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Raja Dahir Sen The Forgotten warrior of SIndh

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I am being very positive just go through my posts from very first and you will find , but start from the very first, spare some time, you will find how I compelled the victims of hybrid psychological war fare to think ,first they get annoyed angry and then they get some windows open in their closed minds , I give them second thought not that which is some how presented them as propaganda, and only truth, wrong or right when it comes to you from a second hand informations allways be cautious, when it's a religious matter wake your inner conscious and see the history of religion and the tactics of it's enemies, Mullah are not true servents of Islam some time they are tools of others, but in the hate of mullah don't compromise the basics of Islam to show the world that we are librals , Isalam has survived from it's beginning to now and will continue to do so till the day of Qayamat without the help of Mullah or liberal Muslims, its us who need the Islam and to understand the conspiracies against it and avoiding them without violence and in hearts sticking to at least basics of Islam that on the day of judgement we at least be allowed to stand in the row of Muslims,
you often forget boarder pictures, Pakistan is already treated as a extremist and unsafe for the world, As you thread about Aysia bibi case these terror Mullah regime want to destabilize the country and their protest isn't related to aysia bibi case but rather use the name of the aysia bibi case to destabilize the country and will forget this case in month or so, and why you thinks that their is no Ulama in SC of Pakistan, and as for insulting NAOZO-BILLAH our prophet, there were multiple incidents in our prophet (PBUM) life to be insult by someone or groups , even hazrat UMAR (RA) asking a permission to our Prophet that can i murder that person or group of paersons, but our Prophet had stop him or any other SAHABA-E-KARAM that you can't be murder him or group of peoples, leave the result to ALLAH @paindobaba

Chal apna Kam kr , choor Doo PFD ,tuny khareeda huwa hy isko, chutium sulphate,
I am asking to you leave the PDF for better discussions, you don't have broader mind, that show you're a mentally 4 year kid, if you haven't any logic left then you have only options left is to abuse others @paindobaba :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Namaste sir. Accha hun. Mai koi flat nahi leneLwala tha. Are you El Sidd?

Main ne club membership ki baat ki thi aap se. Maine wo le Liya. Now I am planning a farm house right behind Pavagadh. It will be an aesthetic masterpiece. It will take few years to realise. Here are some photos of same area where my friend has a farm house.View attachment 516951

I will invite you once it is readyy

View attachment 516952
Those hills look so weird man..

Turkish raids started from around 1000 ad.They only started empire in north india from 1200 AD odd after 2nd tarain.Restricted to north india,some expansion under khilji and tughluq in south .But then sultanate power weakens large parts lost to mewar confederacy,vijayanagara empire and smaller sultanates.Afghans seize control.Afghans defeated and mughal come in 1526.Take around 75-100 years to secure north.They try to expand in south in 17th century.Defeated by marathas.Most of the empire conquered by marathas in 18th century.Afghans beat marathas at panipat in 1761 but kicked out and Punjab,kashmir,NWFP conquered by sikhs.Marathas return to north in 1770 Puppet emperor in delhi with maratha flag in red fort from 1772 until british takeover after 3 wars.So around 500 years of rule,mostly in north india.

Results - Turks are gone from subcontinent.Found in their own land-turkey and weak central asian states.The relic in the south-Hyderbadi nizami was annexed.
Afghans - No need to comment.Endless civil war and foreign invasion.
Arabs- All-conquering caliphate army beaten back and fled accross the indus in battles of rajasthan by gurjara pratiharas.Told to us by arab historians themselves.
Not sure when persians ruled except 1 yr invasion of nadir shah who beat mughals.
Mughals- Central asians in uzbekistan and those weak states there completely poor and irrelevant.Under sphere of influence of china or russia.
India - 500 years of effort.Dominant faith,culture unchanged unlike persia or egypt.An economic power ,huge country and 4rth largest military power.So yeah,we doing pretty good.Also 25% of humanity.

Pakistan - Historically conquered first in the path of invasion.Not a single strong empire or kingdom in last 1000 years in the region that forget rule india,never ruled themselves.Only exception is sikh khalsa.Sindhis first to surrender.Followed by western punjab.

Know your history before accusing me of tearing it apart.
As i said.. dont be a cunt..

Panjab being a non heterogeneous state never had a unified ruler.. it had small chieftains and raja’s governing their own principalities. They had individual heroes but no unified empires... with tribes/clans allying with other powers like the mughals,persians and afghanistan... but always fighting eachother for dominance in their regions..

