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Rajnath Singh's speech chastising Pak on terrorism at SAARC meet blacked out

If pakistan would had not censored his speech then, no body would had bothered to listen his speech, it would had just been another boring saarch summit.
But now whole world will make sure what was in the speech that led to black out, in process pakistan axing its own foot, coz the things rajnath singh said does not really throw good light on pakistan.

Blah blah. Read this moron.


There was no media blackout. Ganjoo Rajnath is nothing for us that we would blackout his bakwas.
See what happened to him to ran away from saarc.

Raising the Kashmir issue at the SAARC meeting, Pakistan's Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan on Thursday alleged that the violence being committed in Kashmir is "open terrorism".

Addressing the one-day Interior/Home Ministers Conference of SAARC countries in Islamabad, Khan equated the use of force by Indian security forces with "terrorism".

There is a difference between fighting for freedom and terrorism, he was quoted as saying by local media.

"The violence being committed against the innocent people" of Kashmir is "open terrorism", he said, speaking extempore.

Local media reports said that it seemed Khan decided to ignore the written notes in order to respond to the speech of Home Minister Rajnath Singh, who without naming Pakistan lambasted it for supporting terrorism.

The Express News reported that Khan left his seat of the speaker to address all issues point by point raised by the home ministers of the member countries.

"We have always wished to work in close cooperation with all our neighbours and we believe all pending issues can be addressed through dialogue," he said.

Khan said Pakistan suffered heavy losses in the fight against terrorism and the country condemned every single incident of terror which claimed innocent lives.

The SAARC group includes India, Pakistan, Nepal, the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.

Later, while addressing a media briefing, Khan said he responded to Singh's speech at the SAARC conference to "put the record straight" on the issue of terrorism.

"I had to respond, though I would have avoided after elected as chairman to run the proceedings," Khan said.

"When someone tries to cast aspersions on Pakistan, then it becomes necessary to clarify our stance and position," he said.

Khan said Rajnath had not named Pakistan but his intentions and target was clear.

"I said that not only terrorist attacks in Dhaka, Mumbai and Pathankot should be condemned but also those committed in Peshawar, Karachi and Lahore," he said.

"I also said that there is blatant foreign intervention in Pakistan across from the borders but we do not raise a storm," he said.

Khan said he offered that instead of blaming each other, it was better to sit together for talks over differences and other issues.

He also said that the meeting of SAARC ministers was successful and all agenda items were discussed. Khan said the next meeting would be held in Sri Lanka in 2017.

A statement issued by Pakistan's Interior Ministry said, "Khan called on regional countries to differentiate between terrorism and freedom movements sanctified by the UN Security Council."

"The Interior Minister highlighted that Pakistan itself has been the biggest victim of terrorism and instead of engaging in a blame game and taking swipes at each other we should take time out to reflect and sit down together and try to work out the problems and reservations which we might have towards each other," the statement said.

"He (Khan) maintained that Pakistan is ready to engage in any dialogue process based on mutual respect and dignity. It is for those who put conditions and sub conditions for initiating dialogue to reconsider and realign their positions. He said, that unlike mentioned by India, terrorist activities are not only restricted to India, Afghanistan, or Bangladesh. Scores of terror incidents taking place in Pakistan are equally condemnable if not more," it said.

Who gives a flying f about this rajanath whose 7 lakh occupier terrorists are playing blood bath with the blood of kashmiris.

Where did you get that absurd figure of 7 lakhs?

India received a hard slap in the face from Pakistan. :laugh:

Oh, so that's what it was. We should have guessed when we saw how limp the wrists were.
The response that Pakistan interior minister gave was a very appropriate slap in the face.
if things were my way this piss-head would be in shackles the second he landed at the airport,...him and his goofy looking entourage.

I dont know why we even allowed these people into Pakistan, he represents a symbol of mass murder of Kashmiri Muslims......the whole SAARC meeting is just an empty meaningless cosmetic gesture and little else.

as for the occupation forces (terrorist sissies) - they'll get what's coming to them.....the time is ripe to arm the freedom fighters, give them the means to defend themselves. The indians cry about 22 year old kids with AKs claiming Pakistan arms them. May that become a self professing prophecy INSHALLAH. There's only one language these sons of bitches understand

when it comes to Kashmir, india will never rest in peace for their crimes...1,000 more freedom fighters are born

Poor Bloke came all the way to Pakistan just to bark on camera and they denied him the opportunity :rofl:.

the guy looks like a bloody peasant, i couldn't tell the difference between him and a boot-polisher
Whole world heard what he had to say.
Its only pakistani govt barred pakistani people from hearing him.
Govt want people to bury head in sand.

and yet nobody is talking except indian tabloid media :laugh:

At least our ministers had the courage to sit and listen to him, however the latest news is that when our interior minister was delivering his speech, the Indian minister couldn't face the music and simply left the venue.

gau jaal is not available in Pakistan - he probably was itching to rush back to the hole he came from
See what happened to him to ran away from saarc.

Raising the Kashmir issue at the SAARC meeting, Pakistan's Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan on Thursday alleged that the violence being committed in Kashmir is "open terrorism".

Of course it is, but he got it back to front.

Addressing the one-day Interior/Home Ministers Conference of SAARC countries in Islamabad, Khan equated the use of force by Indian security forces with "terrorism".

How would he know? In Pakistan, it seems that all action against armed enemies of society is undertaken by the Army. He wouldn't know how to use the police to prevent armed enemies of society from doing whatever they want with unarmed members of society.

