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Rafale vs. F-16 ۔ The real comparison is between the capabilities of the Pakistan air force and Indian air force

Not being prepared for the enemy---. Day dreaming---. Not taking the enemy seriously---. Just naming a few.
Sir, they do take the enemy seriously, and you'd be surprised by how much they do. But maybe those methods are something that you may not be comprehending. Talk to some of the pilots of today's service, and see what they have to say. If that post was directed to PAF.
The discussion has gone to a personal level. please better bring back to the topic. Everyone is entitled to have his own opinion. It may dissent from the rest. Better to have space for dissent voices than a monotonous self- praise and bragging.

Rafael is no-doubt a potent fighter with an impressive weapon suite. F-16 does not carry any edge over Rafael. The silver line is PAF experience and other force multiplier platforms. The modern fight is a well-coordinated effort to achieve the targeted goal.Evey available resource comes into play with its peak performance to achieve that coveted prize.
Get THAT PERFORMANCE at wartime, every force does rigorous practice. There is no substitute of that. PAF has been doing what it can, and more is needed as the opponent is convulsing in anger and humiliation.and is putting in all modern and sophisticated weapons from around the world.

Meanwhile PAF Fleet is almost the same with no recent addition. That is a sign of worry for old veterans, for they know better that fight needs more than passion and will. Technology has revolutionized the entire war fighting Techniques.
There is an immediate need of incorporation of this latest technology otherwise we would have to confront its catastrophic consequences and who may disregard that?
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Not being prepared for the enemy---. Day dreaming---. Not taking the enemy seriously---. Just naming a few.
well if you think it is a generational problem and taking globalization into consideration then according to your perspective the enemy should have equal traits no?
Not being prepared for the enemy---. Day dreaming---. Not taking the enemy seriously---. Just naming a few.

Nobody will take you seriously while you keep offense Sir, may be a little bit of General Sun Zu language would be helpful, don’t misunderstand. I like to read your provocative comments, but I hate to see you guys misbehaving each other.

best regards
Rafale F3Rs which India is getting is much more advance than F-16 BLK52s PaF has both in terms for Aircraft capabilities and Weapon systems.
Its also OSINT that Rafale F1 version were utilized in Red Flags against USAF F-16 BLK52s both with same AWACS support ... the kill Ratio was in favour of Rafale F1 3:1... point to note here is Rafales were part of aggressors so were lower in number and flying in dense enemy AD network... and without famed Meteor

ppl here point out capabilities of IAF and PaF... its also well known that IAF fighters on an average gets 250 plus flying hours in an year where as the average of PAF is much lower and only couple of squadron of PAF gets same flyings hours as IAF leading patrol sqs...
Also IAF does more exercises with other nations than PAF...
The more practice and exercise a pilot gets the more familiar he gets with the fighters so now its any ones guess who is more skilled.
Even if we go by pakistani posters that PaF pilot are genetically enhanced super pilots the other area which comes into picture is support system both ground based and air based and nowadays space based which is pretty clear IAF is much more vast and modern.
Pakistan doesnt have comparable ground based AD.. AWACS number do matter but we have to keep in mind AWACS are basically battle awareness and wont be able to launch and lock.

Only issue for IAF is what ROEs to be followed here it gets confusing because IAF cant take on themselves to chose the escalation ladders and chain of command is much longer than PaF where mostly the Chain of command to chose escalation is just your commanding officer basically.

IAF even if is in position to basically clean up the air targets in range will wait for reasons/national and international reactions/future calcs..
in mean time PAF fighter would have lodged half a dozen missiles ...

So main restricting factor for IAF is Rules of Engagement for PAF its all about short term glory, the day IAF is free to engage PAF will shift its assets to balochistan or even fly them to Saudis...
Nobody will take you seriously while you keep offense Sir, may be a little bit of General Sun Zu language would be helpful, don’t misunderstand. I like to read your provocative comments, but I hate to see you guys misbehaving each other.

best regards


Tsun Zu's time has long gone---. Chegiz Khan smashed it to dust---.

Chegiz Khan, Julius Ceasar, Alexander The Great, Subotai Bahadur, Khalid Bin Waleed, Tariq Ibn a Ziyyad, or any other great conquerer had one thing in common---.

They never trusted niceties and would rather ask for brutal & honest truth---.

