandage or put some thing on the boys wound. But their was no attempt , nothing at all ... it was perfectly normal for all the rangers ... i hope i hear what does the nmurders have to say in their defence
Those of you that support the rangers disgust me.

don't take this event for all rangers, rangers are good people. I support the rangers fully!!!

at the same time I condemn their actions in this incident and the one that pulled the trigger should be punished for doing so.
Rangers were well respected in Karachi before and me being a karachiite was proud to have them in my city,to help manage law enforcement,but this incident has ruined there image:cry::cry:

Nothing doing. You cannot blame the rangers as institution. If a Pakistani does something wrong / sh!t, will you blame whole nation for that? I am living in Karachi, I feel my family secure whenever I see a rangers vehicle is parked. (not the police). The guys are under police arrest and will be trialed.
As I have already said earlier, Rangers should be given 'shoot at sight orders' for the person carrying illegal weapons. My city has been ruined by these few handful people. Who keep roaming in the city with guns in their hands, they simply kill anyone for such a smaller amount. We need to give few more bodies to clean the garbage, so these Mother Fcukers think 1000000 time before showing / pointing gun at any one.
to be fair on the ranger part i think sc should instruct an open to all hearing , at least we get to hear what was the rangers reason for shooting ? ok he got paranoid or whatever disorder he was suffering from but even his other collegues ....

They were shocked as you saw in the video. After all he was a dacoit chaged for armed roberries, so why cry that he was innocent?
We must kill all murderers and those who commit armed robberies. You sent them to jail, next day they are out and do their work over and over plus no one listens.
what are you waiting to see a mass murders and executions ?

Again, Pakistan need to find thousand evidences wrongful crimes on Rangers, then proof it to me in many videos. I will think twice before judgement or wrong baseless conclusions.

Pakistanis should learn very important lesson to support our Army, ISI, PAF, SSG, and Rangers. This is young paranoid ranger (only one). Let's say this bandit decide to hands up over his head, this ranger shoot him openly which is very outrage in public including me. I would against this behaviors.

Then you see youtube very clear, this bandit choose to pushing off the guns. If he want to calm them, just sit down or chaos.

Please ignore Indian members (Anti Pakistan twisiting) which is nothing to do with this thread.

As I have already said earlier, Rangers should be given 'shoot at sight orders' for the person carrying illegal weapons. My city has been ruined by these few handful people. Who keep roaming in the city with guns in their hands, they simply kill anyone for such a smaller amount. We need to give few more bodies to clean the garbage, so these Mother Fcukers think 1000000 time before showing / pointing gun at any one.

Lol, you got 1000 posts today! :P

They were shocked as you saw in the video. After all he was a dacoit chaged for armed roberries, so why cry that he was innocent?
We must kill all murderers and those who commit armed robberies.
You sent them to jail, next day they are out and do their work over and over plus no one listens.


So why do you cry when a certain Raymond Davis does the job for you? :azn:
Pakistan police seek more arrests in park killing

KARACHI -- Pakistani police on Saturday said they were seeking to arrest another four paramilitary personnel over the killing of an unarmed man in a public park that has shocked the nation.

Two soldiers from the Rangers paramilitary force, Shahid Zafar and Mohammed Afzal, were on Friday remanded into police custody for five days over the killing which was captured on camera and broadcast repeatedly on television.

“We have sent a request to Rangers officials to hand over four of the remaining soldiers seen in the video,” said a senior police investigator on condition of anonymity.

Security forces shot dead Sarfaraz Shah, 22, in Karachi on Wednesday, accusing him of robbery, but his family has demanded justice, insisting he was an innocent student passing the time of day.

Widely viewed footage showed a clean-shaven man wearing black trousers and a navy shirt crying and pleading for his life as a soldier cocks his rifle at his neck, then shoots him twice in the hand and thigh in a local park.

As his blood pours onto the ground, the man begs for help from soldiers — who appear to do nothing but watch — until he falls unconscious.

Police said they had also taken custody of Afsar Khan, a man in plainclothes who dragged the victim over to the paramilitary soldiers and later filed a criminal case, accusing Shah of robbery.

Another local police official said taking custody of the four soldiers was essential to an investigation ordered by the government and the Supreme Court.
Well people on both sides made mistake,the young skinny boy shouldnt have touched and try to point away the rifle of the rangers,of course man rangers will get pissed of,first that boy was commiting robbery in the park,stealing from women,then he when he is caught he touches the rifle and trys to change its direction,of course this action is gonna pis of any uniformed personell with a gun,the second mistake was of the rangers,they should have taken him to the hospital IMMEDIATELY so he wouldnt have bleed to death,I heard he was there lying on the ground for half an hour then they took him to the hospital,where he later died,if his life would had been saved then he might have also learnt a valuable lesson
wat do you guys think?????
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