And thats the region they never had a unifying authority until the charismatic ranjit singh... but again it was never a jatt or baniya empire.. rather a short lived (almost 3 decades lol) empire created after a power vaccum created by several other politicial and military factors of the time... but again even during this period there were Powerful states like Bahawalpur in South Panjab.. aswell as Koh e suliman and related regions like DJK,DIK,RYK etc which were controlled by Mazaris.. who had earlier hunted down sikhs allied with Sher Shah and were still burning entire sikh garrisons and skinning sikhs alive...

While in central panjab you had powerful chiefs like the Kharals and in Potohar there were the janjuas,gakhars,awans...

While in Sindh,KPK,GB,Kashmir and Balochistan were again Powerful states and alliances.
And guess who came from the other side of indus?

The same “invaders” you are moaning about..
Indian kings fought for the followers of Ali and fought in the battle of Karbala against the Umayyads in 680 AD. Umayyads did not like this and sent their General Muhammad bin Qasim to take revenge against that act in 711 AD. And the rest was history.

It is ironic that Muslims of the subcontinent are supporting descendants of Umayyads (Saudi Arabia) than descendants of Ali (Persia).

Hussaini Brahmins and the tragedy of Karbala
Hussaini Brahmins are a great source of inspiration for all those who believe in plurality and unity in diversity, and also who wish to uphold the truth irrespective of colour, cast and creed

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Abdul Rasool Syed

SEPTEMBER 21, 2018

“For Lahore, like my elders, I will shed every drop of blood and give any donation asked for, just as my ancestors did when they laid down their lives at Karbala for Hazrat Imam Hussain.” Sunil Dutt

The tragedy of Karbala reminds us of a great sacrifice given by Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS), the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) alongside his kinsfolk and companions for the sake of Islam. He sacrificed everything what he had in terms of men and material only to uphold the dignity and veracity of Islam.

Yazid, the incarnation of evil, tyranny, hypocrisy, mendacity, and malfeasance wanted Imam Hussain (AS) to take a pledge of allegiance on his hand and thereby affirm his despotic and immoral style of governance. Imam Hussain (AS) rejected his coercive and illegitimate demand. Imam Hussain (AS) realised that his submission before Yazid would be tantamount to an endorsement of his autocratic and unjust government that was erected in utter contravention of the pristine and democratic principles of Islam.

Thus, the fierce battle between truth and falsehood ensued on 680 A.D. Imam Hussain (AS), the epitome of selflessness, intrepidity, courage and forbearance with his small contingent of faithful followers faced the storm of tyrant forces valiantly. Nearly, all of the members of Imam’s (AS) household and companions were martyred one by one even six years old infant Hazrat Ali Asghar was not spared, and was decapitated ruthlessly.

Accounts reveal that seven brave Brahmin warriors from Lahore died while fighting for Imam Hussain (AS) in the battle of Karbala. According to one account, their father Rahab Dutt, an old man who traded with Arabia in those days, had promised the Holy Prophet (SAW) to stand by his grandson in his fight to uphold the truth.

It is said that when Rahab Dutt found out that enemies had surrounded Imam Hussain (AS) and his family in Karbala, and wanted to spill the blood of innocents; he along with his seven sons reached to help him. His seven sons laid down their lives for the sake of Imam Hussain (AS) in the battle of Karbala

Another account suggests that a childless Rahab Dutt personally visited Imam Hussain (AS) and wished in front of him to be blessed with a child. In response to his desire, he was informed that he had no child in his fate. Hearing that he wept bitterly and became senseless. At this moment, Imam Hussain prayed to Allah to bless him with children. It is said that when Rahab Dutt found out that enemies had surrounded Imam Hussain (AS) and his family in Karbala and wanted to spill the blood of innocents, he along with his seven sons reached to help him. His seven sons laid down their lives for the sake of Imam Hussain (AS) in the battle of Karbala.

After the battle, Rahab Dutt met one of the family members of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and narrated the whole story. According to Vipin Mohan, who claims to be a Hussaini Brahmin, “The family member of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) told our ancestor Rahab Singh Dutt that from now you are not just Brahmins, but Hussaini Brahmins, we will always remember you”.

The martyr’s list at Qum verifies the claim advanced by these mohyal Brahmins. Moreover, it is also recorded in history that when the third thrust by Yazid’s forces came, the Dutt Brothers refused to let them pass. The seven Punjabi swordsmen stood their ground till they were felled by hundreds of horsemen..

Today, they are popularly known as Hussaini Brahmins, who were inhabitants of Lahore till 1947. However, after partition most of them settled in India. The famous Indian celebrities Sunil Dutt and his son Sanjay Dutt are Hussaini Brahmins. This fact was revealed by Sunil Dutt while making a donation to Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital. The hospital’s archive maintains the record of his following words: “For Lahore, like my elders, I shall shed every drop of blood and give any donation asked for, just as my ancestors did when they laid down their lives at Karbala for Imam Hussain (AS)”.

