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Welcome welcome my dear...please join us!
We're desperately waiting for some female company...:smitten:

su wath chaa!! Neo na aatalu julli pyar thi giyo!!

Tari mata Neo:

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Aaj hamar man kahat hai ka ek moti Punjaban yahan aegee....susri bohot dinwa se ghayeb hai...
sho shweet:smitten:
bhaga diya na....all that desperate talk scared her off...

yeah right!
women never approach desperate men and I on the other hand don't like to be chased:disagree:
Aaj hamar man kahat hai ka ek moti Punjaban yahan aegee....susri bohot dinwa se ghayeb hai...

You are speaking like a true Bihari!

Is this lingua franca common in Pakistan too?
You are speaking like a true Bihari!
Thanks...I like the language because it sounds so funny. :lol:

Is this lingua franca common in Pakistan too?
No, not really. I learnt some from hanging out with an Indian friend who's from Varanasi. We used to play cards a lot, he and is nephew Gudda always spoke in Bihari and I picked it up there. :enjoy:
Actually I have seen some Pakistani comedians speak good Bihari on TV too.

Possibly some Bihari Muhajirs in Pakistan still know the language.
Jo na katay aari say woh katay bihari say.
Satsaiya ke bohra, Jyon navak ke teer

Dekhan me chhote lage, ghaav kare gambheer.
There are many biharis in sindh, especially cities like karachi and hyderabad.

In karachi you will find parsis, gujaratis, bengalis, telugu, south indians, various urdu dialects, and many more that one can care to mention, as well as people from all parts of pakistan, also afghanis, iranians, africans, expat europeans.

Its a true cosmopolitan city. A bit similar to bombay, actually.
Actually I have seen some Pakistani comedians speak good Bihari on TV too.

Possibly some Bihari Muhajirs in Pakistan still know the language.

Thats true, Ismail Tara, Majid Jahangir and Umar Shareef really put good acts while imitating Biharis.

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There are many biharis in sindh, especially cities like karachi and hyderabad.

In karachi you will find parsis, gujaratis, bengalis, telugu, south indians, various urdu dialects, and many more that one can care to mention, as well as people from all parts of pakistan, also afghanis, iranians, africans, expat europeans.

Its a true cosmopolitan city. A bit similar to bombay, actually.

Thats true...you'll find almost every accent in Karachi, Dehelvi, Luckhnowi, Allahbadi, Hyderabadi, Begalori, Mysuri, Bengali, Bihari etc.
The pics of Karachi were very nice.

I would love to visit the city one day.
Dehli waley...:enjoy:

This is the official language of Korangi, an eastern suberb of Karachi housing 2.2 million people.

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