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Rajib murder: 5 NSU students held


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Rajib murder: 5 NSU students held

Staff Correpsondent, bdnews24.com

Published: 2013-03-02 03:47:56.0 Updated: 2013-03-02 03:47:56.0


Five North South University students were nabbed Saturday morning from Dhaka in connection with the Feb 15 murder of blogger-architect Ahmed Rajib Haider, a leading figure of the Shahbagh protests.

Detective police told bdnews24.com that the five have been nabbed and sharp weapons were found in their possesion.

Details were awaited.
- See more at: Rajib murder: 5 NSU students held - bdnews24.com

Five students of North South University, nabbed by police, have confessed to murdering Ahmed Rajib Haider, Detective Branch spokesperson Monirul Islam said in a briefing.

The five said they murdered the blogger-architect on directions of a Islami Chhatra Shibir activist, the detectives said on Saturday. "They said killing Rajib was their Iman (religious) obligations," Islam said.
The five students were nabbed earlier in the morning with sharp weapons from raids in Dhaka.

The nabbed Faisal Bin Nayeem, 22, Maksudul Hassan, 26, Ehsanur Reza Roman, 23, Nayeem Sikder, 19, and Nasir Imtiaz, 22 were all students of various departments at the private North South University students.

Detective Branch said they were picked up during raids at Khilgaon, Kakrail, Baridhara and Panthapath. Two of those arrested were directly engaged in the murder yielding machete and knife. The three others assisted the two. “One Shibir activist was involved in the murder plot,” Monirul Islam said , but did not mention names. “He is a leader of the Islami Chatra Shibir at the North South University .He motivated the five to kill Rajib,” he said , quoting those arrested. “Efforts were on to capture the Shibir leader".

When asked why they killed Rajib, Monirul Islam they were carrying out what they believed was to their ‘Iman obligation’. “A detailed interrogation could not be done… We will seek remand from cour and then we hope to get details,” said the Detective Branch spokesperson. Plot to murder Rajib was hatched several months back, he said. “He was being followed because of his facebook status updates… Perpetrators conducted dummy operations to prepare for the kill.

Of the detainees, Faisal lives in Dhaka’s Matuail, Maksud in Keraniganj, Roman is from Jhenaidah, Nayeem from Brahmanbaria and Nasir from Swandip of Chittagong.

Ahmed Rajib Haider was hacked to death in Pallabi of Dhaka in the night of Feb 15 - the tenth day of Shahbagh protests. Relatives and friends blamed the Jamaat-e-Islami for the murder, saying he was killed for the blogs he wrote to bring 'war criminals' to justice. Shahbagh's 'Ganajagaran Mancha' described Rajib as ‘the first martyr’ of the movement which seeks death for war criminals and a ban on Jamaat-e-Islami.

Home Minister MK Alamgir has said seven persons have already been nabbed in connection with Rajib's murder. Detective police is now investigating into the case filed by Rajib’s father. A blood stained laptop was found beside his body by the police. Some hairs were found his hand grip that police believes were those of the killers. A Dhaka court has asked the Forensic Department Chief of Dhaka Medical College to arrange for DNA testing of the blood stains and the hairs.

- See more at: Rajib murder 'cracked' - bdnews24.com
Even these bloggers dont trust Awami League police statement. This is pure farce as these students are falsely implicated. There are over 5000 Shibir activists arrested and out of arrested stock of Shibir activist bringing few out for the stage manage game is 123 deception trick. Look at police and indian protection these bloggers get. There is no way any one can go near these bloggers by passing Awami police and indians. So only people who could kill this attacker of Islam was a indo awami joint venture sabotage.

Awami League did this type of stage managed drama of false implication on Journalist (Sagor Runi) murder and all journalists rejected that. Same thing Awami League did on Saudi diplomat assasination case staged manged some criminal to take the fault.

At the same time these bloggers are threatening to kill opposition leader and already incited mass killing which Awami League regime excuted by committing genocide in the country.
They might be showered with flowers.

They might be showered with flowers.
:lol:the part where it says that they had directions from a shibir activist seems coerced. These guys had no relations to shibir, they were just deeply religious who's beliefs were deeply hurt by that infidel rajib's words.
:lol:the part where it says that they had directions from a shibir activist seems coerced. These guys had no relations to shibir, they were just deeply religious who's beliefs were deeply hurt by that infidel rajib's words.

Those guys whispered that in your ears right?

Yeah you better go slash him open with a machete or something.

Oh you are too much! :rofl:
Those guys whispered that in your ears right?

Oh you are too much! :rofl:

read the article it says "The five said they murdered the blogger-architect on directions of a Islami Chhatra Shibir activist, the detectives said on Saturday. "They said killing Rajib was their Iman (religious) obligations," Islam said."

These men are not shibir, they had 'directions' from shibir. Its all hearsay at this point, police probably coerced it.

Also this killing had nothing do with rajib being a shahbag blogger "Plot to murder Rajib was hatched several months back, he said. “He was being followed because of his facebook status updates… Perpetrators conducted dummy operations to prepare for the kill."

so again, your hindu bharath matha agenda has been exposed again, peace
:lol:the part where it says that they had directions from a shibir activist seems coerced. These guys had no relations to shibir, they were just deeply religious who's beliefs were deeply hurt by that infidel rajib's words.

Funny. Hey I'm an atheist too. I happen to often write pieces critical of ALL religions..although not through the medium of a blog. Are you suggesting that people like me are less than human and fit to be slaughtered, a person's sentiments are more precious than life itself, hunh?
Funny. Hey I'm an atheist too. I happen to often write pieces critical of ALL religions..although not through the medium of a blog. Are you suggesting that people like me are less than human and fit to be slaughtered, a person's sentiments are more precious than life itself, hunh?

Being an atheist is your choice, i take it as you may not be stupid and make derogatory comments about muhammed (pbuh) or allah in a third world muslim country. If you do that in public, you will get lynched, so why any different when you do it online? i don't condone such an act, but if you make such comments about the prophet and allah, you are bound to make some nut job really pissed off. What he did was stupid, now are you stupid?
Alleged Shibir involvement would be more credible if these guys were hired/professional killers. As they themselves confessed Iman obligation as their motivation import of a 'Shibir leader' in the story is redundant.
Alleged Shibir involvement would be more credible if these guys were hired/professional killers. As they themselves confessed Iman obligation as their motivation import of a 'Shibir leader' in the story is redundant.

:lol:NSU is turning out to be a mullah training camp...who knew?
Being an atheist is your choice, i take it as you may not be stupid and make derogatory comments about muhammed (pbuh) or allah in a third world muslim country. If you do that in public, you will get lynched, so why any different when you do it online? i don't condone such an act, but if you make such comments about the prophet and allah, you are bound to make some nut job really pissed off. What he did was stupid, now are you stupid?

No one's trying to kill me where I live. AND we are very much a third world country ourselves despite the trillion dollar GDP and slogans of India Shining. Or is it that you think that the course of law was politicized in this specific case? Freedom of speech and the right to criticize upto the point of offending is essential in a democracy- at least some of our leaders have reached that level of understanding- although we have our own nutjobs on this side of the border who'll vehemently disagree.
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