Moreover, Intizar Hussain also wrote a column captioned as “Brahmins in Karbala” on Hussaini Brahmins in which he mentioned his encounter with a Hussaini Brahmin woman in India. He wrote that while he was talking about Prem Chand’s play “Karbala”, which was based on the legend of the seven Hindu Brothers who had somehow reached Karbala and fought for the cause of Imam Hussain (AS); when he mentioned that Hussaini Brahmins seem to have vanished from the social scene in India; all, a woman stood up and challenged his statement claiming that her name was Nonica Dutt and she belonged to the Hussaini Brahmin family.

Nonica Dutt was a professor of history at Jawaharlal Nehru University. Intizar Hussain shared his conversation with Nonica Dutt in which she highlighted how her ancestor Rahab Dutt had sacrificed all of his seven sons in the battle of Karbala. He was the only survivor of the battle who went from Kufa to Afghanistan and from there back to India. He had brought with him a hair of Imam Hussain (AS) which is ensconced in the Hazratbal shrine in Kashmir. She further added an interesting and amazing fact about the Hussaini Brahmins; she said that all direct descendants of Rahab Dutt are born with a light slash mark on their throat, a sort of symbol of their sacrifice for Imam Hussain (AS) in Karbala. She also explained the ritual carried out in her family on the birth of every child. She said that, “Among Brahmins, after the child’s birth, the ritual of mundan is performed which is held in the name of Imam Hussain (AS)”.

Additionally, the presence of Brahmins in Karbala was also authenticated by the noted Shia cleric Allama Hassan Zafar Naqvi. In an interview, he validated the claim propounded by the Mohyal community of Brahmins saying that there are plenty of historical evidences that verify the Brahmins participation in the battle of Karbala.

To cap it all, the Hussaini Brahmins are a great source of inspiration for all those who believe in plurality and unity in diversity, and also who wish to uphold the truth irrespective of colour, cast and creed.

The writer is a lawyer based in Jafarabad, Balochistan

Published in Daily Times, September 21st 2018.

Two types of cunts hate MBQ- Hindus and Shiites. Hindus because they got their azz kicked Shias because he was sent by Ummayads.

anyway here are the views of Quaid e Azam about Muhammad Bin Qasim:

Muhammad Ali Jinnah also acclaimed Muhammad Bin Qasim and claimed that the Pakistan movement started when the first Muslim put his foot on the soil of Sindh, the Gateway of Islam in India

Sindhi gandus shouldn't say a word against anyone let alone about a great Muslim General.

@DESERT FIGHTER @Indus Pakistan

A)Im not really shia and i got no love for fuking khomeini... or dahir (read my posts dear sectarian troll) but im sure you wipe up good after your wahabi cupcake good.

B)History cant be changed just cause you dont like it.

C)The irony is that Unmayads came from the family of abu sufyan,Hinda and yazeed.. hunting the Decendants of Prophet Mohammad SAW.. and wahabis have no shame in worshiping their likes.

D)Ironically even Jinnah was Shia.. oh the horrors.

F)Dont abuse Pakistanis ... @Horus. @Irfan Baloch @Oscar. @waz. @Jungibaz

Oho ,as you don't know this shyt, more I spend time here more I realize that the PDF is just full of awkward, backward, arrogant self acclaimed ellites , think tank analyst, etc, now you will say Elexender wasn't a gay, to me you are Hindo from across the border, @MOD please look up this guy his attitude and his hatred,

My attitude?
Yeah i believe a random guy claiming he called out Arbab Rahim out with a pathetic factually incorrect insult on PDF?

If you read my post .. youd know I insulted dahir on the same level as bin qasim.. both were fags ..:lol:
Raja Dahar ....The Warrior :sarcastic::omghaha::omghaha: He was so superstitious that he open the doors of his fort and lost war due to his Flag was went down..
Yes for saving the muslims of pakistan from sikh domination.Since the whole of pakistan was part of sikh empire and the brits took it from the sikhs.The only reason NWFP is included in pakistan is because that is the part of historical 'pashtunistan' that the sikhs conquered from the afghans and then the brits took it from the sikhs.So yes,you ought to applaud the brits.

