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Rafale vs. F-16 ۔ The real comparison is between the capabilities of the Pakistan air force and Indian air force

Paf blundered in not taking this aircraft seriously---. They assumed that they will build their own aircraft----the JF17---which would be ready in 2-3 years and would go to battle for them---.

Little t=did they realize about the " growing pains & Integrations and pilots training etc etc etc" which being on a realistic scale for a modern brand new aircraft is about roughly 15 years---

Might it be more likely that the Jf-17 and upgrades were their only option or viable options available to PAF? EVERYBODY on strings so most people don't get to have what they want or even what they need. That is how you transfer wealth from those who create to those who serve the Vatican/London/NY/Tyrol...banks.

Good thing for PAF, from what you said, is it will take a LONG time for those Rafales that India has to become a viable threat.

If J-10s are out of reach for now, perhaps, PAF could obtain a simulator to start pilot re-training and thus reduce future integration times.
Change your tone.....repeating same lines are now becoming boring like your other posts.


If reality has not changed--- the story stays the same---.

You have not changed either---you just keep posting pictures & snippets---does that not get boring---?

Might it be more likely that the Jf-17 and upgrades were their only option or viable options available to PAF? EVERYBODY on strings so most people don't get to have what they want or even what they need. That is how you transfer wealth from those who create to those who serve the Vatican/London/NY/Tyrol...banks.

Good thing for PAF, from what you said, is it will take a LONG time for those Rafales that India has to become a viable threat.

If J-10s are out of reach for now, perhaps, PAF could obtain a simulator to start pilot re-training and thus reduce future integration times.


Not really---.

Paf chopped off pakistan's feet by making bad decisions---.

The Rafale is coming in ready to go to battle---its weapons and EW package are already integrated. Indians started pilot training awhile ago---.

Not really---.

Paf chopped off pakistan's feet by making bad decisions---.

The Rafale is coming in ready to go to battle---its weapons and EW package are already integrated. Indians started pilot training awhile ago---.

So India is ready to go while PAF, even if they got new planes, is still at best 5 years away. Good thing for Pakistan that China is there.

Nations of Europe and the Americas do have a long history of upsetting the balance of power amongst others.
So India is ready to go while PAF, even if they got new planes, is still at best 5 years away. Good thing for Pakistan that China is there.

Nations of Europe and the Americas do have a long history of upsetting the balance of power amongst others.


It is not the nations of europe or the US---it is the Paf that did it to Pakistan.
Childish video game psyche.
How conveniently are the different kinds of F-16 EW pods in PAF service set aside along with four decades of platform experience and progressive innovation of tactics in Top Gun school while the whole air combat becomes dependent on the radar's verdict.

Another one summing up air combat based on radar. As for old planes, the MLU upgrades including structural strengthening brings capabilities to Block 50 standard.

All that talk about radars.
Erieye vectoring Gripens to fire AIM120s using updates from Erieye. Its not revealed if PAF uses the same technique with combo of Erieye, F-16 and Aim120s however it is possible. Gripens didn't even use own radars whether AESA or PD.
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You have to design a fighter from ground up to have this capability,
The F-35 can do it, but hardly the F-16 in PAF inventory,

That is a feel good kiss the mirror mindset---. Do not underestimate the indian pilots and do not underestimate their bravery---.

To all the BLING PAKISTANIS----Abhinandan---flew in his OBSOLETE MIG21 towards the incoming fighter aircraft and showed no fear---.

Even after coming down---he still showed no fear on the ground even after being beat up---.

The Paf has shown the indians what to do to combat them and many a Paf retd officers have gone on the TV and made those disclosures---.

Paf has only a certainnumber of frontline fighter aircraft pilots---after that X number is neutered in war---rest is easy sailing for the indian airforce---.

Because they have a larger number of superior aircraft---whose piulots may not be exactly as superior to the elite of PAF---but once the elite Paf pilots are take out at a higher cost of enemy aircraft---then the indian pilots would run thru the second tier Paf pilots like a hot knife thru butter----.