When any of the generals made major breakthroughs thru enemy defenses which were never successful in the past---it was for the reason they listened to someone who suggested something "otherwise" and to suggest something otherwise---you have to be harsh, loud and to the point---.

Need to grow a thick skin---this is war we are talking about---.

Tsun Zu's time has long gone---. Chegiz Khan smashed it to dust---.

Chegiz Khan, Julius Ceasar, Alexander The Great, Subotai Bahadur, Khalid Bin Waleed, Tariq Ibn a Ziyyad, or any other great conquerer had one thing in common---.

They never trusted niceties and would rather ask for brutal & honest truth---.

When any of the generals made major breakthroughs thru enemy defenses which were never successful in the past---it was for the reason they listened to someone who suggested something "otherwise" and to suggest something otherwise---you have to be harsh, loud and to the point---.

Need to grow a thick skin---this is war we are talking about---.
5th gen war bud no more sticks and stones, victorious are those with information, quite mouths, electronic wizardry and means to morally justify certain actions !

Rafale F3Rs which India is getting is much more advance than F-16 BLK52s PaF has both in terms for Aircraft capabilities and Weapon systems.
Its also OSINT that Rafale F1 version were utilized in Red Flags against USAF F-16 BLK52s both with same AWACS support ... the kill Ratio was in favour of Rafale F1 3:1... point to note here is Rafales were part of aggressors so were lower in number and flying in dense enemy AD network... and without famed Meteor

ppl here point out capabilities of IAF and PaF... its also well known that IAF fighters on an average gets 250 plus flying hours in an year where as the average of PAF is much lower and only couple of squadron of PAF gets same flyings hours as IAF leading patrol sqs...
Also IAF does more exercises with other nations than PAF...
The more practice and exercise a pilot gets the more familiar he gets with the fighters so now its any ones guess who is more skilled.
Even if we go by pakistani posters that PaF pilot are genetically enhanced super pilots the other area which comes into picture is support system both ground based and air based and nowadays space based which is pretty clear IAF is much more vast and modern.
Pakistan doesnt have comparable ground based AD.. AWACS number do matter but we have to keep in mind AWACS are basically battle awareness and wont be able to launch and lock.

Only issue for IAF is what ROEs to be followed here it gets confusing because IAF cant take on themselves to chose the escalation ladders and chain of command is much longer than PaF where mostly the Chain of command to chose escalation is just your commanding officer basically.

IAF even if is in position to basically clean up the air targets in range will wait for reasons/national and international reactions/future calcs..
in mean time PAF fighter would have lodged half a dozen missiles ...

So main restricting factor for IAF is Rules of Engagement for PAF its all about short term glory, the day IAF is free to engage PAF will shift its assets to balochistan or even fly them to Saudis...
Alot of rosy pictures for same so called professional iaf which first fail raided a monastery and could not provide proof
Knew in advance paf would retaliate but couldn't intercept strike package from raiding Indian hq

Had its su and mirages ran off from paf f16 from own iok territory and on this cowardice self titled amraam dodger

Then showed off detonated tube and still doesn't accept su loss
Shot the helicopter then was dispatched to rescue that su pilots
And on this blunder blame the dead iaf pilots for being too imbecile to turn on fof transponder

Claim abhidung shot f16 he's still shut up about it

U can make all the bollywood bs to cover yr failure sonny but when time came to perform u failed
Rafale F3Rs which India is getting is much more advance than F-16 BLK52s PaF has both in terms for Aircraft capabilities and Weapon systems.
Its also OSINT that Rafale F1 version were utilized in Red Flags against USAF F-16 BLK52s both with same AWACS support ... the kill Ratio was in favour of Rafale F1 3:1... point to note here is Rafales were part of aggressors so were lower in number and flying in dense enemy AD network... and without famed Meteor

ppl here point out capabilities of IAF and PaF... its also well known that IAF fighters on an average gets 250 plus flying hours in an year where as the average of PAF is much lower and only couple of squadron of PAF gets same flyings hours as IAF leading patrol sqs...
Also IAF does more exercises with other nations than PAF...
The more practice and exercise a pilot gets the more familiar he gets with the fighters so now its any ones guess who is more skilled.
Even if we go by pakistani posters that PaF pilot are genetically enhanced super pilots the other area which comes into picture is support system both ground based and air based and nowadays space based which is pretty clear IAF is much more vast and modern.
Pakistan doesnt have comparable ground based AD.. AWACS number do matter but we have to keep in mind AWACS are basically battle awareness and wont be able to launch and lock.

