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Raja Dahir Sen The Forgotten warrior of SIndh

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i hear that MBQ was the villian as he was sent to kill the Prophets family who migrated to Sindh when the dynasties wanted to murder them and it was Raja Dahir who offered them safety
Dear mate, That's BS spread by sectarians idiots who are always doing bidding for another mullah state even though they are born and live in Pakistan. They have been fed this cocktail of lies and distorted history..Do you even think that Prophet's family will take refuge in a foreign land? Imam Hussain (May be Allah be pleased with him) preferred to sacrifice is family fighting instead of fleeing. Furthermore, there is no such historical reference but certain people even believe this kind of crap

He became a tyrant himself.. and came to sindh not to save the people but out of greed .. rich resourceful lands and manpower...
Eventually to be thrown out ... if you observe history.. Sindh has always remained a unique state throughout the past millennium if not more.
Hr was soldier who was ordered to defeat dahor and he did his job and when caliph ordered him back he returned evb though he knew about his animosity and could have declared him self kin of Sindh bd in end was murdered
I believe islam was spreading by forcing it on people. You see many muslims claim that the ummayuds, rashiduns, abbasids and ottomans were just and fair rulers and treated everybody regardless of their religion with respect and with kindness.

Now my question is that if the muslim rulers were so kind enough to let the non muslims live as they wish, then why did the non muslim population convert to islam in bulk? For example Iran was a zorastrian state and within the first 100 years of Ummayud rule it became a fully muslim state. Now it is impossible that the zoroastrians were not forced to convert because if the Zoroastrians were living a happy life being a zoroastrian in muslim controlled persia then there is no need to convert in bulk.

So definitely the muslim rulers forced islam upon its subjects because if the muslim rulers tolerated the non muslim subjects and had respected them as muslims claim, then they would not need to convert in millions without a serious driving force.
That is because islam was the first time when concept of welfare state was given ... previously people were ruled by tyrant kings where people were subject but in islams people were not subject and were equal as human beings ... this is similar to nowadays every common wants to adopt true democracy ... does this means democracy is being imposed ?

By the way zoroistan still exist and there are some jews also living in iran ...

Yes non muslims were forced out but that was limited to makkah and madina only ...
Hr was soldier who was ordered to defeat dahor and he did his job and when caliph ordered him back he returned evb though he knew about his animosity and could have declared him self kin of Sindh bd in end was murdered
He was most disciplined youngest commander. He was loved by the people of Sindh.
More hindutva saffron wash of history
Omitted the primary reason of conflict the pirates under patronage of dahir attacking and abducting Muslim ships
As for conflict with Arabs dahir did faced two armies prior Qasim but that wasn't in 30 years time but with in year or two of that piracy episode after that the teen general came and defeated a far more experienced raja who had much bigger army due to obvious home filed advantage
Also its funny that according this bs dahir old wife committed johar but his two youthful daughters ;)
And this bs also fogot to mention that dahir forced marriage his own sister which caused a war between him and his elder brother who died in mysterious manner allowing dahir to usurp his kingdom and reason makran and other local allied with Qasim because they got fed up with dahir looting and intimidation of their territories
More hindutva saffron wash of history
Omitted the primary reason of conflict the pirates under patronage of dahir attacking and abducting Muslim ships
As for conflict with Arabs dahir did faced two armies prior Qasim but that wasn't in 30 years time but with in year or two of that piracy episode after that the teen general came and defeated a far more experienced raja who had much bigger army due to obvious home filed advantage
Also its funny that according this bs dahir old wife committed johar but his two youthful daughters ;)
And this bs also fogot to mention that dahir forced marriage his own sister which caused a war between him and his elder brother who died in mysterious manner allowing dahir to usurp his kingdom and reason makran and other local allied with Qasim because they got fed up with dahir looting and intimidation of their territories

Which are the oldest Muslims in Pakistan?

Are there any estimated datelines by which all of Pakistan had converted?

@Retired Troll @Oscar @Joe Shearer

Cheers, Doc
Extremism amongst molvis and the terrorist ideologies of Al qaeda and ISIS existed since the beginning of Islam. If you have read Islamic history, you will find that the Rashidun and Ummayud Khilafah was similar to ISIS and Al qaeda. These two Caliphate was known for conquering lands and forcing the natives to convert to islam by imposing heavy taxes or through societal pressure. When the Caliphate conquered lands spanning from Iran to Syria, they beheaded people, took women as slaves and unleashed a reign of terror upon non muslim natives of these places. Khalid bin Waleed and Caliph Umar, were notorious rulers and Khalid bin walid on one occasion beheaded 50 innocent arab christians, just like isis beheaded coptic christians in egypt.

Terrorist groups like ISIS, Al qaeda, Al shabab, boko haram came into existence after 9/11, but the ideology these groups carried was the ideology of the Rashidun and Ummayud Khilafah and Caliphs like Khalid bin walid and Umar. So Islamic jihadism is nothing new and has been going since generations.

Non muslims were forced out of Makkah and Medina? Are you implying that Prophet Muhammad threatened the people of Mecca and Medina with death?
Which history are you talking about in which khalid bin walid RA killed innocents?

There is no such event in history ...