It happened in 1965---it happened in 1971---second tiered Paf pilots were shot down by top tiered indian pilots.

Mr Butt---wars are a brutal thing---. The IAF just has to find that one CHINK in the PAF armor---when it does that---it will tear thru the Paf ranks.

Paf at first does not have the numbers---secondly---the Paf has only kept the land options alive---leaving the sea options to the enemy---.

One day---the enemy will get brave enough to face losses just to overcome this stamp of " cowardice "---.


Don't jump too high young man----lest you twist your ankle.

The Rafale is a top tier aircraft of the world #3 SUPER POWER---which makes it by default the most superior aircraft in its class---.

The adversaries ahead of it are the F35, The F22, The J20---and these aircraft are ahead because of the generation they belong to---.

In the non stealth class---the Rafale leads in the blue skies---.
There is a side for fanboys and then there is a side for enthusiasts which include realists. Indian Air Force and Navy fighter pilots are not to be underestimated, and I have not only heard this quote at home but from friends who are operational fighter pilots in PAF. Not to mention, if it is MiG-21 Bison or Su-30MKI or a Mirage 2000......a kill is a kill, irrespective of the jet shot down. And I find it very despicable, that Abhinandan's quotes are constantly being used here on this forum.

MiG-21 Bison is a very capable aircraft, with very capable upgraded systems.

The Rafale is indeed an amazing aircraft.

You'd be surprised by what PAF is capable on the maritime side, but I guess you'll need to speak to some of the pilots employed for that role someday, it may change your outlook.

Cheers !!!

No that is not it. That is a HAF F-16 Block 52+ manual that has been on the web for quite a few years. I was in high school when I saw that. HAF is the Hellenic Air Force. Someone decided to turn the H into P, wishing that it was a PAF manual.
There is a side for fanboys and then there is a side for enthusiasts which include realists. Indian Air Force and Navy fighter pilots are not to be underestimated, and I have not only heard this quote at home but from friends who are operational fighter pilots in PAF. Not to mention, if it is MiG-21 Bison or Su-30MKI or a Mirage 2000......a kill is a kill, irrespective of the jet shot down. And I find it very despicable, that Abhinandan's quotes are constantly being used here on this forum.

MiG-21 Bison is a very capable aircraft, with very capable upgraded systems.

The Rafale is indeed an amazing aircraft.

You'd be surprised by what PAF is capable on the maritime side, but I guess you'll need to speak to some of the pilots employed for that role someday, it may change your outlook.

Cheers !!!

No that is not it. That is a HAF F-16 Block 52+ manual that has been on the web for quite a few years. I was in high school when I saw that. HAF is the Hellenic Air Force. Someone decided to turn the H into P, wishing that it was a PAF manual.


I am from the old school---promise less deliver more---.

I am from the old school---promise less deliver more---.
Hello there,

Old school would have a little more maturity don't you think. And old schoolers also don't play "I said this years ago and was made fun of...." victim game or somewhat along the lines. If old schoolers are of somewhat educational, the newer generations after you or your kids even would learn better. Just advice there sir.

Cheers !!!
OEF 2002, Libya 2011, Mali 2013, against ISIS, Afghanistan, Syria to name a few
What did it come up against in these ultimate theatres of advanced aerial pugilism? Some gruelling dogfights against paper aeroplanes?
Hello there,

Old school would have a little more maturity don't you think. And old schoolers also don't play "I said this years ago and was made fun of...." victim game or somewhat along the lines. If old schoolers are of somewhat educational, the newer generations after you or your kids even would learn better. Just advice there sir.

Cheers !!!

Stop the BS---.

Current generation is its own worst enemy---. Muslim boys living on lies---bragging on what they don't having---.
Stop the BS---.

Current generation is its own worst enemy---. Muslim boys living on lies---bragging on what they don't having---.
Behave yourself Mastan. I said it out of advice.

What did it come up against in these ultimate theatres of advanced aerial pugilism? Some gruelling dogfights against paper aeroplanes?
reasonably well respected Ruski air defence

someone better versed can chime in with the details
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