Delhi and UP were not captured without resistance.Between 1000 and 1200 ,200 years turks were unable to pentrate.Chauhan won the first battle vs ghori and was only after his defeat in the 2nd that delhi fell.Kannauj fell after a fight by jaichand.And the original area even after 500 years of effort retains its dominant faith and culture. And pakistan area has not only been conquered by 'central asians' but by gangetic empires -Guptas.Mauryas,harsha.They themselves never had any empire centred in pak current area.Always conquered province either from east or west.Only exception is sikh khalsa.Any way my answer was mostly a reply to another guy who had an offhand comment earlier in the thread and not directed at you.What is done is done,none of us were alive and none of us could have influenced history.The cycle of life has come full circle as now the central asian societies have become negligible with industrialization,nationalism and end of cavalry age.
I bet he didn't know that India was never invaded by a foreign power until approximately the 10th century when Ghaznavi invaded, showing off his insecurity and ignorance of history. And that was only after the Rajputs fell. Meanwhile, every single indigenous Paksitani kingdom and Empire was raped and humiliated like a prostitute by everyone from Greeks to British, and including the Mauryans, a ganga-based Empire. That's right, us "forest aboriginals" captured every piece of land in the subcontinent from Bengal to Kandahar and ruled it for over 200 years, whereas they never even had any empire of their own to be proud of. No wonder they talk s*** about our history, they have nothing of their own to be proud of



I know only the Raja Dahir who was defeated by the 17 year old commander Muhammad bin Qasim with an army that was far outnumbered and was fighting in a foreign land thousands of mile away from its home. His success brought the light and enlightenment to the dark subcontinent rife in tyranny and immorality.
Maybe in your part of SA, but India was going through its golden age during the Gupta Empire. All of South Asia/s greatest achievements in math, science, literature, medicine, astronomy, and literature came during that time. Comparatively, the Mughals produced little of value.

I like how everyone is claiming to know the true unadulterated history as opposed to the twisted history of the other lot. It's almost like they think only their opposition are liable to bias and misunderstandings, they are free from any such blemish.

It's interesting how the Indian/hindu nationalist sees Raja Dahir as an Indian hero, whilst the Pakistani nationalist who also has a problem with Mullahs as well as Indians, sees him as a Sindhi hero not Indian. One claiming that the Indian identity didn't exist at that time, yet somehow Sindhi identity existed as it does today.

These events took place more than a thousand years ago with no neutral obsevers recording history. The accounts available are neither complete nor without bias.

Yet here we are, everyone talking about it like the were with Raja Dahir or Muhammad bin Qassim during their 'adventures'. It's almost like we have eye witnesses here from a thousand years ago here.


I wonder how many experts here have actually read the source materials about the context and happenings of these events.

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And finally he lost. Please take it as offense, but India has nothing to celebrate in war history. The warrior part of India is now Pakistan.
That's rich coming from the biggest losers of history. This is what a major military victory looks like. Of course 'I won't blame you if you don't recognize it since you people have never had one.
Barray sammaan ki baat hogi apka bulawa jab aega.

Is baagh me jo fawna laga hai. Usko dekh kar me bata sakta ho kay iske maali kay paas ilm hai.

Phir Maza araha ha Club me? Jagah to khoob thi
Building is complete. Waiting for right muhurt . Shall be innaugrated on 8th December.
so that is why indians are allowed to rampage here on PDF and reason for Indo-Iranian alliance against Pakistan both here and in the real world
so Hazrat Ali the cousin and son in law of Hazrat Muhammad, the Arab, was from Persia (Iran)???

No. The Indian kings had supported Imam Ali (a.s) because he was the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w), having married his only daughter, Lady Fatimah (a.s).

He was the first Muslim male to have accepted Islam and has the distinction of being Prophet Muhammad’s (s.a.w) successor when he was appointed as the first Imam for the Muslim community at Ghadir Khumm in 632 A.D.

Had Ali and his followers won against Umayyads, world would have been a very different today. Umayyads back stabbed both Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) and Islam.

Forefathers of Indians/Pakistanis had fought for Imam Ali (a.s) but current day Pakistanis have been brainwashed to support the Umayyads and their descendants.

When Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) first began preaching his message, the Umayyad clan
comprised his greatest opposition. They were the richest and most powerful clan in
Mecca, and they were threatened by the changes that Islam brought. Muawiya, the first
Umayyad ruler, was the son of Abu Sufyan, Muhammad’s most bitter opponent. Abu
Sufyan embraced Islam after Muhammad’s forces marched on Mecca, and Muawiya
joined his father and older brother, Yazid, in becoming a late convert to the new religion.

The Umayyads clearly lack the descent from Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) and their
controversial practice of handing down power from father to son, and their mistreatment
of non-Arab Muslims made them a controversial dynasty.

The Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) was commanded by God to appoint twelve successors, or Imams, after him. The Imams are are Infallible (like the Prophet) i.e. they do not make errors.