There is a difference between fighting for freedom and terrorism, he was quoted as saying by local media.

"The violence being committed against the innocent people" of Kashmir is "open terrorism", he said, speaking extempore.

So then he doesn't know the difference, and is merely making an electioneering speech. Meaning that he's making points for a captive audience, not trying to make sense.

Local media reports said that it seemed Khan decided to ignore the written notes in order to respond to the speech of Home Minister Rajnath Singh, who without naming Pakistan lambasted it for supporting terrorism.

The Express News reported that Khan left his seat of the speaker to address all issues point by point raised by the home ministers of the member countries.

"We have always wished to work in close cooperation with all our neighbours and we believe all pending issues can be addressed through dialogue," he said.

Since when did Pakistan obey written rules? Right from 1947, the country and its irresponsible leadership has believed in the power of the gun, and never the power of the written word. So what's new? He has conformed to type and no doubt has scored many points with the deep state by doing that.

Khan said Pakistan suffered heavy losses in the fight against terrorism and the country condemned every single incident of terror which claimed innocent lives.

Crocodile tears.

Instead of shedding them, he should help to clear up the matrix from which this terrorism is born. Starting with putting behind bars notorious leaders of the terrorist movement alive and kicking within Pakistan.

Arch hypocrite.

The SAARC group includes India, Pakistan, Nepal, the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.

Later, while addressing a media briefing, Khan said he responded to Singh's speech at the SAARC conference to "put the record straight" on the issue of terrorism.

"I had to respond, though I would have avoided after elected as chairman to run the proceedings," Khan said.

"When someone tries to cast aspersions on Pakistan, then it becomes necessary to clarify our stance and position," he said.

Khan said Rajnath had not named Pakistan but his intentions and target was clear.

"I said that not only terrorist attacks in Dhaka, Mumbai and Pathankot should be condemned but also those committed in Peshawar, Karachi and Lahore," he said.

The difference is that the same parties are behind all the incitement to terror.

"I also said that there is blatant foreign intervention in Pakistan across from the borders but we do not raise a storm," he said.

How would he, after he and his predecessors had fanned the flames? Now it is embarrassing to deal with it.

Khan said he offered that instead of blaming each other, it was better to sit together for talks over differences and other issues.

He also said that the meeting of SAARC ministers was successful and all agenda items were discussed. Khan said the next meeting would be held in Sri Lanka in 2017.

A statement issued by Pakistan's Interior Ministry said, "Khan called on regional countries to differentiate between terrorism and freedom movements sanctified by the UN Security Council."

The UN Security Council has never sanctified violence against civilians.

"The Interior Minister highlighted that Pakistan itself has been the biggest victim of terrorism and instead of engaging in a blame game and taking swipes at each other we should take time out to reflect and sit down together and try to work out the problems and reservations which we might have towards each other," the statement said.

That has been done already, not once but very many times. What is most striking about it is how Pakistan stone-walled it forced postponement of the issue in SAARC, and tried its best to pretend that all was well.

"He (Khan) maintained that Pakistan is ready to engage in any dialogue process based on mutual respect and dignity. It is for those who put conditions and sub conditions for initiating dialogue to reconsider and realign their positions. He said, that unlike mentioned by India, terrorist activities are not only restricted to India, Afghanistan, or Bangladesh. Scores of terror incidents taking place in Pakistan are equally condemnable if not more," it said.

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Height of insecurity.
It might be understandable on pakistan's part that why the speech got blacked out. But anyhow he said what he said.
Indo Pak relations are back to square one as pak army's wishes.

as the people wish too, including most of us here on the forums......height of "insecurity" would be the clowns who arrest and detain pigeons while half of india suffers from heat-wave deaths

If pakistan would had not censored his speech then, no body would had bothered to listen his speech, it would had just been another boring saarch summit.
But now whole world will make sure what was in the speech that led to black out, in process pakistan axing its own foot, coz the things rajnath singh said does not really throw good light on pakistan.

and yet nobody is talking about it.....you indians are a real piece of work you know that right? Here's a bitter truth: nobody cares about what your third-rate ministers have to say. To most of the world they are just baboons who look as dumb as they smell
Well I am not against the idea of SAARC, but let us be honest India and Pak has been playing this thu thu mein mein in saarc and there is hardly anything the union has achieved...... I do not see any change in the near future, If pak is not comfortable working with india (vise versa) dissolve it and reorganize it in a way that both can work independently with the neithboring countries which they are comfortable with.......

Exactly what I proposed. Expel Pakistan from the SAARC by passing a resolution to that effect. And work with nations who are with us. Rather than trying to forge ties with an enemy state. Who will always be an enemy state.
Exactly what I proposed. Expel Pakistan from the SAARC by passing a resolution to that effect. And work with nations who are with us. Rather than trying to forge ties with an enemy state. Who will always be an enemy state.

What's stopping you shit-heads from trying? Nepal and our Sri Lankan allies would snub you guys in your tracks....they themselves have plenty of 'colorful' words to describe your nation's treachery and cowardice
What's stopping you shit-heads from trying? Nepal and our Sri Lankan allies would snub you guys in your tracks....they themselves have plenty of 'colorful' words to describe your nation's treachery and cowardice



You blabbering a has no power

No one give dam what Pakistan has to say after Osama killed in your back yard

Try it your country has no economic relevance

Your allies its biggest joke I heard today

Carry on to make us laugh :D:D
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