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Railways official refuses to work with ‘ill-mannered’ Sheikh Rasheed

He needs to be fired.
Look we all know the problem in Pakistan. It's not just the corrupt politicians in Pakistan. The civil service is also corrupt to the boot. The cook might pinch a few rupees at the bottom of the pile or the police constable might nick few rupees from the street vendor but as you rise up the chain of command the corruption persists only at every step up the amounts get bigger and bigger. I have family members in customs, PWD and police. And I know their financial positions and lifestyles.

In bringing about 'naya Pakistan' the election victory might have cleared the bad eggs from the political heads of government but the entire bureaucracy is teaming with corruption and many are political appointees or got rose up the ranks by feeding the old order. Indeed the most difficult part of 'naya Pakistan' is cleaning out the bureaucracy. You need them to run the government. Be to harsh and they wil bring the running of the state to halt or will intentionally subvert policy. You can't get rid of all of them. So it's going to be slow process of weeding out the bad eggs and they will do everything to spoil the new government and frustrate it's delivery. don't forget the old order has been ruling for decades and the bureaucrats you have today all have been hired, selected and promoted under the old order.

The exact same applies to PIA, PS and other public bodies. It's not going to be easy. These people have much to lose and they will do everything to prevent IK following up on his agenda. They represent the powerful interests of the entrenched interests of the old order even if the their political bosses have been removed.

But I am confident IK has the staying power, the consisency to prevail. I think his life shows that. The more the adversity the stronger this guy gets.
Railway always manged poorly by ministers in all government ..first sheik Rasheed then saad Rafique..Shiekh Rasheed don't deserve any serious ministry ..he should be minister of food so that he just go and taste food in different dabaaaz

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Railway faced financial loss amounting to Rs. 42.673 billion during last five years of incumbent Government due to negligence of authorities concerned and corruption being underway in the department.

The department witnessed major loss in tenure of Federal Railway Minister Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed, which was Rs. 24.10 billion despite his claims to make Pakistan Railway profitable.

The losses sustained by Pakistan railway was Rs. 7.80 billion during financial years of 2002-2003, Rs. 5.79 billion during 2003-04, Rs. 3.29 billion during 2004-05, Rs. 11.26 billion during 2005-06 and 14.47 billion during 2006-07, sources in the railway ministry told Online on Sunday.

Public didn't give him mandate to insult a senior officer like that.

He is his boss, anywhere in the world if someone don't like boss and his attitude then he will throw the resignation at his face and go provided he is capable person, if he earned position by *** licking or doing dirty laundries instead of capabilities then he have to bear whatever is thrown at him. The conduct of these baboos with public who pay for their salaries and luxuries is much worse.
Not to forget what state was Railways was in 2013 when PPP left.
He is his boss, anywhere in the world if someone don't like boss and his attitude then he will throw the resignation at his face and go provided he is capable person, if he earned position by *** licking or doing dirty laundries instead of capabilities then he have to bear whatever is thrown at him. The conduct of these baboos with public who pay for their salaries and luxuries is much worse.
Agree with most of what you said except you seem to be adhering to only one side of the story.
This is an employee not an elected vagabond, why should he resign he has earned his spot through shear hard work not just foul words.

Excatly, he is a paid employee.

If he can't get along with his boss or meet his expectations then he should simply quit instead of asking for 730 day leave which is a slap in the face of Pakistani tax payers.
Excatly, he is a paid employee.

If he can't get along with his boss or meet his expectations then he should simply quit instead of asking for a 730 day leave which is a slap in the face of Pakistani tax payers.
We have a difference of opinion here as I think its a slap on our faces when a foul mouth shoe licking person is appointed minister of railways so there.
Kisi ko galian dainy or fatwa lagany sy phaly dono taraf ki baat sun laini chahye.

If he was honorable and love Pakistan, he would've resign, not do h@r@mkh0ri and sit home and collect pay for 730 days. In ch ko mufat k maal ki aadat hogaye hai.
Agree with most of what you said except you seem to be adhering to only one side of the story.

You are also doing So, I don't know the exact details but his leave application and then making it public clearly show that he is not honorable, capable and nor a professional, and consider himself some kind of rani toop
And why your Majesty.


Now is the time that the nation needs his " honest " services the most---. Now is the time to show what your honesty can do for the department in favorable conditions---.

Sh Rasheed is brash and arrogant---but he will end up doing the job right---.

Also---it is just the begining---. What is the big deal if the minister is incorrect about his decision---. He has not plundered or looted money---.

Only personal egos are hurt---. Officers with such light egos should have no place in the service---because they can do more damage to the nation because of a hurt ego at a critical time---.

Just like Pres Ayub Khan---he put Yahya in charge---because he felt the pakistani public humiliated him so he got the revenge---.

It was narrated by Dr. Saeed---a student in medical college at that time---visiting Islamabad with other college students and visited Ayub Khan in 1972-74 time frame as a student group---. A student asked---sir why Yahya Khan---?
I see the points made about SR. Problem is Pakistan is a parliamentary democracy. As a PM the system limits IK's choices in having the team he needs. It's not like cricket where he scouts for talent and picks what he thinks is the best. First he can only pick from the elected MNAs from his party, then he has to balance any appointments by keeping eye on keeping the coalition government intact which means giving out ministeries on politcal basis. This seriously compromises PM IK. Had PTI won a large majority it things would have been lot easier.

That is why I think for Pakistan the Presidential system is better. Under that system we would have President IK. He would select his own administration only on basis of talent. He could have scoured the country and even brought in ex-pat Pakistani's and would have a technocratic team. Any minister did not perform would get the axe without any political ramifications. But we live in the real world. Not dreams. And this is how it is. Everybody keep that in mind.
I admire Sheikh Rasheed but he need to control his temper. Some officers will not tolerate abuse, no matter what.
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