The Imams are:
  1. Imam Ali (a.s)
  2. Imam Hasan (a.s)
  3. Imam Husayn (a.s)
  4. Imam Ali Zayn Al-Abidin (a.s)
  5. Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (a.s)
  6. Imam Ja’far Al-Sadiq (a.s)
  7. Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (a.s)
  8. Imam Ali Al-Ridha (a.s)
  9. Imam Muhammad Al-Jawad (also al-Taqi) (a.s)
  10. Imam Ali Al-Hadi (also Al-Naqi) (a.s)
  11. Imam Hasan Al-Askari (a.s)
  12. Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi (a.s). Imam Al-Mahdi (a.s) is the living but concealed Imam.
Then you must watch the above clip , so that you learn facts and real truth of Raja Dahir and remove pakistani textbooked fake story about him from your mind for ever .

and rashidun caliphate didn't send bin qasim? right? this is what you read? it's not like changing names of your cities so that it can make you happy lol.
Hazrat Imam Hussain said during Karbala that allow me to go to Sindh.

Nothing has stopped and nothing will stop you people from creating and associating the most ridiculous lies with respected personalities ......... lies as its inherent in their nature, however always defy the logic ........ first you made Hazrat Hussain leave Makkah on the day when its Hajj next day ....... and now you come up with another pathetic lie that He would want to go to the land of non believers instead (considering if this whole event is true) going back to Makkah. Do try checking the maps for what's in between Karbala and Sindh .......... and then do try calculating the distance, consider the mode of transportation and the people involved to take that journey.

Seriously ......... gather some courage and do ask the Molvi you follow to provide some explanations for the very obvious contradictions and stupidity they keep feeding you.
Nothing has stopped and nothing will stop you people from creating and associating the most ridiculous lies with respected personalities ......... lies as its inherent in their nature, however always defy the logic ........ first you made Hazrat Hussain leave Makkah on the day when its Hajj next day ....... and now you come up with another pathetic lie that He would want to go to the land of non believers instead (considering if this whole event is true) going back to Makkah. Do try checking the maps for what's in between Karbala and Sindh .......... and then do try calculating the distance, consider the mode of transportation and the people involved to take that journey.

Seriously ......... gather some courage and do ask the Molvi you follow to provide some explanations for the very obvious contradictions and stupidity they keep feeding you.

After his conquest of Mecca, Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) gave many Quraysh elites, including
members of Muawiya’s Umayyad family, high-ranking positions in his government.
Muawiya joined the army of his older brother Yazid in the conquest of Syria. Yazid was
granted governorship of Syria by Caliph Umar, and Muawiya continued to serve him. In
640 AD, however, Yazid died of the plague, and Muawiya replaced him. Muwaiya
quickly set about turning Syria into his own power base. His power extended when Uthman, his uncle and fellow Umayyad, succeeded. Uthman, however, was killed by Muslims who were angry at
his concentration of power in the hands of fellow Umayyads, and he was succeeded by
Imam Ali (a.s). Muawiya was outraged by the murder of his uncle, and insisted that the
assassins be handed over for punishment. Muawiya had the support of powerful
Muslims but Imam Ali (a.s) refused, saying that he was unable to do this. Muawiya refused to recognize Imam Ali (a.s) as caliph, and in response Imam Ali (a.s) demanded that Muawiya give up his governorship of Syria.
After a stalemate, the two men agreed to arbitrate the dispute.
Shortly thereafter, Imam Ali (a.s) was assassinated due to dissention in his own camp, and
Muawiya, in a very powerful position, convinced Imam Ali's (a.s) son Hasan to give up any claim to
the caliphate and retire from public life.
Muawiya had broken convention my naming his son Yazid his successor.
Because he made rule of the caliphate hereditary—passed down from father to son—
Muawiya is said to have begun the first Islamic dynasty. Many Muslims felt that this
was wrong. Some felt that the new caliph should be chosen by members of the
community, rather than inheriting the title. Others believed that the caliph should be
from the family of Muhammad, which neither Muawiya or his son could claim. A
rebellion took place immediately after Yazid became caliph.
Even though Imam Ali's (a.s) son Hasan had agreed to give up all claim to the caliphate and retire, but his
younger brother Hussein had made no such agreement. Opponents of Yazid flocked to
Hussein to support him as caliph. However, Yazid was eager to remove this threat
before it could grow. He sent an army to surround Hussein and his family as they were
traveling. In what is known as the “Battle of Karbala” (though it was little more than a
massacre), the army of Yazid slaughtered Hussein and his family, including his six month-
old son.
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