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Raja Dahir Sen The Forgotten warrior of SIndh

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“For Lahore, like my elders, I will shed every drop of blood and give any donation asked for, just as my ancestors did when they laid down their lives at Karbala for Hazrat Imam Hussain.” Sunil Dutt

Chal mayra bai in ki kumi thi ......... lynch the bloody traitors. Yogi.

According to one account, their father Rahab Dutt, an old man who traded with Arabia in those days, had promised the Holy Prophet (SAW) to stand by his grandson in his fight to uphold the truth.

A idol worshiper promising Messenger Peace be upon him "to stand by his grandson in his fight to uphold the truth". Seriously. Like what was he smoking that Rahab Dutt dude ....... if he knew the truth why he remained Dutt? There is not a single person who met Muhammad peace be upon him and he accepted that Muhammad is speaking the truth .... remained non Muslim. Stop trying to get attention and be relevant by creating fairy tales.

It is said that when Rahab Dutt found out that enemies had surrounded Imam Hussain (AS) and his family in Karbala, and wanted to spill the blood of innocents; he along with his seven sons reached to help him. His seven sons laid down their lives for the sake of Imam Hussain (AS) in the battle of Karbala

So Rahab Dutt and his sons somehow got hold of those winged horses back then? Or were they privy to secrets of ancient jets? I mean Karbala wasn't next door for them and riding the best horses 24X7 isn't an acceptable miracle.

After the battle, Rahab Dutt met one of the family members of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and narrated the whole story.

Yep normally, behind every fairy tale there is a parasite that has been spared to narrate the whole fairy tale for others. Thousands of trained army vs seven Dutts with their swords defending Hazrat Hussain ...... and the eldest Dutt somehow escapes and runs to save his own life .......... he should have died of shame to not have avenged killing of his 7 sons.
It has an old mosque at the bottom of the hill which is a declared a world heritage site.
No, I mean these hills looks for out of a foriegn movie.. different than what we usually see.. can you post more pics ? Where is this place?
After his conquest of Mecca, Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) gave many Quraysh elites, including
members of Muawiya’s Umayyad family, high-ranking positions in his government.
Muawiya joined the army of his older brother Yazid in the conquest of Syria. Yazid was
granted governorship of Syria by Caliph Umar, and Muawiya continued to serve him. In
640 AD, however, Yazid died of the plague, and Muawiya replaced him. Muwaiya
quickly set about turning Syria into his own power base. His power extended when Uthman, his uncle and fellow Umayyad, succeeded. Uthman, however, was killed by Muslims who were angry at
his concentration of power in the hands of fellow Umayyads, and he was succeeded by
Imam Ali (a.s). Muawiya was outraged by the murder of his uncle, and insisted that the
assassins be handed over for punishment. Muawiya had the support of powerful
Muslims but Imam Ali (a.s) refused, saying that he was unable to do this. Muawiya refused to recognize Imam Ali (a.s) as caliph, and in response Imam Ali (a.s) demanded that Muawiya give up his governorship of Syria.
After a stalemate, the two men agreed to arbitrate the dispute.
Shortly thereafter, Imam Ali (a.s) was assassinated due to dissention in his own camp, and
Muawiya, in a very powerful position, convinced Imam Ali's (a.s) son Hasan to give up any claim to
the caliphate and retire from public life.
Muawiya had broken convention my naming his son Yazid his successor.
Because he made rule of the caliphate hereditary—passed down from father to son—
Muawiya is said to have begun the first Islamic dynasty. Many Muslims felt that this
was wrong. Some felt that the new caliph should be chosen by members of the
community, rather than inheriting the title. Others believed that the caliph should be
from the family of Muhammad, which neither Muawiya or his son could claim. A
rebellion took place immediately after Yazid became caliph.
Even though Imam Ali's (a.s) son Hasan had agreed to give up all claim to the caliphate and retire, but his
younger brother Hussein had made no such agreement. Opponents of Yazid flocked to
Hussein to support him as caliph. However, Yazid was eager to remove this threat
before it could grow. He sent an army to surround Hussein and his family as they were
traveling. In what is known as the “Battle of Karbala” (though it was little more than a
massacre), the army of Yazid slaughtered Hussein and his family, including his six month-
old son.

You think I haven't been listening to all this since my childhood?
You think I haven't been listening to all this since my childhood?
I read it on some indian website.

However that said there are “Mohyals” living in Panjab,Pakistan who are Muslim ..
No, I mean these hills looks for out of a foriegn movie.. different than what we usually see.. can you post more pics ? Where is this place?







Thee are views of Mountain. Bellow shall be the pictures of world heritage sites.









I read it on some indian website.

However that said there are “Mohyals” living in Panjab,Pakistan who are Muslim ..

Lets face the reality it took only a handful of British East Indian Company to not only enslave them but latter make them fight their wars. So these claims of us not being ruled by outsiders is just horse shit (they are mental slaves of white man to this day, our laws speak of that, their worship of Trump speaks of that), British were as much outsiders as any Qasim or Ghaznavi was. There are very few examples of brave and just who did fight with honor and courage and Tipu Sultan is one of them (there may have been few Hindu Rajas like him), he was not only facing British, but Muslims and Hindus as well, and his army wasn't Muslims only, but his Hindu soldiers too fighting for him (now in this day just see how they try rewriting him and make a tyrant out of him). This region to this date is full of superstitious, backward, ignorant extremists, who are through this day found manipulating recent history (forget centuries old history) just to prove their false bravado and satisfy their false beliefs, for what? To stay relevant.