Furthermore while non.muslims were paying tax muslims were paying zakat ... that was not something new ... this was normal part of the culture ... whenever you occupy a land you ask for tax to protect their land from external threats ... so keep your baseless shit with you
If Muhammad bin qasim did not force Islam on the Sindhis then why do hindus constitue only 8% of the total Sindhi population in Pakistan. If Muhammad qasim let the Sindhi hindus live as they were then the hindu population would have been much greater. I have a Hindu friend from Pakistan his name is Sanjay Kumar Richan and he told me that even today hindus are forced to convert to islam in Sindh by political parties, radical muslims and the sindhi muslims.
So, it was either forced conversion or nothing? You really pull nonsense from your rear! It is written in history WHY so many chose to accept Islam without fighting it!

Learn your history from reliable resources...Anymore trolling (YES BS without backing is called trolling) I will make sure you are banned, Is that clear?
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I have read the biography of Khalid bin walid. In his biography it is clearly stated that on one occassion he laid a siege on a particular city. After the city fell to the muslims, Khalid beheaded all its residents near a river.
Lmao... had He done that he would have been punished under Islamic laws.. which forbids following during war.. something which took the world a thousand years to enact - geneva.

Men,women,child—- innocent are not to be harmed.
Trees,vegetation not to be cut unless nessecary.
Livestock etc not to be killed.
Water etc of enemy to not to be blocked.
If enemy lays down arms they are to be treated humanely... and any sort of transgressions is to be punished.

One can find several examples.. like Hazrat Ali RA who put down his sword during combat when a kafir spit on him.. when asked why he didnt kill him.. He replied that he didnt kill him because he didn’t want to create any doubts that He (Hazrat Ali) killed him over personal enemity etc... let alone another sahabi like Khalid Bin Waleed killing prisoners by some river lol (there are no rivers in KSA btwn).

Prophet Mohammad PBUH... asked the prisoners to teach education to muslim children as a means for their freedom!

You talk about sindh.. but u forget that there were already muslims living in modern day Pak/sindh when arab arrived..

The ancient necropolis of Makli etc is enough proof of it.

The mosque bin qasim built (which lies in ruins) but there is a temple in its vicinity even today...
Which history are you talking about in which khalid bin walid RA killed innocents?

There is no such event in history ...
He is not talking about history he is talking about hearsay! You can find each of the BS he just vomited here on hate sites or worse indian made backed with indian resources....Mind you I am not saying reliable resources (which can be Indian too) but this crappy lack of interest to learn history and shove their own version is very very very prominent in any Indian website you go to...EACH will ONLY quote indian or worse hate filled historians who have been refuted for spreading hatred!
So, it was either forced conversion or nothing? You really pull nonsense from your rare! It is written in history WHY so many chose to accept Islam without fighting it!

Learn your history from reliable resources...Anymore trolling (YES BS without backing is called trolling) I will make sure you are banned, Is that clear?
2 hours back he was moaning against muslims in another thread..

And at that time he was a “hindu gurkha”..:lol:

Now hesa buddhish for life lol.
So, it was either forced conversion or nothing? You really pull nonsense from your rare! It is written in history WHY so many chose to accept Islam without fighting it!

Learn your history from reliable resources...Anymore trolling (YES BS without backing is called trolling) I will make sure you are banned, Is that clear?

Can you provide some credible non Muslim source for what YOU claim Dubious?

I'd be really interested to read a non Muslim source of some credibility that says subcontinent Muslims have descended from those who converted voluntarily for the most part.

Mind you, I'm sure many did. To escape social stigma inherent to Hinduism and its caste structure.

Cheers, Doc
Dear mate, That's BS spread by sectarians idiots who are always doing bidding for another mullah state even though they are born and live in Pakistan. They have been fed this cocktail of lies and distorted history..Do you even think that Prophet's family will take refuge in a foreign land? Imam Hussain (May be Allah be pleased with him) preferred to sacrifice is family fighting instead of fleeing. Furthermore, there is no such historical reference but certain people even believe this kind of crap

I am the least religio person mate do not have reference only talk what about The bibi “ cant remember the name” whose mazar is in lahore also they say most of the sufies buried in Pakistan were offsprings of Prophet PBUH
Lmao... had He done that he would have been punished under Islamic laws.. which forbids following during war.. something which took the world a thousand years to enact - geneva.

Men,women,child—- innocent are not to be harmed.
Trees,vegetation not to be cut unless nessecary.
Livestock etc not to be killed.
Water etc of enemy to not to be blocked.
If enemy lays down arms they are to be treated humanely... and any sort of transgressions is to be punished.

Prophet Mohammad PBUH... asked the prisoners to teach education to muslim children as a means for their freedom!

You talk about sindh.. but u forget that there were already muslims living in modern day Pak/sindh when arab arrived..

The ancient necropolis of Makli etc is enough proof of it.

The mosque bin qasim built (which lies in ruins) but there is a temple in its vicinity even today...
Please read wikipedia. It says that he killed residents of a city.

2 hours back he was moaning against muslims in another thread..

And at that time he was a “hindu gurkha”..:lol:

Now hesa buddhish for life lol.
Buddy 15% of Nepal's population is Buddhist. Im not a gurkha its just a name i opted to give.
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