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Rahul G tell us why U should be elected over Modi

I am not talking about the players I am talking about the people. The people who elect them has the power and if they remain delusional then these dirty game players will keep exploiting them. For their betterment, people need to learn to make good choices. What we have done in the past needs to change. I can give you an example of Bihar, It was all messed up under the rule of Lalu and yet people used to fall for his political gimmicks and used to vote for him in return of free booze and little money but one day they decided to change and they kicked him out. So if they can change so why not rest of the India???

Mate you cant say the change will occur only if the people elect who you want . its up to them . if they feel the congress benefits them they will vote congress vice versa with the bjp.
the Indian voter is a very clever one. , for instance the people of mumbai vote for the bjp-SS combine for the BMC elections but vote congress in state and national . there have been many instances where the people vote one party for the state another party as their local MP.
nope 13 month Government ,which replaced DevaG, IK Gujaral govt in 98

ABV was the bjp PM from 16 May 1996 – 1 June 1996. he lost the trust vote on the floor of the house by one vote.
If he is a congress minster then I have not cursed him enough.

Why should I curse people who's opinion I have not heard.....I have read jbgt90 opinions and his mindset and what he stands for.

I am not asking for removal of congress from our democratic process ....I am seeking elimination of power trading, corruption, blatant looting of money, destruction of judiciary, emasculation of the law, lack of education for children, rising inflation that reduced food availability for the poorest, perversion of politics by dynastic politics, and purchase of media ...........that has been put in place by the congress for the last 60 years.

Purging of the congress by keeping them out of power for the next 10 years is the only way to set things right. Any one who fights that for his selfish reasons needs to be told exactly how he is perceived in our society.

a) You have contradicted yourself in the post.
b) India is a democracy one can't really purge anyone out. People need to be educated that is all one can do and rest is for people to decide.
c) About selfish reasons - Anyone can tell you and me the same as well? We may be supporting Namo for our selfish reasons how can one figure out that we are the honest ones?

ABV was the bjp PM from 16 May 1996 – 1 June 1996. he lost the trust vote on the floor of the house by one vote.

The Govt fell because of few votes and why? because ABV decided not to buy those few votes. And if you ask me, that very incident made me his biggest fan and I saw a win in the trust vote that he lost.. I wish we had that kind of leadership right from the time of Independence..
a) You have contradicted yourself in the post.
b) India is a democracy one can't really purge anyone out. People need to be educated that is all one can do and rest is for people to decide.
c) About selfish reasons - Anyone can tell you and me the same as well? We may be supporting Namo for our selfish reasons how can one figure that we are the honest ones?

Purge means to free something from moral defilement, to make free of something unwanted, or in this case to get a party rid of its debauch leader (Gandhi) and sycophants. There is no contradiction here ...only inability to understand.

People get educated when facts are revealed to them ......in a nation where the congress has purchased the Media and have threaten the rest to toe its line ...nothing short of a revolution is going to change things. Naxals/Maoist are a proof of such an explosion of anger and revulsion.

Self declared party workers of a party that have actively worked to keep Indians uninformed, uneducated, poor and have worked to destroy its religion and divide society into caste and religious lines can be safely declared 'selfish'. If you have a different method of gauging the truth, please let us know.

There is nothing to show NaMo has supported anti national policies and anti national people to position of power. Till then it is safe to assume their supporters intentions are not selfish.
a) You have contradicted yourself in the post.
b) India is a democracy one can't really purge anyone out. People need to be educated that is all one can do and rest is for people to decide.
c) About selfish reasons - Anyone can tell you and me the same as well? We may be supporting Namo for our selfish reasons how can one figure that we are the honest ones?

The Govt fell because of few votes and why? because ABV decided not to buy those few votes. And if you ask me, that very incident made me his biggest fan and I saw a win in the trust vote that he lost.. I wish we had that kind of leadership right from the time of Independence..

Do you know who made him loose the vote? it was a bjp member who did not vote for him . during his tenure of 99-04 his biggest critics were not the congress but the rss and the vhp . such is the nature of politics. not only your enemies you need to watch out for you own too.
Purge means to free something from moral defilement, to make free of something unwanted, or in this case to get a party rid of its debauch leader (Gandhi) and sycophants. There is no contradiction here ...only inability to understand.
No matter what way we try to understand it, the fact remains the same that it is not possible to force a party or person out of political process in a democracy unless it is directed by the constitution.

People get educated when facts are revealed to them ......in a nation where the congress has purchased the Media and have threaten the rest to toe its line ...nothing short of a revolution is going to change things.
Start the revolution then but mind it any kind of violent way will be dealt heavily. Protest against the wrongs but in a right way.

Naxals/Maoist are a proof of such an explosion of anger and revulsion.

Naxals are present in BJP ruled states as well. ex. Chattisgarh though I support Raman Singh's way of handling them..

Self declared party workers of a party that have actively worked to keep Indians uninformed, uneducated, poor and have worked to destroy its religion and divide society into caste and religious lines can be safely declared 'selfish'. If you have a different method of gauging the truth, please let us know.
Don't let your anger over power your intellect. Right now, it is your anger that's writing this up..

There is nothing to show NaMo has supported anti national policies and anti national people to position of power. Till then it is safe to assume their supporters intentions are not selfish.
I support you on this and I am not going to counter it ;) (See how selfish I am :lol: )
Doesn't matter in what ever way we try to understand it, the fact remains the same that it is not possible to force a party or person out of political process in a democracy unless it is directed by the constitution.

No one is claiming otherwise .....

Start the revolution then but mind it any kind of violent way will be dealt heavily. Protest against the wrongs but in a right way.

Revolution by its very nature is violent......btw nobody is seeking permission for a revolution.....but thank you for graciously granting permission for the same. :cheesy:

Naxals are present in BJP ruled states as well. ex. Chattisgarh though I support Raman Singh's way of handling them..

Naxals/Maoist were born when the poor found it impossible to get their promised rights in 'free' India. No one choose to be a naxal .... they are forced into it by a selfish polity (the kind demonstrated here), irresponsible media (controlled by money and fear) and non responsive Judiciary (congress gift to India).

Don't let your anger over power your intellect. Right now, it is your anger that's writing this up..

Nothing wrong in being angry ...... and nothing I said is irrational. Its a poor argument when you have to resort to strawmen to debate a point.
Do you know who made him loose the vote? it was a bjp member who did not vote for him . during his tenure of 99-04 his biggest critics were not the congress but the rss and the vhp . such is the nature of politics. not only your enemies you need to watch out for you own too.

Still he could have managed to buy those votes!! Votes from MPs in UP, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Orissa etc were availabe for a price!!
Still he could have managed to buy those votes!! Votes from MPs in UP, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Orissa etc were availabe for a price!!

He could have but we do not know for a fact. the problem is the the bjp has been very poor in floor management for a long time. just look at the president election. even the bjp members in karnataka voted for Pranab .
Mate who cares what you feel its about who is able to have the last laugh . and the bjp is doubtful to have it. look at their track record . they have failed to corner the govt in any vote for the last 9 yrs. they have yet to get their own house in order . they cant manage their own numbers on the floor. they have 3 allies in the nda . refute that if you can . :)

PS read what i replied to krait as to rahul being the pm candidate.

Okay fine you make the most sense. But why take hope away from us? We want to be congress free even if it defies your logic. Even if we may not win against the voting public. I know its hard but I for one would like to rid India of its current Gandi(Gandhi) leadership.
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