Do we all agree on 1965 history? They painted their own downed jet(s) to prove something, and our nuts created white bearded babas who descended to defend Pakistan. I won't take anything from this region seriously unless it gets banned because it is against the generally accepted popular beliefs of priests, molbis and their followers, and that happens only when there is some truth in that banned material (not talking about sectarian ones, but unbiased, neutral accounts).

Mohyals may have converted for any reason ........... schemes like ghar wapsi, Kailash converting, Sindhi Hindus feeling the heat, Asia asked the way she was asked are still running openly ......... or may be out of genuine heartfelt acceptance. I won't deny their existence and conversion, but creating fairy tales and associating those with people who are highly respected isn't acceptable (to me at least).
Bin Qasim came to loot not to save Muslim, Just bcz he came from land of Arabs it doesn't mean he is angel. In our books, they always show us good deeds of muslims and specially about arabs like they are angels.
Pakistan first for me.
Bin Qasim came to loot not to save Muslim, Just bcz he came from land of Arabs it doesn't mean he is angel. In our books, they always show us good deeds of muslims and specially about arabs like they are angels.
Pakistan first for me.
What the **** are you talking about ... Never heard of any event in history that people were so impressed from oppressor that they converter their culture and religion to follow the oppressors ... There is no evidence of any mass migration after Muslims entry in the subcontinent but still, most of the old tribes converted to Muslim and still you are believing that Muslims were looters ...

that's shameful that people like you are playing in hands of Indians and westerners ...
No, no I insist you take your own advice... afterall ladies and faggots first...
So you're a faggot. I never doubt it

What the **** are you talking about ... Never heard of any event in history that people were so impressed from oppressor that they converter their culture and religion to follow the oppressors ... There is no evidence of any mass migration after Muslims entry in the subcontinent but still, most of the old tribes converted to Muslim and still you are believing that Muslims were looters ...

that's shameful that people like you are playing in hands of Indians and westerners ...
He is an idiot khota-khor...
Sindhi gandus shouldn't say a word against anyone let alone about a great Muslim General.

@DESERT FIGHTER @Indus Pakistan
This is the real value of Sindhis in Jinnah's pakistan .So much rich history and culture of 5000 yrs old and beyond .They are totally under the domination punjabis and migrant Indian Muslims .

* Land locked punjabis of pakistan hate anything said against MBQ , cause it hurts the idea of pakistan they rule over .

* India muslims in Pakistan and in India love MBQ , as they think his conquest resulted in their identity as muslim .

* Mullahs in Pakistan and India , think he is hero who ushered Islam in the subcontinent .
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Brother with all due respect no need to get cocky.
He is saying nothing but a truth.According to my personal research the Islamic supremacy history of the subcontinent is quite distorted in pakistan.
He is using abusive language and there is a sectarian angle to it... that's it. The truth is the MBQ was a real hero who saved the kidnapped women and children and also help spread Islam and millions of people reverted to Islam due to his just rule and kindness. An excellent human being and an exceptional warrior...

And when you dare to dig up and accept the truth your sane voice has no value in this god forsaken country because the majority around you will make you a minority.They will call you libtard ,traitor and god less whore of the west.The only islam they know is the one which is just perfect since it,s inception and how the hell any non muslim can be more superior than a muslim.
Libturd ...not libtard...remember it and that's suitable title for the these crawling insects from the faecal matter.
This is the real value of Sindhis in Jinnah's pakistan .So much rich history and culture of 5000 yrs old and beyond .They are totally under the domination punjabis and migrant Indian Muslims .

* Land locked punjabis of pakistan hate anything said against MBQ , cause it hurts the idea of pakistan they rule over .

* India muslims in Pakistan and in India love MBQ , as they think his conquest resulted in their identity as muslim .

* Mullahs in Pakistan and India , think he is hero who ushered Islam in the subcontinent .
I am a Sindhi and I love Muhammad Bin Qasim ... So go screw yourself over spreading fake propaganda
This is the real value of Sindhis in Jinnah's pakistan .So much rich history and culture of 5000 yrs old and beyond .They are totally under the domination punjabis and migrant Indian Muslims .

* Land locked punjabis of pakistan hate anything said against MBQ , cause it hurts the idea of pakistan they rule over .

* India muslims in Pakistan and in India love MBQ , as they think his conquest resulted in their identity as muslim .

* Mullahs in Pakistan and India , think he is hero who ushered Islam in the subcontinent .
History tells us that he married his own sister as advised by a fortune-teller for the sake of strengthening his grip on power. This was the reason his younger brother revolted against raja dahar but couldn't charge as he died coz of some disease while besieging dahars palace.

You can have him for your ideal not us. I simply wanted to puke after reading his biography. What kinda sick psychopath would want to marry his own sista :sick:

How was he a cunt if helped the people of Sindh overthrow a tyrant?
It was like the Americans replacing sadam

i remember Muhammad bin Qasim from Sindh.

That's shah faisal in his nineteens
History tells us that he married his own sister as advised by a fortune-teller for the sake of strengthening his grip on power. This was the reason his younger brother revolted against raja dahar but couldn't charge as he died coz of some disease while besieging dahars palace.

You can have him for your ideal not us. I simply wanted to puke after reading his biography. What kinda sick psychopath would want to marry his own sista :sick:

It was like the Americans replacing sadam

That's shah faisal in his nineteens

That is stupid logic. Ask any of these historic experts If Jats of Sindh(who only believed in ancestor worship) banded together to fight your Raja Dahir. He was a tyrant. Those same jats were hounded by the Mughals and even Sikhs hundreds of years later in Northern Punjab.

Just because I don't argue with fellow compatriots such as @DESERT FIGHTER, doesn't mean I am ignorant to actual facts. I generally let everyone express themselves to their content, but I obviously don't buy the snake oil they sell. I just nod my head and agree for the sake of Pakistan.
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