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Raja Dahir Sen The Forgotten warrior of SIndh

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We arent talking about empires yet...We are talking about the spread...It is a known historical fact that Arabs started off as traders...This is inked in African history and the history of South East Asia....

It is further stated that Muslims came as traders and married into the locals so to show everyone is equal.
Unfortunately Arabs weren’t the only traders, and unlike today they werent held on higger pedestal by locals.



I leave you with some questions:

IF say Islam was violent how do we have Arab Coptic Christians? Arab Coptic Christians are those who have been Christians for generations. So if Islam spread by the sword, shouldnt the 1st to taste it be the Arab Christians? How are there still some Arab Christians alive if they were supposed to be killed by the sword during the spread of Islam?

Why were Jews running to Ottoman empire, wasnt Islam / Muslim sultanate considered danger for Non Muslims? There are historical records of Jews being given protection by Muslims. - https://www.yadvashem.org/yv/en/exhibitions/besa/index.asp
- https://www.timesofisrael.com/confe...-muslims-who-protected-jews-during-holocaust/
- http://time.com/4651298/holocaust-memorial-day-muslims-jews/

Why would Muslims who are supposed to kill Jews harbouring them by risking their lives?

It would have been the best chance to get rid of the Jewish population that Muslims hate so much right?

Then we have Malaysia, Indonesia, Some parts of Africa....what crusades took place there for mass conversion of Muslims? What brutal forces converted entire countries? Do use that precious thing god gave you known as brain before making sweeping remarks out of ignorance!

If Islam was spread by the sword, where are the mass graves like that of a genocide?
Hey mate...
Oh I think it is too late for indians to apologize and tell their population the truth...
Oh look a non -Muslim...wait I think @padamchen will go blind on this one:

Writes H G Rawlinson, in his book, ‘Ancient and Medieval History of India’, "The first Arab Muslims began settling in the towns on the Indian coast in the last part of the 7th century." They married Indian women and were treated with respect and allowed to propagate their faith. According to B P Sahu, head of the department of history of Delhi University, Arab Muslims began occupying positions of prominence in the areas where they had settled by the 8th and 9th centuries.

Historical fact with evidence....But then again many are blind to FACTS:
In fact, the first mosque in the county was built by an Arab trader at Kodungallur, in what is now Kerala, in 629 AD. Interestingly, Prophet Mohammed was alive at that time and this mosque in India would probably have been one of the first few mosques in the world, thus highlighting the presence of Islam in India long before the Muslim invaders arrived.

You see what secularism is getting us into?

We were doing fine till your side decided to be what it was not.

I'll tell you what I tell my other sensible non bhakt Hindu friends.

India can handle 200 million radical Muslims.

What India CANNOT and WILL NOT survive is 1 billion radical Hindus.

It's scale at play.

Cheers, Doc
Unfortunately Arabs weren’t the only traders, and unlike today they werent held on higger pedestal by locals.
I predicted this:

Writes H G Rawlinson, in his book, ‘Ancient and Medieval History of India’, "The first Arab Muslims began settling in the towns on the Indian coast in the last part of the 7th century." They married Indian women and were treated with respect and allowed to propagate their faith. According to B P Sahu, head of the department of history of Delhi University, Arab Muslims began occupying positions of prominence in the areas where they had settled by the 8th and 9th centuries.


Dubious, if you're done with your trolling fatwas -
You call fact as trolling then THAT is your problem...when you cant differentiate fact from fiction you shouldnt be allowed in the public! And let me kindly issue you a warning for trolling

most ardent student of Hindus Vs Muslims.
THIS is laughable considering you learnt zilch!
We were doing fine till your side decided to be what it was not.

I'll tell you what I tell my other sensible non bhakt Hindu friends.

India can handle 200 million radical Muslims.

What India CANNOT and WILL NOT survive is 1 billion radical Hindus.

It's scale at play.

Cheers, Doc
it was inevitable Doc. Do you believe regaining Homeland will be bloodless? Although I would hate to lose our MOST productive minority but if given a chance how would you like to have it?

And? That only prives that they were able to secure financial support during conuest and were more of trojn horses
Even African history books have better understanding of history and put ALL the ways Islam spread:


Even BBC had a piece on the truth but if you are blind, then GOD help you:

As is well known, the Arabs made no attempt to impose their faith on their new subjects, and at first in fact discouraged conversions on the part of non-Arabs.

Jonathan P. Berkey, The Formation of Islam: Religion and Society in the Near East, 600-1800, 2003


And? That only prives that they were able to secure financial support during conuest and were more of trojn horses
Of course a negative mind reads negative...

Or the truth, they really were traders....and there was more than 1 way Islam spread...
There is no overlap between the time of Sufis and Muhammd bin Qasim (Rahmatullah alaih) so this should tell that what kind of BS this is.
Noted your comments next time i will be a little thorough and i hope u can provide references for your claim its just not talk talk for eg “meray chacha k chacha k dost nay bataya tha “
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