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Rage: The emotion an Indian experiences on a visit to China

I'll tell you why Chinese food taste better in India as compared to Chinese food in China or any other country. It's simple, Indians have a adapted the Indian - Chinese food taste. Where as a Chinese from China would not like it as much as an Indian does.
Instead, let me speak of the most overpowering emotion an Indian experiences on a visit to China; a silent rage against India’s rulers, for having failed the nation so badly. Not only do we lag decades behind China in most fields, but nothing that our political leaders say or do gives an iota of hope for the future. Sixty-six years after independence, its dysfunctional public services speak volumes of the motivations, priorities and capabilities of its leadership, political and bureaucratic.
100% agree! Total and complete non governance in this country thanks to our damn politicians and bureaucrats. When will we see the light at the end of the tunnel?
100% agree! Total and complete non governance in this country thanks to our damn politicians and bureaucrats. When will we see the light at the end of the tunnel?

Ask your fellow country men/women kena and Aadhaar. They see lights in all directions in India it seems. As bright as a supanova.
china reached great heights despite all its difficulties kudos but india cannot trace the path of china.an authoritarian govt may function in china which enabled it to function efficiently and fast..but india consist of too many diversities to run in such a way any such attempt may break the country...so we have to go slow accommodating all kinds of people.so our govt must be representative and responsible and accountable..precisely why our founding fathers have opted for parliamentary democracy rather than a presidential form.though things are not quiet satisfactory things are improving and imsure all major social problems were facing will be much lesser 2 deecades from now..i dnt knw whether india can be a super power but sure india will be much happier and prosperous..:cheers:
I travel to China at least twice a year, sometimes more often.

I travel to Shanghai, Ningbo & Shenzen & sometimes Beijing.

I echo & vouch for every word written in the post .

Bro...cannot believe you are the anti-China warrior on PDF.

I had been to Shandong Xinhua about a month ago and let me tell you, the article is reflecting just the same what I have experienced.

Dear @Chinese-Dragon, waiters at the hotel called me Yindoo when they were discussing amongst themselves... Do they know us by yindoo rather than Indian????

In Chinese pronunciation, India is "yindu"
Bro...cannot believe you are the anti-China warrior on PDF.

Irrespective of our view on Chinese army or policies, no Indian would deny the development in China.

Except for a few enlightened souls...
The article is less about Chinese life then about the his personal diatribe against the Indian administrative system. It is a typical superficial analysis made by the defense brass type who, in their cushy cantonments, have no inkling of how the complex politics and administration in a vast and free country like India actually function. According to him, the parliamentary oversight system has completely abdicated its responsibility and now the project implementation is entirely in the hands of the Civil Service. As if we don't know that nuts and bolts functioning is by the Civil Service which actually needs lesser political meddling rather than more. So, how is it different in China where there is no elected legislature. He has already conceded that in venality and corruption, the two countries are comparable. What then in the source of the Chinese "miracle" either his thick headed analysis is unable to comprehend or to admit. And if the Hindu, with all its pretensions of catering to the "serious crowd", indulges in publishing such out-of-the-hat, superficial garbage, then it is welcome of have the readers who deserve it.
Don't talk like an imbecile! The crap you just spewed out is breathtakingly idiotic. You said that 'it is a typical superficial analysis made by the defense brass type who, in their cushy cantonments, have no inkling of how the complex politics and administration in a vast and free country like India actually function.'

Really? What the heck were you smoking when you wrote that gem? You talk of the Army brass having no inkling how the administration functions? But, as an example, how come every goddamn bureaucrat and politician were all at sea during the recent Uttrakhand devastation? Who, pray, did all the administrative work to save thousands of lives there? Who organized all the relief work? Who coordinated the massive effort? The bureaucrats? The squabbling politicians? NO! it was the brass of the defence forces who got things moving out there, as the civil administration had completely fu@ked up everything. In fact they didn't even move their a$$es as they were totally clueless.

And you say the defence brass has no clue in administration?

The damn undeniable fact is that India has failed in most spheres especially during the last 5 years seeing that we're saddled with a bunch of a$$holes ruling our lives - from the self seeking corruption ridden politicians to the incompetent lethargic corrupt babus sitting in their own ivory towers.

There is no semblance of good governance anywhere, any place! This is a failing cacophonous democracy that we've blindly inherited from the British. At present we are directionless and the captain of our ship is literally all at sea. There's no discipline, no probity in public life and people at the helm woefully short of ideas.

The bottom line is, we are rushing headlong towards becoming a banana republic, if we haven't become one already!

Take off your blinkers and see the world. You'll then realize where we stand. You're living in a world of make-believe. And I presume you are happy that 70% of our 'lawmakers' are 'lawbreakers' who sit in judgement and control our lives sitting in the hallowed portals of the Parliament. And I don't need to remind you that our GDP and the Indian rupee are falling faster than nine-pins!

Hell, the self styled know-it-alls that we have to put up with here!
Absolutely true
My dad visited China 3 months ago & I can vouch for every word in the article
Also every I have been admirer of Chinese economy for a long time

& Indian posters who are saying Hindu is a Chinese paper please don't act like
Pakistanis in constant denile
We have to first admit that there is something wrong with us then only we can catch up with china

Modi Lao China jaise bane lago

Also all the best to China
Irrespective of our view on Chinese army or policies, no Indian would deny the development in China.

Except for a few enlightened souls...

OK...conflicts between nations will exsit, but as for our individuals, try to relax rather than to be serious about every dispute.
OK so to break all the monotony of all the anti-China threads posted here by Indians, I felt like posting this nice article from the Hindu that takes a more objective look at the situation.

It's a fun read, I encourage others to join along.

There is a rather risky subtitle given in the article: I didn't use that as the thread title, for fear of flaming.

And now, the article itself:


Musings on banks of the Huangpu - The Hindu

(The writer is a former Chief of the Naval Staff.)

An Indian, standing on the embankment of the Huangpu river, as he gazes at the impressive Shanghai skyline, is assailed by an assortment of unfamiliar emotions. The first is one of admiration for the Chinese; our Asian brethren who emerged from foreign invasion, a world war and sanguinary internecine conflict to attain nationhood, two years after India, to find themselves in thrall to harsh totalitarian rule. It was only after the passing of Chairman Mao that a pragmatic, n..

(The writer is a former Chief of the Naval Staff. Email: arunp2810@yahoo.com)


I am glad an Indian and especially a a former Chief of the Naval Staff is writing this down.

He should have read a small quotation from Neta Ji (Subhash Chandar Bhos) after his trip to English cities and countryside. More than a 100 years ago, Bhose eulogized cleanliness, and civic sense of the then British nation and mourned the absence of the same in the Indian subcontinent.

In essense, Chinese have fully adopted West European civic sense, and we all have not.

Perhaps the the whole thing comes down to priorities.

I have been to the two countries so I can vouch for what the OP is mentioning.

However we must go beyond the tall buildings and clean roads mantra and ask ourselves (as citizens of the subcontinent aka India, Pak, BDesh etc), as to what went wrong in all our case in the last 60+ years that we now in 2013 have to sit down and talk about this.

What happened to you people?? Every one except one woke up on the wrong side of the bed?? :woot:

Rather than the article, I like this because of the sane comments.. Its been a while since these kind of threads are posted here..

A special cheers to you @ChineseDragon!!

I didnt went out of my state much let alone nation so cant comment of how China look like .. I am like a frog in the well. But the article is a good wake up call for us Indians.. But the sad fact is that all we are going to do is woke up, go to the bathroom and pi$$ then go back to sleep...
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