Only issue for IAF is what ROEs to be followed here it gets confusing because IAF cant take on themselves to chose the escalation ladders and chain of command is much longer than PaF where mostly the Chain of command to chose escalation is just your commanding officer basically.

IAF even if is in position to basically clean up the air targets in range will wait for reasons/national and international reactions/future calcs..
in mean time PAF fighter would have lodged half a dozen missiles ...

So main restricting factor for IAF is Rules of Engagement for PAF its all about short term glory, the day IAF is free to engage PAF will shift its assets to balochistan or even fly them to Saudis...
Says the guy trying to find glory by fail raiding a monastery and then got their arse beaten by 3 X smaller force

All talk but couldn't walk the walk when time came
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5th gen war bud no more sticks and stones, victorious are those with information, quite mouths, electronic wizardry and means to morally justify certain actions !



5th gen warfare or 10th gen warfare---. Rules of combat have not and will not change---.

General commanding officers who cannot understand and take critical input from their staff will fail---.

A man or a machine will have to listen to understand what is being said to what is being stated---.

And I am not you BUD---.

5th gen warfare or 10th gen warfare---. Rules of combat have not and will not change---.

General commanding officers who cannot understand and take critical input from their staff will fail---.

A man or a machine will have to listen to understand what is being said to what is being stated---.

And I am not you BUD---.
Relax you will give yourself a seizure BUD. Pop open the can order some donairs and put on the grand tour I am absolutely positively sure that you will have a great time.

keep your self warm its getting cold,

adios amigo/amiga
Relax you will give yourself a seizure BUD. Pop open the can order some donairs and put on the grand tour I am absolutely positively sure that you will have a great time.

keep your self warm its getting cold,

adios amigo/amiga


Maybe getting cold in canada---it is 70 deg plus here in california.
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I always love to read your comments and opinion. I feel honoured to have someone like You at Our discussion panel. One thing I learnt ,there is no alternate to the Life long experience. What my father taught me To listen to my elders. Their words may appear sometime, to be rude and taunting, but there is always essence of wisdom and understanding.which does not come with learning books and getting degrees.
Dr. Qadeer along with his premier team of Engineers and doctors was not do what a local iron smith was able to do with his lifelong experience.

My request is to please do not mind someone's words, they can not weigh the wisdom and essence of your words.
Dear Indian! Thank you for your sincere advice and kind guidance. I will do my best to study more to know the reasons , why the world's most sophisticated Indian soldiers could not wield weapons in Ladakh and how they were killed by sticks only.

I will try to study history and defense topics to find out why 60% of Indian missile tests get fail despite the Indian economy being ten times bigger than Pakistan. I will learn more of the history of secular India to know why Bal Thackeray and Narendra Modi brand terrorism is continues with 300 million Indian Muslims

As per your suggestion , I would like to learn more from history and defense study that why pellet guns and assault rifles bullets are fired at unarmed Kashmiri Muslims instead of Chinese at Ladakh border.

And just tell me، why you Indian friends find the truth more bitter than ever? Do you like being happy with the fake information of your bragging media and so called defence analysts? My dear just learn to listen the truth, world is not like that you hear from your liar leaders and media men. You would like to listen that Rafale can conquer whole of the China, with the combination of Jaguar , Sukhoi and Mirage 2000 you Indian are as strong as Russia , Great Britain and France are . . .

Encourage you to know the facts and digest the truth. The world and the global economy and society are not what your leaders and the media say they are. Do your own research with a sincere heart and honesty, you will know what the truth is. Who is a peace lover and who is an enemy of peace . Who is telling the truth and who is following the policy of making noise.

Stay blessed

You and your posts are very silly...full of emotions and fictions. At the age you are its an embarrassment. Reading your post, I bet, You must be a lousy banker too.

Get the facts checked of your posts. Dont get swayed by propoganda. Look at the contemporary history and geography since 14 Aug 1947. Comparative economy since 1947. Question your silly assumptions...You may get the answer.

Provided you are looking for answer.

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