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Raja Dahir Sen The Forgotten warrior of SIndh

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I know ...been watching him for sometime now...He just doesnt stop BS! Had he been educated he would know to give up on the lies already! :tsk:
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Lmao... had He done that he would have been punished under Islamic laws.. which forbids following during war.. something which took the world a thousand years to enact - geneva.

Men,women,child—- innocent are not to be harmed.
Trees,vegetation not to be cut unless nessecary.
Livestock etc not to be killed.
Water etc of enemy to not to be blocked.
If enemy lays down arms they are to be treated humanely... and any sort of transgressions is to be punished.

Prophet Mohammad PBUH... asked the prisoners to teach education to muslim children as a means for their freedom!

You talk about sindh.. but u forget that there were already muslims living in modern day Pak/sindh when arab arrived..

The ancient necropolis of Makli etc is enough proof of it.

The mosque bin qasim built (which lies in ruins) but there is a temple in its vicinity even today...
Dude Off topic but prob u knew the answer when enroute to Baluchistan via karachi there is a hindu temple on the coastal highway do u know the name by any chance i saw the place enroute to gawadar
Please read wikipedia. It says that he killed residents of a city.

Buddy 15% of Nepal's population is Buddhist. Im not a gurkha its just a name i opted to give.
I can go edit wiki and make it read nepalis are chinese leftovers.. would that make it right?

Had the short lived invasion of sindh converted millions of people.. there wouldnt have been any need of sufi saints like Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai,Shahbaz Qalandar,Shah Noorani and countless sufi saints who dot Panjab and Sindh... sufi saints who are worshipped by hindus of sindh and panjab even today!
Why is it that even the sikh golden temples foundation was laid by a sufi saint who is buried in Lahore ?

Why is it that hindu of sindh go to visit the shrines of sufi saints even today?

Why is it that we have hindus from Pak claiming they went to fight Yazid?:lol:

Why is it that we got entire cities famous for their Sufi shrines?

Dude Off topic but prob u knew the answer when enroute to Baluchistan via karachi there is a hindu temple on the coastal highway do u know the name by any chance i saw the place enroute to gawadar
Hinglaj mata in Hingol and Chandargup mounts .. are sacred for hindus..
Please read wikipedia. It says that he killed residents of a city.

Buddy 15% of Nepal's population is Buddhist. Im not a gurkha its just a name i opted to give.
And Pakistan was once a Buddist Civilisation which spread budhism as far as korea and tibet.

This is our representation of Buddha.. the sole birthplace of a buddhist a civilisation that was born in Upper Panjab and KPK;


Dude Off topic but prob u knew the answer when enroute to Baluchistan via karachi there is a hindu temple on the coastal highway do u know the name by any chance i saw the place enroute to gawadar
Lots of hindu marathas were taken as slaves after Battle of Panipat.. their descendants still live in Balochistan...
Please find a better source...Your 2 yr old next door neighbour can edit wikipedia!

Please get a basic education instead of waiting to be spoon fed by wikipedia! Like seriously, do some research!
I dont think so. Not all pages of wikipedia can be edited. Most of them are encrypted.
Can you provide some credible non Muslim source for what YOU claim Dubious?

I'd be really interested to read a non Muslim source of some credibility that says subcontinent Muslims have descended from those who converted voluntarily for the most part.

Mind you, I'm sure many did. To escape social stigma inherent to Hinduism and its caste structure.

Cheers, Doc
Most of peasantry class converted due to sufis atleast in our part of punjab. Tellis, lohars, leelgars and people related to such jobs might have converted due to jizya if not anything else. Had conversion been a gate pass to escape caste system we wouldnt have a high percentage of SC/STs in our punjab.
Most of peasantry class converted due to sufis atleast in our part of punjab. Tellis, lohars, leelgars and people related to such jobs might have converted due to jizya if not anything else. Had conversion been a gate pass to escape caste system we wouldnt have a high percentage of SC/STs in our punjab.
Dont you have Mazhabi sikhs in Panjab?

The dalits of Panjab converted to sikhism and became mazhabi sikhs... others became Christians during the british rule (ironically like 99.99% of dalits in Pak Panjab) are Christians.. most of the time having a muslim first name followed by a chrisitian name.. some others who became muslims .. call themselves mussali... they are mostly nomadic ppl.. living in tents amd moving from one place to another.
Most of peasantry class converted due to sufis atleast in our part of punjab. Tellis, lohars, leelgars and people related to such jobs might have converted due to jizya if not anything else. Had conversion been a gate pass to escape caste system we wouldnt have a high percentage of SC/STs in our punjab.

I'm sure the reasons of conversion would be different from place to place, people to people.

My problem is I have always come upon either Muslim (Sufi peaceful) or Hindu (conquest and genocide) sources.

Cheers, Doc
Dont you have Mazhabi sikhs in Panjab?

The dalits of Panjab converted to sikhism and became mazhabi sikhs... others became Christians during the british rule (ironically like 99.99% of dalits in Pak Panjab) are Christians.. most of the time having a muslim first name followed by a chrisitian name.. some others who became muslims .. call themselves mussali... they are mostly nomadic ppl.. living in tents amd moving from one place to another.
Yes there are mazhabi sikhs also ravidassia another sub sect from sikhs. Unfortunately for these people conversion didnt dont know about how they are treated being muslims but considering how desi are i can say its wont be much different. Caste/ biradrai is ingrained in our dna
Yes there are mazhabi sikhs also ravidassia another sub sect from sikhs. Unfortunately for these people conversion didnt dont know about how they are treated being muslims but considering how desi are i can say its wont be much different. Caste/ biradrai is ingrained in our dna
They arent treated differently .. i mean there is no racism.. they eat in the same plate,sit on the same charpoy... eat the same bread.

But yes, in rural areas or even urban cities a Jatt,Rajput or a gujjar wouldnt marry into a mussali family...

Also in Pakistan.. 99.9% of those SC/dalits became christian...

P.S: I always wondered if dalits are aboriginal? In Pakistan.. one can identify a Christian based on his looks and complexion.. i know this sounds racist... but there is something unique about their facial features etc.. Not saying there aren’t beautiful chrisitians (sexiest girl in my school days was a chrisitan — and her brother was her opposite lol).. their mother was an army nurse..
I'm sure the reasons of conversion would be different from place to place, people to people.

My problem is I have always come upon either Muslim (Sufi peaceful) or Hindu (conquest and genocide) sources.

Cheers, Doc
Its a similar situation you described in Persia, only difference is that our pockets of resistance survived and managed to push back. You would have found yourself in similar tangle as we are had Persia managed to stop the onslaught
They arent treated differently .. i mean there is no racism.. they eat in the same plate,sit on the same charpoy... eat the same bread.

But yes, in rural areas or even urban cities a Jatt,Rajput or a gujjar wouldnt marry into a mussali family...

Also in Pakistan.. 99.9% of those SC/dalits became christian...

P.S: I always wondered if dalits are aboriginal? In Pakistan.. one can identify a Christian based on his looks and complexion.. i know this sounds racist... but there is something unique about their facial features etc.. Not saying there aren’t beautiful chrisitians (sexiest girl in my school days was a chrisitan — and her brother was her opposite lol).. their mother was an army nurse..
Our standard of beauty has mostly been reduced to fair skin. One of the colonial hangups. Yours is relatively new mix to the entire sub continet. I doubt if you compared it with people further down south in India you would be able to distinguish just on the looks.
I am the least religio person mate do not have reference only talk what about The bibi “ cant remember the name” whose mazar is in lahore also they say most of the sufies buried in Pakistan were offsprings of Prophet PBUH
There is no overlap between the time of Sufis and Muhammd bin Qasim (Rahmatullah alaih) so this should tell that what kind of BS this is.
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